How much longer do you think we'll have to wait before the actual "tournament"? Kinda just itchin to get to it already desu.
Dragon Ball Super
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Reminder that pic related is NOT from U11.
Probably the next batch of Weekly Jump Previews will detail the beginning of the tournament.
>38 hours
Couple months.
next one is as the preview states, the one after is probably going to be all about 17.
Depends on whether or not everyone that isn't on the team yet get's a recruitment episode. I can see maybe Tenshinhan since we barely ever get to see the dude, but it would be unnecessary for Roshi.
it's his birthday
When will those come out?
idk, but if my memory serves me right if there is any previews in this week's it comes out roughly around Wednesdays.
If not we may get newspaper based episode title leaks instead first.
>Reading this, Xicor acts more like Anime Black instead of Manga Black
>Xicor is definitely more like Anime!Black,
How so?
shitty writer
t. goku
We covered two hours in two episodes so probably a while. Who wants to bet they go time chamber arc even though they claimed to be at a limit on visits.
We should all make the worst MSpaint drawings of his characters possible and send it to him.
Probably june if were lucky
Hey, it's me! Goku!
Gohan is the strongest in the universe. Everyone say something nice about Gohan.
>Everyone say something nice about Gohan.
Gokoa is his father.
Your younger brother is very chill
>Gohan is the strongest in the universe.
He isn't even the strongest on Earth
I hope the fight Jiren isn't mostly random flailing loops
>Gohan is the strongest in the universe.
did everyone else die?
You fulfilled your dream to become a scholar and you have a great wife and child. But as a fighter you really suck.
He isn't even the strongest in his neighborhood.
Isn't even the strongest in his bedroom.
We should send him a birthday card with Launch on it.
Videl's game is strong
His wife is awesome at sex.
literally who?
Gohan isn't the strongest, kindest or smartest guy in DB.
The reason I'm a Gohan fan is he's the most human-- he has flaws (sadism against Cell, numerous blunders throughout the series) and instead of just becoming some fighting lunatic like his dad or even just a fighting enthusiast like kid Goten is, he puts his family first, even though he has Saiyan blood. He realizes Goku and Vegeta have got everything covered as far as defending the Earth and instead focuses on street-level crime, an area the rest of the Z Fighters completely ignore (except for Krillin, I guess).
He is such a fucking bro and he also has the cutest wife in the whole series and Videl is probably the least slutty chick in DB.
Gohan is absolutely based, and is definitely /myguy/. I don't give a fuck if he jobs.
Did you even watch Dragon Ball? Or read the manga from the start?
I see you missed the joke son
>It's a TeamFourStar got slapped by some new marketer or copyright robot again episode
>dad jokes
oddly enough they didn't hit this one even though it's on the playlist
I wonder if they have permission from Bandai to make money through Patreon? Because TECHNICALLY that is profiteering.
Probably about 3 episodes.
Next episode will be Goku sparring with Buu then recruiting 17 and Gohan recruiting then training with Piccolo. Leaving only 3 more people for Goku to recruit, the episode after he'll most likely go recruit Roshi and Tien will show up just before the tournament the way Yamcha was fantasizing his own appearance (because fuck Yamcha).
So yeah, realistically, probably 3 episodes, 4 if they have an episode focused entirely on training just before the tournament.
They were fucking stupid enough not to make their Patreon "For our Let's Play Channel" the fucking rubes if that's what got them.
Another month for sure, probably a bit longer
Patreon has always been a blessing for people like TFS because it's not technically considered profiting off of the product your promising but simply people donating money to you.
It's enough of a grey area that no one can sue you over it at least, that has been well and truly proven at this point by just how many projects that make money on Patreon use copyrighted materials without permission.
What's a joke?
I'm really pleased with what they're doing with Krillin. Bring him up closer to the abilities of the Saiyans without just going raw power ups. Krillin and Piccolo were always my favorite characters because they tended to be intelligent fighters instead of just relying on a higher power level.
Post Gohan and Videl love please
But Krillin used smarts in both fights in the last episode?
>piccolo and gohan nearly die to weak soldiers
>trunks gets an asspull blue friendship power aura and becomes stronger than blue vegito
>ultimate gohan gets beat up by krillin
>fucking krillin evenly matches super saiyan blue
I've got to side with power level fags here. This is as fucking dumb as GT scaling.
Yeah, I don't expect exact numbers or any of that gay shit but a little consistency would have been nice. SSB was kind of a big fucking deal, I mean remember how obscenely Beerus overpowered everyone when he first showed up. SSG was the only thing that could actually even come close to giving him a good fight and SSB is supposed to be stronger than SSG.
By the current logic, Krillin could have given Beerus a good fight when he first showed up.
You don't need literal power levels but having internal consistency with your power scaling is important.
Seeing Goku and Krillen match style and par like they did when they first met and trained would break my heart. I just want them to fight together again. I want the struggle and unity again. I want raw power to stop being the only thing that gets points pumped into it. Just give them all one last chance to blow it out together in a grand finale to mirror start and end.
He did. I think a lot of what was holding Kirllen back was how crushed his confidence was from being slaughtered so easily and seeing so much horrific power get thrown out so vastly and often. By using technique, confidence, and battle smarts, he can at least hold enough to survive against a god level being, and more importantly, as 18 them immediately showed, he can be a force with a TEAM against any singular deity or teams.
Outside of Goku, GT was pretty consistent.
It was Vegeta > Gohan > Majuub > Piccolo > Trunks > Goten > Pan
No it wasn't. The scaling was really all over the place between arcs. Characters that were strong in one arc were ridiculously weak the next.
It was all very inconsistent.
Good lord there better be R34 of this
Gohan fusing with Videl.
I don't know how to feel about that. The genital area must be a fucking mess.
good joke
This shit reminds me of GT where base Vegeta could fight Super 17 and Uub fuses with Majin Buu only to come close to being killed by bullets. Feels like Toei scaling.
You know Old Kai is a fusion between a man and a woman, right? Have you even read the manga?
picking up from where left off
chapter 2
Wouldn't it just be hermaphroditic?
What about Old Kai?
He's fused with a woman, you know?
>Great Saiyaman 12 is one of the few fusions that is the result of a fusion between a male and a female, the other being Android 1718. His bio notably refers to him as only being 'male' however. It is also notable he is currently the only fusion that is the result of two lovers fusing.
THAT means.
>not screaming in orgasm as your tremendous power level and fused love make you explode in perfect unity
>not realizing Old Kai has wrinkly witch tits under that shirt
>not realizing Old Kai is technically an old woman with a kai's mighty fruitastic genitals
lol are you the guy I linked this to earlier?
If by fight you mean base Vegeta was a sandbag for Super 17, then sure
How are you even including Piccolo there? His only "action" scene in GT was getting one shotted by Baby Gohan.
Aside from Goku, there's also Uub, who did better against Baby Vegeta (who had received the power from all half saiyans) than SSJ3 Goku, but suddenly in the Super 17 arc is seemingly on par with Goten and Trunks and couldn't make Super 17 flinch with a kick, while SSJ Goku sent him flying.
And then in the Omega Shenlong battle he states that he's weaker than all Super Saiyans, when leaving the battlefield with Pan.
Vegeta > Gohan also was kind of an oddity since GT never established that Gohan was slacking off or anything. It was just taken as the obvious status quo.
If Kibitoshin is anything to go off, it seems that the Kai will take precedence over the whole fusion when fused with a non-kai
I am, many thanks user.
Also, I just remembered - they seemingly had completely forgotten that Kaioshin was a SSJ level fighter. They had him running scared from Dende and Popo controlled by Baby rather than just easily knocking them out.
np man, hope you enjoy it. i remember reading it all back in grade 9 (i'm 20 now). i know it has flaws but i'll always have a soft spot for it. hope toyo comes back to it one day. he promised he would
I dunno. Ditch the goofy ass 80s pants and maybe change the color to something a little more muted, and I think I could appreciate SSj4 style. I do like the idea of some Super Saiyan Ooazru hybrid form, like an Ooazru almost going weresaiyan in a cycle from saiyan to monkey and etc etc like primal retard mutation.
It's such a stupid fucking form but something about it makes me keep coming back to it.
how much longer? too fucking long
i can't wait for more episodes of goku "recruiting" fighters and hiding the seeeeecreeeet of the tournament
oh and don't forget the episodes with kai and GoDs discussing stuff
Requesting that scene were bra is found out to be possessed for not smelling like a ham sandwich or something.
You are sending some really mixed signals here
Piccolo appeared at the end as the strongest in hell, making him stronger than General Rilldo
lol what the fuck are you talking about? have you even read this manga?
I'm conflicted, because I like something about the concept and its look, but I think it's way too stupid in the color palettes and pants, really. Should have stuck with something more like fusion clothes.
>bra is found out to be possessed for not smelling like a ham sandwich
sauce on piccolo being the strongest in hell? rildo > boohan so that would be pretty fucked up
Fair enough, I mean that its discovered she is possessed because she smells like a sandwich or something.
never happened. i've read this manga several times
I'm not going to lie, that does sound pretty Dragon Ball for a gag.
goku's a little cheater cheater
does this look familiar to anyone?
yeah that panel's traced.
toyo used to trace during his AF period and even in Victory Mission, but not in Super, thankfully
I'm pretty sure I've seen the page posted on Sup Forums several times.