Hello everyone.
I come from lthe lost media wiki to ask for your help. Everyone here knows the japanese animation called "Doraemon". It's a worldwide known phenomenon. However, this was not always the case. When it's first adaptation aired in 1973, it wasn't very well received. It was poorly animated and it didn't have much ratings. After it's last airing, the adaptation was never seen again. Not even a complete episode. And if it's anybody that can find this adaptation, it is Sup Forums.
Doraemon '73
You're unbelievably dedicated to this, huh OP?
The entire lmw is. We already found a ton of screenshots, intro and outro, scripts, cells and audios.
I will bump your thread.
There aren't many of old school anime watchers here, but I do know that some of the people from the generation that actually shared the old VHS lurks here.
Good luck on your quest, fellow.
Some of the pics we have
I think i might've remembered those quality episodes when i was a kid. This shot is definitely it
That picture looks so firmilliar...
Have you tried asking the studio? What info do you have?
You're probably thinking of "ドラえもんルンバ", I know that the video used it,but it was removed.
>And if it's anybody that can find this adaptation, it is Sup Forums.
What makes you think that?
Also, don't you have Sponge Bob to search for?
If any of you have more info, go here forums.lostmediawiki.com
Long story short, it was a hoax iirc
Go ask /m/. Chances are they know.
Nobody in Sup Forums likes anime older than Evangelion. No casual anime goers even want to watch old shit because muh dated animation.
That's actually not that bad of an idea.
Muh Lensman
Wasnt the tape lost in like a fire or shit?
user, check out /m/ if you can, those Doraemon threads over there last a VERY long time
That was meant for No.155503396, I fucked up.
Well duh, /m/ is a slow board. Still doesn't mean that anybody there has access to recordings or even masters of a 44 year old kids show that aired two years before people could buy the first VCRs.
If you ever find this series, it will be in a damp storehouse somewhere in Japan.
A fire broke out and destroyed roughly half of the show. There are segments that still survive but I don't think they're likely to get a home release any time soon.
The idea of a lost anime facinates me. I wonder if there are more lost anime out there?
There's a fuck load, don't you remember a thread not so much ago about that Maze movie.
Fuck even Daicon III and IV could be considered lost since nobody will realize them in a proper BD.
The Daicons are still in distribution though, just not in any official capacity.
That's why I said "could be considered", thanks copyright.
There's an anime called Big X based on the manga created by Osamu Tezuka. Around 21 of it's 59 episodes are known to still exist.
Is he ok?
that's some really emotional anal
Eat shit.
It had an official release recently but to watch Daikengo I had to buy a copy of an old TV recording from some guy called Henshin Video in Japan.
>Still doesn't mean that anybody there has access to recordings or even masters of a 44 year old kids show that aired two years before people could buy the first VCRs.
You're not very familiar with /m/, are you? /m/ gets raws that even Japan doesn't have.
It's 24 episodes if you count episode 00 and episode 12 (Which some private collector owns and was available online for a few days).
That myth was debunked some time ago
Which one is the myth? The fire or the surviving prints?
Why was it lost then? they just threw it the trash?
Things always get mixed up and go missing when a company goes bankrupt.
Things happen. You'd be surprised. A LOT of early American TV is lost because nobody thought anybody would care about it in the future. The tapes they used were expensive and networks would reuse them constantly to save on costs.
Thats just not true. I've more or less forsaken currently airing shows to clear up backlog which includes anime from before the 90's.
I say this every time a thread like this pops up but I'll say it again in hopes of someone hearing my plea: if anyone can find and sub the entirety of Dororon Enma-kun I will suck your dick. Whoever made a piss poor attempt at it only subbed certain episodes to which I ask, what even is the point then?
Same thing happened with many radio shows from the 30s, 40s and 50s. Media being improperly stored, companies going bankrupt, fires, etc.
>if anyone can find and sub the entirety of Dororon Enma-kun I will suck your dick
Wait isn't this about the demon kid who hunts ghosts? it was on Crunchyroll a couple of years back
There's a 1973 series and the 2011 remake (which gg subbed). I think was referring to the former.
Hey guys, I'm Notelu from the LMW, I'm not the original poster, just a different guy.
Anyways here is all the images/audio that we have of Doraemon 73
Ah, alright then. It seemed believable since nitrate film has a bad habit of catching fire if stored improperly.
The original Dororon Enma-kun exists in it's entirety. Like, seriously, just go on Nyaa and it's all there albeit in a raw format.
Nanto of Skaro Hunting Society only did a couple of them because of some writer attached to them.
Thanks a bunch for sharing.
I was definitely talking about the 73' series. I enjoyed the remake well enough but I want to see more of that 70's level spookyness.
>episode one
>probably not even two minutes into the episode and they show a rat being smashed between the cogs of a clock tower
Okay, thats great that the raws are so readily available but can someone please sub them? My moon is too weak to understand it raw.
Pretty neat.
Fansubs for non-mecha are dead, even mecha is barely kept on life support through sheer autism and the love of ancient Japanese toy commercials. I don't know, maybe it might have a chance someday because there are only 25 episodes and it's honorary /m/ because Nagai.
>53 replies
>no Ghost Slide final
Also fuck you UTW.
>modern anime will never be as unrepentantly gory ever again
Thats the one thing I really have to give old anime credit for. Whether it be gratuitous violence or heart wrenching melodrama, they did not hold back. There are honestly some scenes involving animals that I just can't stomach to watch and I'm glad modern anime has almost entirely abandoned the lets-torture-and-kill-a-dog-or-a-cat-just-for-the-sake-of-drama plot device that seems pretty prevalent in the older stuff. I think the last time I saw that used was in Densetsu no Yūsha no Densetsu in episode 2.
I don't think the honorary /m/ thing is allowed anymore, due to sperglords.
and the autistic cunt defaced it with terrible subtitles and shit encoding
When was this?
last year
Holy shit how do you fuck up this badly?