why are mixed race people guilt tripped into hating white people when all their "beautiful" qualities come from white people? why are mixed race people represented as black when they clearly are not black?
Why are mixed race people guilt tripped into hating white people when all their "beautiful" qualities come from white...
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Why do you think? Come on, ill give you a hint me lad. (((
>why are mixed race people guilt tripped into hating white people
Because they have identity. They are neither one race nor another. Fuck them.
have no* fuk me
I'm half Chinese half french, but I wish I was pure french. Plus, I'd die for France couldn't give two shits about china
j*** ?
is your mum french or dad?
Mother french father Chinese, (((divorced)))
You are Chinese then, the seed of the father, the mother is the soil. That is weird for a Chinese man to be with a Western woman.
do you have a penis?
who cares lol they will all be siding with us in 10 years once pure blood nigs start getting the bullet
ahh that sucks m8 at least you're not a nigger or an arab/paki
Yeah, I'm Chinese I guess what a shame, c'est dommage
i want to bleach a mixed cutie
Why did they divorce? Is your father alpha? There's this theory here, that amww children turn out better, because their fathers have to be pretty manly to pull a white women. Then again, any loser can import a russian wife into China, nowadays, I guess. So it might not hold the truth any longer.
Because the goyim have not yet learned how to be multicultural.
hong kong probably has the highest asian/western mixing because of its colonial past
He's pretty alpha, traditional idk how he pulled
Mixed race people are considered black because we used to have the one drop roll where if you had even one black ancestor you were still considered black.
They are guilt tripped into hating white people because just like everyone else on the left when they see an angry mob trying to socially ostracize and demonize white people they play it safe and just join in so that they themselves don't get attacked. They don't have the courage to stand up for principle.
Divorced because my mother wasn't ok with his manliness
>why are mixed race people guilt tripped into hating white people
jew brainwashing
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Because of the "one drop rule" laws which basically made "non-whites" into "blacks".
Back in the day there were different laws for WASPs, indians, chinese, and blacks.
Blacks were always despised, racism intensified, and all non-WASP were lumped into "niggers", incluiding the Irish lilies.
>comes to Sup Forums to hang around with a bunch of racist pieces of shit who believe in "one drop" rules, call anyone with nonwhite genes a "shitskin", spend most of their day rambling about how "shitskins" are worthless, how they need to be genocided, how slavery was right, how civil rights were a mistake, etc
>why do mixed race / non whites dislike white people??? We dindunuffin!!
And how did you turned out in terms of confidence and such?
I can confirm this is true. America Chang here.
An asian must be alpha as fuck to get a white women. The only asian I know who gets a white wife is the CEO of NVIDIA
On the other hand, any white boi can find an asian girlfriend (of course only Chad can get the hot ones)
I am totally fine with this. It's reasonable. Most white males are more sexual attractive than asians males. Most of them are also good fathers.
>one drop
even Hitler had more lax rules, lol. I think 87,5% man was considered white and 75% woman.
Because they innately understand that whites are that pure source of their own muddled beauty, whites are eternally superior in their physical form, and nothing will make them pure white again.
Having a leader father, that you have a good connection with might be even more important for your development, than having a loving mother. That's my hypothesis at least.
>wow, Sup Forums is all people in the world!
well most people on Sup Forums are pretty edgy online but I feel like they have moderate views. It was a genuine question, most mixed people are guilt tripped into being being pro black and anti white even though they are part white themselves which makes no sense
a lot of younger girls 18-22 are into kpop and I know one who married a korean nu-male but in most cases the asian male has to be leader type you're right
Ugliness is good, healthiness is bad be it physical or for the soul.
Have you never noticed a pattern among those usually found protesting against what they perceive to be "right" wing?
They usually are easily identified by visuals alone
You're wrong OP. Obama was white and loves white and black people.
In any case, you can't be proud of something you had no control over.
Yeh I used to live there. I banged plenty of asian girls.
>retarded spic
>retarded opinion
>Obama was white and loves white and black people.
One Drop Rule
because THEY want revenge for getting slauthere in ww2. Fun fact those people dont even exist anymore but hey there are people that have the same skin color... this would mean THEY are racist lol
Because you still call me nigger and see me not as a equal. Black people on the other Hand accept me as a equal even if Im mixed.
I want to hug her and tell her about Hitler
kill yourself mein neger
not how it works
1 drop rule you subhuman
probably gonna do it in the future, I hope you get cancer.
Pseudo nigger.
Darker niggers are really mean and racist to half breeds.
the fuck you on about?
>why are mixed race people represented as black when they clearly are not black?
They're viewed as impure and more black than white (which is objectively true).
Also, in our society it's advantageous to be the victim, so considering yourself white is going against your self-interest.
This is actually an excellent point
Who cares what they think? They need to be gassed
well im a quarter african and people still call me a nigger even if im not that dark. I never saw a black calling me white trash, or mixed bastard.
Who is the race traitor? Grandpa or grandma?
muh feefees hurt ....that's why I must destroy whites ooogabooga
you're pathetic
go to africa then, you won't be called names
Can't you just kill yourself? Race mixed trash have no future
i never said i want to destroy whites. I have many white friends, however I just wanted to point out the truth.
They usually grow to associate themselves with whites, yet they are never accepted to be white, people remind them that they are different on a regular basis, sometimes in such way that makes them feel ashamed of their non-white traits. Then they go through a hell of an identity crisis and usually end up hating whites and associating with their non-white heritage
I wont go to africa since I belong to germany, I dont even know where my ancestry is from in africa.
>You are Chinese then, the seed of the father, the mother is the soil.
British education, people. You sound like a witch doctor.
this guy knows the truth. I learned to hate myself for what I am because of this fucks back in school who bullied me everyday.
jesus christ you're such a crybaby
I was also bullied in school (all-white) because I was poor and nobody helped me, I was beaten up for it you stupid faggot
jesus fuck you nigger attention whore
Imagine if you lived in Africa. Niggers would have bullied you in school for being 3/4 white. Blame your idiot ancestors that mixed.
My fetish is to impregnate as many black women as possible, only pump and dump
you can change all of this, you dont need to be poor, you dont need to be fat. Its all things you can change, I cant change my skin color. Name me crybaby as much you want, be happy you are not in my skin.
I'm black and I don't like white hating half breeds. I don't trust anyone who can disparage half their family. Some of the women are sexy though.
look I'm sorry for sperging out at you so hard
sorry dude
salam alaikum
holy shit your flag. have you ever even seen a black person?
Maybe you could just not kill yourself...
>but also not live in Germany xd
pajeet x bong here (mum is sikh meme, dad is huwhite)
I'm basically a huwhite guy in a beige body but look like a med. I'll be on your side despite looking like the opposition so you better allocate a nice bit of land for us mixed people. Purge Brazil or something for us.
Pretty much this.
This is also true though.
I've pretty much had both of these experiences. Probably the only reason why i dont associate myself with nigger culture is because the way i think seems to be closer to that of whites. Probably cause I read a lot. But either way, it doesn't really bother me much anymore, you just have to be comfortable with who you are and quit being a little bitch
>Imagine if you lived in Africa. Niggers would have bullied you in school for being 3/4 white.
probably you are right.
>Blame your idiot ancestors that mixed.
I cant blame them for loving each other.
You don't sound like a typical bitch made mullato, good for you.
>humans of new york
holy fuck, she looks like 56% face meme come to life
maybe its because white people treat them like shit?
cheer up user jeez
in america we dont? maybe in one of those european shitholes they do
He's probably talking about how mixed children are singled out in school for having nappy hair and shit like that. Non-malicious type of stuff like that eats at kids, especially those without a solid identity.
Few times a year, or when I go to Finland, you see them everywhere
most of the mixed kids I knew (3) in school were chads who used to hang out with other white chads and they were really nice, no one bullied them. I went to like a school that was 97% white + christian conservative. I get your point though having curly/nappy hair and blue eyes can look a bit weird and would single you out
naw man, the reason we side with the jews is that if we live among whites they'll always feel uncomfortable and try to get rid of us. if we side with the jews we are guaranteed blue collar jobs for the rest of our lives with no annoying white pests feeling inadequate, since the jewish people are so above every other race.
another reason I can't get along with whites is that I want to exterminate people who hate me, I guess I have a warrior gene, the jews don't really hate us, they just don't give a fuck about us like a pet owner doesn't really hate his pet, he just doesn't care that much about it
have you interacted with any?
jesus christ you're everywhere
I'm just redpilling people we need as many people on our side as we can to defend ourselves from white supremacists
A lot of male Hapas hate white men due to being visually disconnected to their white father and having an inferiority complex stemming from their mother. Because Hapas often look more asian than they do white, they have no biological visual ques to identify with their father's ancestry where as with their mother they feel that they don't live up to the sexual attractiveness standards females have due to their mother choice and preference for the white phenotypes while simultaneously lacking said phenotypes. Pic unrelated
I hear that's a big problem in uraregay
Reminder that anyone who uses the term wagecuck is a marxist shill
u wouldn't know shit stupid gringo
We've got lots of beaners to send you if you're feeling lonely.
let me think about it
tfw amwf hapa and all your grandfather's fought under flag related and your OK with it
i am so mixed that my skin color is yellow and i have blonde heir but my eyes are black like those of a nigger i am spainsh freanch jew maroccan and this is what i know of probably have even more ethnicitys in me
Do you have a link to this exact video?
I couldn't seem to find the clip on their FB
Disgusting Amerimutt reporting. My “father” is (a dead) Peruvian, and my “mother” is (a crazy person, &) white, around 5th generation.
I hate everything that is brown in me. I have completely cut contact with my paternal side as a result of most of them being criminals. As for my father, he entered illegally at a fairly young age in the 80s, and got his green card probably after a decade of being in the country. When I was little, he got injured during his shift, crippling him, and getting him on unemployment/disability. He started to drink when taking his medicine, leading to the failure of his liver. I think of it as a suicide—for how long, I don’t know, but good riddance.
>blue eyes
Do they really? I never met one.
>why are mixed race people guilt tripped into hating white people when all their "beautiful" qualities come from white people?
Because they can never perform on the level of a racial pure white person. They lost their individualism and are easily tricked into anti white resentment because of their brown horde mentality.
My mother, on the other hand, is an insane, victim mentality-driven leech who will play the guilt card the moment she can, and will never take any responsibility. She also thinks that anything that she has done for anyone makes them indebted to her (e.g. her shitting me out means I should be subservient). Never went to college, was supposedly in the air force until she got pregnant, had another kid (father was American with Irish blood),
I am proud of the white side of my family, who worked hard to get where they are now, but have now come to terms with my (lack of) intelligence, and will serve my country to the best of my ability; that is, I will disappear, therein removing the burden I put onto my rightful countrymen. I apologize for the abhorrent, and irresponsible behavior of both sides. Hopefully, I can amend the decisions made with my death, which I am currently preparing for.
Eat shit and rot uretard.