Are we all ignoring the fact that if the AB tracker goes down, we are going to lose a ton of content. No other tracker generally carries all the older shows it has. Plus it has a shit ton of OSTs, artbooks, etc that are hard to find. Getting the community organized enough to reupload everything is basically impossible in that event it happens.
Are we all ignoring the fact that if the AB tracker goes down, we are going to lose a ton of content...
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off.
>what is Bakabt?
It happened to, it can happen to us.
BBT is horrible and doesn't have half the content
What's the nip tracker?
>>It happened to, it can happen to us.
>Comparing the power of an industry that can barely stay afloat with merican multibillion dollar record companies
You guys are fucking stupid.
>account suspended for inactivity
you'd be enjoying thome quality time on kith anime
anime nerds are a thousand times more beta than the owners of
At the hint of a cease and desist, AB will go down permanently.
>AB is horrible and half the content is worthless
Fixed that for you.
Show me one thing that you can't find on BT and Nyaa.
So what are you doing about it OP?
I doubt it would go down. Godoka died and was back 2 months later. (With all the content too.)
Literally anything licensed in NA over 20 years old
And nothing of value will be lost.
Bakabt > AB
What happened?
>At the hint of a cease and desist, AB will go down permanently.
No they won't. You're a fucking retard. Please remove yourself from the genepool as soon as possible.
Nyaa will be going down before AB and nyaa will never go down because anime is a fucking niche and those nip fuckers don't have enough money to actually throw at lawyers and law enforcement and lobbying to kill a torrent tracker
Wrong. Why are you lying like that?
Nothing. This nigger's just complaining for no reason.
It's not the nip fuckers, it's the companies in the USA that bought the rights you fucking moron
lmao you are just retarded
OP had a bad dream so now he is projecting his inadequacies and insecurities on a anime private tracker
OP sucked someone's dick to get AB invite and now decided to create a thread about it.
>Getting the community organized enough to reupload everything is basically impossible in that event it happens
Why would we have to organize the community? Out of the people who are currently seeding them, many would seed somewhere else. That's how shit works.
Yes, and?
You want to prevent that from happening or something? I don't get it. This thread is like saying "did you know guys that if the USA is nuked we're going to lose Sup Forums and all these other minor websites"
>i only watch mainstream anime and don't know it's hard to find certain things
>it's the companies in the USA that bought the rights you fucking moron
So you're talking about an even smaller niche market?
Jesus christ kill urself
Just fuck off. This is literally the first time I hear about that shit.
Why are there so many fucktarded Redditcuck newshits all of a sudden?
Stop using them for most downloads after they fucked up the bonus system
>muh secrit club
I was here before you born. I'll be here after you.
>things licensed in North America
>not mainstream
sent ;)
>what is Nyaa
>murricans ever licensing obscure non-mainstream anime
Thanks for the laugh.
Fuck off retard.
Name one good thing that's only on AB and nowhere else.
>sitewide freeleech happening RIGHT NOW
What are you guys getting this time?
Look at BBT's do not upload
That's not all on nyaa
>Uploaded: 6.63 TB
AB is good because you can actually pick which encode you want.
Sometimes Bakabt has awful encodes as their top, so I use AB to get a better one. For the most part though, I use Bakabt because I don't want to fuck up my ratio on AB.
Yes, cuck.
Eat shit.
>That's not all on nyaa
For example?
It is all on XDCC bots though
You have to go back.
Alright, nigger, I have an AB account. I use it sometimes, but mainly for a higher seeder count and speed, not because the stuff isn't anywhere else at all. The only time that usually happens is with raws, and it also happens the other way (not on AB but is on nyaa/BBT), and it also happens that those are dead everywhere and I have to go ask russians for reseeds. If AB went down, it would be a minor inconvenience to me at best, very little would be lost anime-wise and most of that stuff would probably be replaced quickly (and it would be super niche shit that barely anyone would miss anyway). Artbooks, OSTs, whatever, I don't know about those.
It can't be helped.
I would give you one if you were my friend.
I have invited all of my internet friends
know any good channels?
No, you have to go back you plebbitor shiteater scum.
First three results on googling your fucktarded website is all Reddit.
user, OP is a retard. That doesn't mean you aren't cancer as well.
I can't believe you're telling me to go back to plebbit when you didn't even know what AB was. Sup Forums has really gone down hill.
Yes, it is.
So you want to get the shitty encodes on AB instead of the good one on BT?
Show me an example of bad encode on BT.
Has way, way less options and sub groups for any given show. Also a huge list of stuff you cant upload there because its licensed.
I will fully admit though, bakabt is way better for music. I love their music collection torrents where they dont fuck around and just have every tangible related album to the anime all in one torrent
Oh well god fucking forbid some teenage Redditor calls me cancer. I'll just defer to your fucking authority, I bet you get all the upboats.
it's pretty funny. though. Outing yourself like that in such a spectacular way.
>everyone's a redditor
Fuck off and kill yourself.
>So you want to get the shitty encodes on AB instead of the good one on BT?
Did you even read what I said at all? The benefit of AB is being about to CHOOSE what encode I want. Bakabt is very restricting in that regards.
Thank God I already downloaded all the stuff I wanted.
BBT only has different resolutions, right? I know they have multiple uploads for the same series, do they not allow different encodes with the same resolution?
>bakabt vs. animebytes
Is this really the fight that needs to happen on Sup Forums? WE all know streaming is the best option in this day and age.
Just because you can't tell who's a redditor doesn't mean others are as retarded, r/anime-kun.
>o they not allow different encodes with the same resolution?
They do, but not as many as AB has.
Speaking of, it's freeleech right now. Get it while the getting's good.
while it would definitely be a huge loss to the community I have ~20TB of anime and only 2TB of that came from AB. Of that 2TB most was available on nyaa or BBT but I chose to get it from AB because I had the ratio and it's faster and easier to find.
Guys, I dunno why I don't even have any hit & runs but deluge is saying there's an error when I try to download from AB
someone help
Just renewed my crunchyroll subscription ^_^
nope you're going to lose your account. better stop begging for another invite
The trackers are kinda fucked. Just wait a while.
>he has hit and runs
kill yourself
BakaBT mods will reject the best release for a given show if a release from Commie is available instead. That should tell you everything you need to know.
what if you posted a screenshot of the error?
>The trackers are kinda fucked
Private trackers sure are great!!
>10 cryptoyen have been deposited on your CR account.
The whole site is like 350TB it's hard but not really impossible for someone to back all that up. Seen some people seeding 50TB. Problem organizing everything would an actual decade.
>Has way, way less options and sub groups for any given show. Also a huge list of stuff you cant upload there because its licensed.
Who cares. They have the best encodes, that's all it matters.
Now shut up, retard, AB is irrelevant and will always be irrelevant.
>source: my ass
this took a while
It's just stuck at 0%
No one in the IRC is helping me either ;_;
If you have less than a million yen you may not post in this thread.
Did you turn on auto updates?
worst case scenario the world can do with 1 encode and 1 sub. Definitely better than having nothing.
t. Commie dev
I remember thinking this was a lot back when I joined, but you have people giving that shit out like candy in the forums.
make sure u dont have too many hit and runs. Make sure youre not banned. Make sure your ratio is near 1. Make sure your passkey matches what's on AB. Make sure your torrent client version is in whitelist. All else fails IRC is only option.
How many encodes of this film are on Bakabt?
It's not a lot, just the minimum required to not be total poorfag.
Nyaa keeps going down today too, friendo.
by the way, it's haruhi.
AB is utter shit due to the fact that you have to relog every so often to not have your account suspended. It would be okay if it was permanently shut down, there would be a sense of urgency. But if you ask to have your account reenabled, they'll do it anyways and say "don't do it again or I won't reinstate your account". Meanwhile I've had it happen 7 times and they say the same shit every time. Stop making it a fucking hassle.
They changed their yen system and now seeding hardly gets you any dosh. I don't know or care how much yen I have now, I think I just gave it away to people I invited on here.
Why would anyone sign up for BakaBT when you can just google their name + the anime you're looking for and leech all you want?
what's the point of yen tho if you have a proper ratio? I always dump my yen into additional upload when I get it; why not? Plus with the daily yen cap's I dont see how 1 mill yen is "nothing" that's many weeks of continuous seeding.
>How many encodes of this film are on Bakabt?
Only the best one. Duh.
I've never had that happen, I think that's a system only for the lower-class scum who don't seed and thus don't meet the minimum requirements for Power User.