CA user here, after watching the election last year , I can confirm a metric fuckton of illegals voted. The voting integrity commission trump put together right after he took office has been stonewalled by bullshit from the start, and will likely remain inneffective mainly due to trash liberal states like mine who actively defy federal laws and hold disdain for American citizens they claim to represent. now I was thinking that it would be easy enough to handle this, by simply placing ICE agents around polling places in sanctuary states. They wouldn't really even have to be arresting people or doing stop and frisks. I mean they could just get a spic who's an ice agent (there does seem to be quite a few of them) to act like he's an illegal getting arrested, and have him start screaming LA MIGRA!!!RUN!!! Im thinking this would be enough for the illegals coming to vote for the most part would flee the area, they bolt when they see la migra normally. actual arrests would be great too. And I'm sure the people who are fleeing from that area would be surely able to then be pursued by ICE. These Spics need to stop being enabled to vote in our elections, steal our jobs, or leech off of our welfare programs and the likes.
Idea on how to deter voter fraud committed by illegals
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck
hi leddit transplant, read rules and welcome ur stay
oh my god. palace of innocence much? uma delicia is brazillian culture at its finest
If you work with overnight janitors in california then you know they all mysteriously had the night off the night before voting day
not liking other cultures cuisine is a sure sign of bigotry and racism
people like you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Everyone can register as a voter in CA. Just check in the box that you don't have a social security number and you're alright. Yes, i've tried, only don't have a CA address.
I wish Hitler won
yeah same
apparently it's a "thing" as in not a one off but a community of people that partake in the exercise.
can we please go around and execute these people?
Soon user, soon.
first the cabal
then those who shove rats up their asses
everyone else can wait in line dammit
wherever that video came from, a nuke should be dropped. if only we had real leaders instead of the deep state only interested in turning enemies into slaves. I hope Trump FUCKS the deep state in the ass in 2018 and fucking cuts a swath through these fucking traitor nigger faggots and purges them directly to a supermax for life. I hope their families are kicked out onto the cold streets to feel winter's bite like the people they exploit. Fucking losers.
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
What's the story behind OP's gif?
pretty sure it's a brazil prison gang riot
>I can confirm a metric fuckton of illegals voted
Gif is broken
Now I wanna know why ya'll were freakin out
It's a bunch of guys tearing into the chest of a guy and pulling out his heart with their bare hands
yo what did they pull out of him? i have no idea what that organ could of been
google "Los Angeles County Voter Participation" and "US Census Los Angles County"
92% of the population voter in the 2016 Presidential Election
Someone sacrifice 1488 hours in Paintshop and meme it..
taco tuesday
kill them
Yeah who wouldnt
way to derail your own thread with a fucking gross clip...what was this thread about?/// who cares
>deter voter fraud
You mean illegal gerrymandering?
There's a reason to go on a fuken diet el porkos
this is kinda tame go to /gif/ or Sup Forums and look for a rekt/gore thread and ask/look for the cartel vid of the skinned alive guy with the radio music in the background. Most horrifying thing ive ever seen.
put ICE agents at every polling booth during elections
state tax returns should be required to vote
Just require photo ID to vote like everywhere else. You can also scrap the register to vote thing by simply letting the IRS hand out voting cards to citizens.
here friends have sum moar goar
have sum more newfags! remember, you're here forever!!
I'm amazed at how little time was needed for me to become meh about this shit.
mans inhumanity to man continues onward
and ill watch twice
literally what the fuck is going on in other countries kek
this is just pure savagery, and we import these "people"
yeah, years of Sup Forums gore threads back in the day kinda desensitized me a bit too
reminds me this little thing from Fury
>wait until you see it
>see what?
>what a man can do to another man
You of all should know why unfortunately
what happens?
Deport em'
Problem solved.
Well said.
kid gets beheaded, seems he's still conscious after a minute of slicing
honestly... i am just glad the rat was dead first...
Wtf is happening in the world? Honestly, I kinda see now why everyone here wants to die in a nuclear blast. It makes sense when you compare it to the absolute savagery we’re importing into the western world willingly. Fuck.
woah, havent seen that one before
u seen this before? that my sister in law holding that 19 month old baby heart. she butchers organ donors for tissue and organ harvesting. also fun gore fact she told me during thanksgiving dinner: Brains, no matter how fresh, smell beyond terrible. like she couldn't even begin to compare it to anything, she literally referred to it as the worst smell on the face of the earth.
What happens in this one?
Is this pasta? Is this satire?
Was it tho? Looked like it was moving to me.
We need the wall to keep this shit out. Clip outta be shown on national TV. I bet even the lefties would get a move on if they thought this was coming for them.
Spics Aztec genes kicking in
It's simple: make an ID law mandatory in every state like in Europe.This kills the illegal vote
i know an easy way to solve voter fraud
If your state does not have voter ID. They don't get to vote for president.
pretty simple really
Pass a law that says a states votes only count if voter ID is in place.
commiefornia wants to let illegals vote. It won't matter, will it?!
watch it you nigger loving kikelord. you will have to watch eventually. you're here forever friend. trust me the sooner you desensitize the smelly stuff in your head. the sooner you will start to see things clearer than ever before. also every user who isn't a shillfag needs to save this gore, and all gore. a good gore thread can shut down the most persistent of shilling if its good enough.
he was the son of another drug-mafia boss/member in mechico!
idk anymore
revenge kill
ITT people who think anyone voting with brown eyes and black hair is an illegal committing voter fraud.
I used to eat squirrel brain when I hunted as a kid. Cooked of course. Didn't smell bad. Maybe human is worse?
thats what I was told by the butcher that is my sister in law. I mean I eat hog brain when I take one hunting.(deff cooked) but I never noticed it. found this though
Assuming it's an evolutionary response? You get all sorts of nasty shit from eating other people, especially the brain
dull af knife.
and clearly a limp wristed spic sawing with said dull af knife.
also kid could have been on some super crank or phencyclidines so his brain was refusing to accept that he was about to die. idk though shit like that is why we need a wall, and a permanent ban on spics. sorry brownanons you have to go back, all of you. then maybe once you go home and clean up that type of barbaric filth. maybe and its a big MAYBE will we let you apply for green card in 2-3 generations.
Brazil or Mexico?
the body loves life. especially a child's.
this. look at killary and her kuru. theres not really anything else that will cause all of her symptoms. i.e. random tremors, sporadic laughing fits at very inappropriate times, then theres that sick looking lesion on the back of the butches tongue. I mean ffs thats what spirit cooking will get you.
good point user........
praise be with kek
Stuff like this should be sent 24/7 on mandatory public TV stations. And on public Advertisement Screens. Shock therapy is now probably the only way to show Normies how importing such people might not be a bright idea...
Send this shit to Don Lemon
you worship not who you know.
>1 post by this ID
>I can confirm a metric fuckton of illegals voted.
Give us a list of names
>No I meant a figurative list for incendiary rhetorical purposes
>44 states refused to hand over data
Whoa, the blue wave already happened lol
Every read American Psycho?
You're here forever, newdick
Because its suprisingly hard to know how to kill people.
Firstly, the blade needs to be sharp, preferably a razor.
Secondly, don't saw. The Quickest execution I saw was a pro drug cartel beheading a woman. He grabbed her head still, then pulled the razor around under her throat, cutting through the skin. Then he followed through above her neck.
Then repeat, same again, this time cutting all the muscle around the neck.
Then he began sawing, and it only took 4 seconds.
The weirdest part was that her eyes were still moving around a little, likely indicating that she was still alive, which is a known phenomenon of losing your head cleanly. You can live anywhere from 20-50 seconds after your leaving your body.
There was of course reportedly that one french guy, who was guillotined, and was so mad at the guy he was executed with(he basically got them both killed), that he bit onto him when his head fell into the basket. When his head was pulled up to show to the crowd, he had dug his teeth in so deep that both heads came up as one.
Good luck sleeping by the way.
Was he alright?
It's just hit me that, I'm so desensitized to this that I'm eating cheese and tomato crackers, while casually looking at the bloody leavings of the cartels...