>Be homosapien
>Originiate in Africa
>Migrate away up further north
>Become civilized and advance
>Look back and hate their african cousins & ancestors for having darker skin and not migrating
>not wanting to be labled ex-african
>fast-forward to 2010s
>lots of africans move north too like the old days
>whites hate africans now for doing same thing they did now
>fast-forward 10,000 years
>all those africans will have developed different pigment in skin therefore will all be white
>everyone is white again
Is everyone on Sup Forums retarded or are you all just too autistic to see connection between you and r/t_d?
Rightwing snowflakez.jpg
Other urls found in this thread:
>Originiate in Africa
citation needed
Everything you say is an embarrassment to your entire national history. Fuckin' cut your god damn eyes in half and then pour a full canister of salt into your fuckin' face, faggot. HUH??
Get the fuck out of Sweden Nigger.
Did you drop out of school at 16 to help your dad load things off a pickup truck and marry your sister? If not, I shouldn't have to cite.
Do you have to swear?
Literally everything in that map connects to africa. What's your point? We're all ex-africans. It's sad redpilling means "learn what you want to hear" instead of "learn the truth". It's almos like this is /in/ for /in/bred.
>literally every life form connects to the sea what is your point
>comparing billions of years of evolution to mere thousands
are you actually retarded?
>thinks that whole humanity originated from africa
is this what swedish education is like?
Are you? Why do you get to set which dates are acceptable parameters now? fuck off leftshit.
Be an idiot...presuppose that the Out-of-Africa theory is correct while recent evidence suggests it’s not. The flag checks out though.
>Look back and hate their african cousins & ancestors for having darker skin and not migrating
nobody but the most retarded fucktard would post that type of shit. oh, it's sweden. consider yourself roasted. bitch.
Are you saying they teach you that the aryan white race popped into existence in germany with the only task of creating 3rd reich? You're more inbred than I could have ever imagined.
Everyone who disagrees with you isn't a leftie you sad manchild
Becuse I set rational dates relevant to the subject and not jump off the fucking rails and talk about microscopic millions of year evolution.
research, and none related to us. Literally every white person has genetics tracable back to origins in africa, while none except for extinct neanderthals and pre-humans have other
Is this a joke? Did you just end your sentence with "roasted" and "bitch"? I'm howling right now. If not, I'll howl louder lmafo. Lurk more.
yes. yes. that was the intent. it was a joke. no.
Human civilisation has existed for 10000 years. I'm not willing to risk the entire cultural and racial identity of Europe so we can have an evolutionary experiment with apes.
Fuck off nigger
no, recent evidence suggests nothing. They found hominid skulls that might not be even related to our line in the balkans dating back to 7 million years ago. We can use simple genetics to find out where we come from.
watch and learn faggot
Guys OP went from swedish to meme flag and is mass-responding with insults and bait. It's not difficult you know.
"Racial identity" is not a thing, south africans and east africans are same race but do not share much identity racially, same with northern europeans and eastern ones.
All blacks are not the same, same with whites.
You're not risking anything by the way, and calling them "apes" just shows how ignorant you are, you don't have to put your feelings first.
I feel bad your parents gave birth to a hitler-obeying bullied faggot. If you want to gas yourself, go do it in a car now.
Are all Sup Forums sources on youtube? I'm lmfao right now to how retarded you are. Are you one of those who watch popsci videos like minutephysics and pretend they know theoretical physics? I feel like that's all of Sup Forums on politics, genetics and evolution.
I just changed to Democrat so people would stop focusing on the flag, I thought Sup Forums was atleast not autisitc enough to put a discussion/debate focus all on the flag and more on the topic, I was wrong as fuck lmao
This is how it works according to the article:
>Humans came from africa
>Some went to europe and some to asia
>Some europeans went to asia
>They came back to europe with the ancient asian genes
"We didn't all come from the same place"
I'm howling.
You know, there's a reason why lions and tigers can mate even though they live in different places. Just like your future wife will be impregnated by a black man.
i hope you are joking. I'm literally supporting you you fucking retard
Mate you are here only for insults and grandstanding. If this isn't bait then you're a redditor jerking himself off yelling at ebil nazis.
refer to if you can debunk this i'm giving my head away
Do you really expect me to believe that shit?
I did not read your post through, sorry. It was in the heat of moment and I assume everyone here is the same
I do not insult anyone who don't insult me, have you read the posts I've replied to? Calling everything a "bait" cause I'm calling them "nazis" for calling me "nigger" is pretty stupid thing to derail topic for. If you think this is bait, just leave lmfao, if you're smart enough to see it, be smart enough to ignore it.
Is this definition of "red-pilling"? Finding poor bullshit studies especially on meme articles? You are equivalent of those who believe vaccine cause autism because of one bullshit study which didn't even say it causes it but corrolates in one case lao
Nice cuck flag Sven but it works better if you start your first post with it.
you put the sage in the options not the title
Your OP:
>Is everyone on Sup Forums retarded
Smug and aggressive from the start, hoping you will get people to take the bait so you can call them retarded some more. That's the point of this thread. You, and your fetish for feeling superior. I still have some hope that newfags will eventually learn.
i know m8 just making a point. doesn't help anyway.
Sad but true. as soon as they see sweden flag, it becomes topic because they think everywhere in the world is about to become sweden and only way to stop it is by hating black with "resistance"
I feel like everyone here was bullied at school and every girl they liked were cucked by blacks so you all started to hate them and say "nigger" daily in call of duty because you were too afraid to say it to their faces. Then discovered internet and now found your soulmates who feel the same and quit your jobs to sit in the basement of your moms house to shipost and not do anything else
Be honest, even if I didn't write that would it have been different? I honestly think not.
More pointless right-wing made pictures without sources or real facts, love it.
>everyone is white
race != pigment
>redpill 28
>redpill 68
You are absolutely right. Point though?
Picture: People with sympathy for others and tried to make the world a better place (except Hillary), and also Donald Trump.
Cultural selection and natural selection don't produce the same outcome. For your scenario civillation hast collapse first. Second of all is the African origin theory debunked by our newest finds.
the point? that white niggers are just as bad as regular niggers.
You sound like a whinging pussy. Stop projecting your frailties onto the world you pathetic cretin.
kys proxyfag
Right. But culture has changed and evolved over time. If everyone who migrated adapted to the culture, there wouldn't be anything changing. Calling blacks "niggers" is not part of white culture, so when people say you shouldn't use that word they're not denying your culture.
Also go to for your theories about non-african origin, there is no real proof of it. Should be piled up with ones which disproved vaccine causing autism.
As bad? You mean, look the same? Wow who are albino or not you will still look like your parents? Literally mind-blowing.
That's literally what whole Sup Forums does. You are in the wrong place if you say otherwise. Just because they agree with you doesn't mean they are less whiny and project frailities lmfao
Says the proxyfag, well done *claps*
I know, that's why I call it bait and you a baiting faggot. You're just here to bait for insults to return.
For argument's sake, yeah, that will happen. How is it a win that better people are being held back, replaced with inferior people? That they are being that right now?
Just because of your wishful scenario (not 10k years, more like 50k+ years) doesn't mean we should accept the earth being filled with subhumans for 50k years when it doesn't have to be that right now.
I'm not, though that's what you're doing so I don't see why you have to project everytime you want to make a point.
If you want to have a debate about my suspicion that Sup Forums is for racist 12 year olds with inferiority complex, strike with all you've got. If you just want to "bait"-call I'll just ignore rest of your posts. I recommend you get out if you have nothing better to do. Or do you browse around every serious thread disagreeing with alt-right pol views and call them bait?
An example
Alt right: Fucking niggers are so dumb, should be killed
You: I agree, good points and smart wording! This is an interesting and important topic
Centrist: Why do you have so much hate on black people? Are you butthurt about something
You: *sees the word butthurt* This shit is bait and is nothing of importance. Everyone out of this thread it literally has no point, i'll stay here and baitcall every 5 minute to remind you all.
At least you're clear about only being here to insult people. Too bad you think that's making a point.
>Be idiot
>Think life can make itself more complex
>How is it a win that better people are being held back, replaced with inferior people?
They won't be "replaced", really. If you mate with a black female, you won't replace your child with black genes, it will have mixed, and overtime if your child keeps marries another norwegian or half-norwegian, the norewgian genes will live on. There is no replacing whites, just mixing. And over-time it will balance out to whites and white genes will be normal again
>not 10k years, more like 50k+ years
And why 50k+ years? That's a very dumb thing to say considering it took 10,000 years from whites to go from native africans to what you are today. If anything, it should be faster.
They are just as human as you though. You just fail to accept being on same level with uncivilized people when every african isn't non-civilized. You don't see anyone comparing you to your northern neighbours (Sami people) who've been there just as long as you.
I get it now, you're the bait. I am feeling down for taking it. Props to you.
Is your screen turned off? You shouldn't write on your keyboard while looking at your reflection.
Maybe one day that smug snark will start paying off for you.
Believing the "out of Africa" theory nonsense. It is politics masquerading as science.
Also I'm not sure why a board supporting a man who don't believe in climate change is worries about what will happen hundreds of years after their death and their genes living on. Very confusing.
It probably will, I will live a normal life with a good carreer having a good wife and kids while doing good for this world while you stand outside your government building in hobo-quality clothes with a sign protesting black people.
That's why it was developed long before it had any political impact or thought behind it.
Man you really love plastering your hated "alt-right" stereotype onto everyone. I guess that comes with the raging narcissism.
If so, you have my permission to redpill me with everything you've got to the truth about alt-rightism and your goals and motives.
It's not easy to find a niche non-stereotype when it feels like 99.9% of this board is that, prove me wrong and make me feel like those stereotype are nothing but loud talkers.
Except we have less than 2.1 child per woman and their (subhuman) numbers keep increasing. So yes, we are being replaced with subhumans that will turn our continent and countires into the same shitholes they come from. Again, why is this acceptable to you?
>If you mate with a black female, you won't replace your child with black genes, it will have mixed, and overtime if your child keeps marries another norwegian or half-norwegian, the norewgian genes will live on.
And the person will carry inferior genes and be a subhuman retard incapable of being a positive to the world around him. Why is this acceptable to you?
>And over-time it will balance out to whites and white genes will be normal again
Except their numbers only keep increasing you fucking retard. What is your point even? That it's acceptable to be ethnically replaced because among the 10 billion niggers in future Europe will have some % of European DNA? Some of them will not be subhumans? Again I don't know why you think this future is acceptable. It's still ethnic replacement even if there are some Europeans left. We are being ethnically replaced as we speak.
>And why 50k+ years? That's a very dumb thing to say considering it took 10,000 years from whites to go from native africans to what you are today. If anything, it should be faster.
False though, Europeans were relatively pale 10k years ago and completely superior to sub-Saharans.
>They are just as human as you though.
True, and they have feelings and their feelings are important. However, the earth can only feed so so many people. Do you fill it with Europeans, that will take better care of the environment, create better societies to live in, will accomplish much more in terms of science, culture etc. or do you fill it with non-European subhumans that will make the planet inhabitable? Even for themselves?
That will be hard to do, since like I said you're here baiting for insults. There's plenty of people that discuss things without memeing about hanging niggers, but you won't ever see them because your stake here is to insult exactly those retarded racist 12yo's. I'm actually pretty sure that if you ever met a reasonable racist you'd make the case that he's not really alt-right. Btw that label was marketed using the 2016 american trump movement and lost its original meaning as a loose body of political thought. It does not even seem like you see much daylight between ideas and the "loud talkers" who meme about them. You're here making the case that it's all "hate" that comes from something like inferiority and retardation.
>You just fail to accept being on same level with uncivilized people when every african isn't non-civilized.
I fail to accept my own people's ethnic replacement by people that are not my people, and not only that, vastly inferior. I like to think that if I was a Sub-Saharan with the same brain as I have now, I would support keeping Europe European. Simply because it's the morally right thing to do.
>You don't see anyone comparing you to your northern neighbours (Sami people) who've been there just as long as you.
False. They came after the Europeans, and they are only slightly inferior. Vastly superior to every African population.
>>Look back and hate their african cousins & ancestors for having darker skin and not migrating
How do you know they had darker skin? We didn't evolve from niggers you silly fuck. We split off from a common ancestor.
Let me get this straight:
Mass exodus of fuzzy haired Homosapien- Sapiens from Africa.
Take 50,000 year trek to Europe via Asia.
Turn white in a relatively short time ?
Sorry I don't buy that.
>Look back and hate their african cousins & ancestors for having darker skin and not migrating
I dare you to go tell the niggers they are our cousins as a white man. Do it on twitter, it will be really funny bro
The 'out of Africa'-theory got proven wrong like 2 years ago. Don't they teach accurate science anymore in Sweden? Is education there offered up on the altar of political correctness?
check the news retard. evidence was found recently that we don't come out of africa. your whole argument is stupid.
>Except we have less than 2.1 child per woman and their (subhuman) numbers keep increasing. So yes, we are being replaced with subhumans that will turn our continent and countires into the same shitholes they come from. Again, why is this acceptable to you?
Their numbers keep rising because high birthrate has ALWAYS been a thing in Africa and non-civilized countries because of rape and there's a higher chance of offspring living on. Humanity has always been like this, especially in Europe. And this is just in africa. Now that people are more civilized, the birthrate keeps dropping. So if Africans moved to a more civilized place with better laws, regulations and culture like Europe, their birthrates would also drop over time. They wouldn't replace you at all. It's very acceptable to me.
>And the person will carry inferior genes and be a subhuman retard incapable of being a positive to the world around him. Why is this acceptable to you?
Not inferior at all, the only scientifically "inferior" thing would be a very few IQ points which literally wouldn't matter since that child would most likely be smarter than you since every place you get your facts from are 5th-source articles and youtube.
>Except their numbers only keep increasing
There won't be 10 billion black people in europe, are you retarded lmfao, keep this kind of stuff to >False though, Europeans were relatively pale 10k years ago and completely superior to sub-Saharans.
No they were not lmfao, they were even darker than arabs are today. And skin has nothing to do with race, they were completly new to Europe back then and are not better than the current africans.
>Do you fill it with Europeans or non-europeans
You are aware that lot of americans and asians are more advanced, smarter and higher IQ than most of Europe, right? And technically if we le blacks integrate and evolve they wouldd be just as good as Europeans because humans evolve.
>Originiate in africa
>He thinks it means every white person is from germany
>originated in Africa
Every modern fossil discovery disproves this. We either evolved in Europe or in Asia.
>No real proof for non-african origin.
So where is the proof for the african origin theory? Because recent bones would suggest people hail from Europe, not Africa.
>lol what are you dumb? If you let these subhuman niggers in it will only take 10,000 years for them to become smart and useful citizens
To my first point: Vikings were known to rape and when Europe was in it's early stages or poor, they used to give birth to more because there was a good chance children not iiving to age of 10.
Sounds lot like africans huh? What if europeans got better civilized and better health, would birhrates drop? Oh, they did? So what makes you believe it won't apply to africans.
Since you keep believing this is all bait, I'm not gonna bother reading.
No one is replacing your ethnicity. Go out please, have fun, live your life, stop caring about shit with your incompetent knowledge. In 50 years nobody will remember you.
I wonder what the sun in africa can do with 50,000 years of evolution and sunburn. I bet everyone in africa was white even though black skin is better against heat and lot of sun exposure.
>Redpill refuse to be redpilled
my sides
It was not disproven, lmfao, do you get your info on breitbart? Or some stupid news articles with no sources of scientific peer-reviewed studies?
What news? Are you the type to read fake news while believing in fake news? Oh trumplords
You have been taught wrong sweed nigger
Herr durrr right wing facts
>If we le blacks integrate and evolve
Yeah.. if.. and lets say some of you do, I highly doubt that the first few waves direct from the heart of Africa will integrate and evolve, perhaps their grandchildren but even they will hate whitey because of all the lost gibs.
I do not deny that some black people are pretty based but surely you cant be serious when you claim that africans would integrate without a problem with western society.
All you need to do is look at Germany, France, Belgium, upper cities in the Netherlands etc to see that it doesnt work. All it takes is one blackout or a shit storm and it'll come crumbling down like a house of cards..
Holy shit you’re fucking retarded for someone who has so much energy
Go back to tumblr, god damn autistic newfag, “durr it will only take ten thousand years for them to become human lol what’s the problem lol it’s only skin color”
>Vikings raped.
False, vikings were very kind and clean people, most women wanted to go with them.
Or do you believe every viking was a raging brute, blond and blue eyed?
You narcissist, it doesn't matter that your intentions are pure and you want to make an intelligent point by saying the "alt-right" is a bunch of retards. This thread is bait because it is bait. You're also still mass-replying with insults, woe is you amirite?
This. Sapiens breeders are trash. Go back to your forest you homos.
If you are serious, you are dumb monkey yourself. Do not breed.
>Their numbers keep rising because high birthrate has ALWAYS been a thing in Africa and non-civilized countries because of rape and there's a higher chance of offspring living on.
Not because of rape (mostly) - because of no condoms and family planning.
>Humanity has always been like this, especially in Europe. And this is just in africa.
>Now that people are more civilized, the birthrate keeps dropping.
What are argumenting in favour of? Not deporting/killing off the Africans in Europe, but at the same time closing the borders, letting the ones already here live? Or do you suggest that taking in a constant flow of these people will somehow not result in their population (shares) only increasing in our countries? Doesn't matter if birthrates keep dropping if they keep immigrating.
>They wouldn't replace you at all. It's very acceptable to me.
They are replacing us right now though, native Europeans have had to move out of their city or neighborhood because of subhuman non-Europeans making it unlivable for them. Non-Europeans in, Europeans out. That's replacement. As I said, but maybe your peanut brain isn't capable of grasping it, it's still replacement even if there is one or two Europeans left. If you have a glass of milk and pour shit in it, you still have milk in the glass. However you replaced the glass of milk with a glass of milk with shit. Why is this acceptable? even if we are not being replaced, why is it acceptable that subhumans live and breed among us?
>Not inferior at all
Except they are VERY inferior in terms of INTELLIGENCE and EMPATHY and CREATIVITY and CAPACITY/WILLPOWER. They have much lower IQ btw, but IQ is only a minor part of it.
>that child would most likely be smarter than you since every place you get your facts from are 5th-source articles and youtube.
No, it wouldn't.
If we set aside religious shit that they believe in, what in hell makes you believe they would not want to integrate? Every african born or adopted here is literally as integrated as it gets, yet you mean somehow there's a genetic/racial bias to ability of integrating? I'm glad someone like you finally gave a serious answer amongst these shithead bait trolls, i appriciate that.
Having a day off at work and getting a bonus feels great. It's better to spend time now instead of every day like you whiney children. Never visited tumblr, I'm from here but dfferent boards :)
You have absolutely no evidence to this. It's written since early brittish history and known that vikings sailed overseas and raped, brought back women and were as barbaric as somali pirates.
Show me peer review stats, replies and citations on the matter. Not a dumbass picture showing that the article exists. It's like showing a picture of the autism-vaccine corrolation article saying "it's true".
I will, and head out to my wonderful cabin, have beers, whisky and grill myself a nice steak. Thanks!
Why say sage, it'll just get your post removed.
>There won't be 10 billion black people in europe, are you retarded lmfao,
If we assume that their numbers will only keep increasing like they do now, yes, that will happen. Of course realistically when there is 10 billion sub-saharans, the earth is unhabitable anyways. The earth good probably feed like 500 million Sub-Saharans alone, and 30 billion Europeans.
>No they were not lmfao, they were even darker than arabs are today.
Darker than some arabs maybe. Arabs aren't black though.
>And skin has nothing to do with race, they were completly new to Europe back then and are not better than the current africans.
The people living in Europe 10k years ago had Neanderthal admixture (much larger brains). Something Africans today lack. Evolution happens rapidly when a population needs to adapt to new area - the Europeans back then were absolutely superior to Africans today.
>they were completly new to Europe back then
10k years ago? False.
>You are aware that lot of americans and asians are more advanced, smarter and higher IQ than most of Europe, right? And technically if we le blacks integrate and evolve they wouldd be just as good as Europeans because humans evolve.
A lot are, most are not. What is your point? Because some non-Europeans are not subhumans, we should let ourselves be replaced by subhumans? Listen to yourself.
>And technically if we le blacks integrate and evolve they wouldd be just as good as Europeans because humans evolve.
Europeans mixing with Non-Europeans (except East-Asians) is devolution. Surely Africans can evolve too like Europeans already have - but why should we live with the half-monkeys? Why should we tolerate them existing in our countries and continents, on our earth? Right now they are not evolved - we are. Why not instead of waiting thousands of years for them to evolve, remove them and further evolve and improve ourselves?
>Not because of rape (mostly) - because of no condoms and family planning.
I wonder what would happen if we shifted their culture and gave them sex-education plus provided condoms. It's almost like this no-condom problem has no solution.
And it means Europeans were like this until they civilized and changed? Your ancestory are guilty and you are the proof that it's possible to change.
>What are argumenting in favour of?
I'm in favor of not deporting or killing africans and let the ones here live. At the same time I would wish for our nations to help them integrate their countries and help them develop to more civilized places by providing schools, stopping wars etc. Then even the ones who are here could go back if they wanted. (Some would stay though because they were born here and don't speak a word in their native languages or know of the culture).
I never said I am in favour of taking in entire africa to Europe, fuck that. Everyone knows it would be a bad idea, but that doesn't mean we have to hate them and adapt to the word "nigger" just to show we don't wan an overflow. Lots of ones living here are nice, integrated and good people, while some are not. We don't have to generalize. We can adress the problem without putting them all on the same boat.
>native Europeans have had to move out of their city or neighborhood
Those are mostly ghettos and a huge problem, I'm not in favor of it. But it's completely wrong saying they are replacing you considering the fact that those ghettos are enclosed places in their own bubble.
Rest of the analogies in your post were childish, not even gonna reply.
>Except they are VERY inferior in terms of INTELLIGENCE and EMPATHY and CREATIVITY and CAPACITY/WILLPOWER.
Not very much at all, you're exaggerating hard. And I already mentioned IQ. Not empathy though, and creativity is not a requirement and has very little applications depending on your job.
There's no point making things sound worse than they are.
>What makes you believe that they would not want to-
Experience. I'm not saying none of the africans would integrate, I'm quite sure some of them do, but 10 decent africans are not excuse to allow hundreds of 'bad' or 'meh' ones in. All you need to do is look at the streets in France to get a general clue of things to come.
Africa is, no matter how much you argue about it, not the same as Europe. The mentality of most males is different. The mentality of most females is different.
Yeah shit can change, sure, one day. But until that day comes we'd be fucking up country after country to serve people that won't return the favor, nor will their children and quite possibly not even their grandchildren.
>You have no evidence to this, they raped-
I'm not the one that needs to bring the evidence though, the BBC is providing me with all the fake history that you could ever want. You want black, washed, nice vikings? BBC has got you covered.
>Doesnt know about sage.
alright, thats about enough of this nonsense.
>No one is replacing your ethnicity. Go out please, have fun, live your life, stop caring about shit with your incompetent knowledge. In 50 years nobody will remember you.
My people are being replaced though. And I won't stop caring about it.
>In 50 years nobody will remember you.
And who cares? What is your point?
It's not the skin tone. It's literally everything else we had to evolve to survive.
Your people didn't exist 50,000 years ago, why don't you care about that?
I don't hope your people gets replaced but I do hope they die out because they symphatize with a person who denies evidence, yet claims other people are wrong and doesn't care about future of his people, let alone humanity.
>I wonder what would happen if we shifted their culture and gave them sex-education plus provided condoms.
If they stopped breeding, the world would become a better place.
>And it means Europeans were like this until they civilized and changed? Your ancestory are guilty and you are the proof that it's possible to change.
Yes, my ancestors evolved. Your's didn't - I assume you are a sub-Saharan subhuman seeing how you write and fail to grasp simple concepts.
>I'm in favor of not deporting or killing africans and let the ones here live.
1. When should we close our borders? How many % of the total population should they be before we close the border?
2. Why? Why not deport them? They are not us, they are culturally and genetically inferior to us. They are not benefiting our nations and people. Because they can change is not an argument.
>I never said I am in favour of taking in entire africa to Europe, fuck that.
So how much of Africa should come to Europe in your shitty opinion? When do we stop it?
>Lots of ones living here are nice, integrated and good people, while some are not. We don't have to generalize. We can adress the problem without putting them all on the same boat
Yes, we can not generalize and simply accept being ethnically replaced. Not generalize and have our continent destroyed. WE SHOULD generalize if that means we deport all non-Europeans from Europe. Then it's a good thing to generalize because the result will be a better world.
>Those are mostly ghettos and a huge problem, I'm not in favor of it. But it's completely wrong saying they are replacing you considering the fact that those ghettos are enclosed places in their own bubble.
Rest of the analogies in your post were childish, not even gonna reply.
And the ghettos will only grow you fucking retard. Whites will move away, and blacks will until there are not white places left. IF THINGS CARRY ON. Of course we can easily change the situation by deporting them.
>Not very much at all, you're exaggerating hard.
I'm not exaggerating at all though? They are vastly inferior in all the areas I mentioned.
>creativity is not a requirement and has very little applications depending on your job.
Creativity is a vital part of a person's intelligence.
You did not evolve over the course of 12,000 years to hate on blacks and shipost daily about your conspiracies and concerns about your race. This is not a movie like braveheart, it's real life and real people you're insulting.
Imagine if you were born in africa unluckily, work hard and try to make the place better but fail because your country is corrupt. You move to a better one because you would probably die in your old one, you have a different cultural background so you have to get used to a lot. Then realize it's harder than you think because the people of that country look down on you and refuse to associate with you because of racism and stereotyping. You are unable to find jobs and have to live off handouts to survive then be called lazy and incompetent so you become a part of the stereotype the whites hate, how would you feel?
You think white people have it hard now because a lot of blacks are migrating and you have to pay little extra taxes or at worst move to a different neighbourhood because you can actually afford it. While you have no idea what the others go through, it's fucking sad how you can be this selfish. If you were in his shoes you'd probably kill yourself.
Note: I don't mean you specifically, but more generalized towards those racists.
>Your people didn't exist 50,000 years ago
My ancestors did
>I don't hope your people gets replaced but I do hope they die out
That would imply we die out without outsiders moving into our geographical area. That is a much better scenario actually. Rats and small birds can take my place, rather than say a Sub-Saharan. Rats are more worth than Sub-Saharans and most Semites. They do less harm, even if they create just as much (nothing).
>they symphatize with a person who denies evidence,
Who are they? Who symphatize? Who denies evidence? What evidence?
>and doesn't care about future of his people, let alone humanity.
You are the one that do not care about the future of humanity.
Selfish is the subhuman that breeds instead of killing himself. The non-European that lives in Europe, on another people's land because his own people (and himself) are so shit that he won't live in his own country.
When I was in highschool our top classmate were twin black girls who aced every test, and a guy who did a little worse but he was still above most whites.
When I was an undergrad going for bachelor's in mathematics, our top students were a black and asian dude.
When I was going for masters in mathematical physics our top students were asians. (currently) at royal insitute.
Point is, they are just as capable of as much as us. Especially with prejudice and pressure to do well to prove the stereotyping wrong. All those are doing much better and are smarter than any of the factory/construction working whites I know of.
You fail to realize how little impact this genetic variations have if we all had the same opportunities. You are exaggerating very very VERY hard and it's sad. But I get it, you have to or else you will shift away from your stubborn and ignorant worldview .
>Creativity is a vital part of a person's intelligence.
Most untrue thing i've read today, thanks for laughs.
Life started in Canada, retard.
You are so selfish, ignorant and dumb that it's sad. I could guess your age being
>When I was in highschool our top classmate were twin black girls who aced every test, and a guy who did a little worse but he was still above most whites.
I doubt it. And even if true, so what? Non-Europeans (except East-Asians) are vastly inferior. IN GENERAL. Sure there are exceptions among them. NOT an argument. Are you saying we should deport all non-Europeans that are not on par? Or should we have millions of shitty ones because one of them is not too bad?
>Point is, they are just as capable of as much as us.
SOME of them are. THEY are not. There is a difference.
>All those are doing much better and are smarter than any of the factory/construction working whites I know of.
The average factory/construction working white is VASTLY superior to the average Sub-Saharan. Genetically, not taking education into consideration.
>You fail to realize how little impact this genetic variations have if we all had the same opportunities.
Genetic "variations" have a huge impact though.
>You are exaggerating very very VERY hard and it's sad.
I'm not, and repeating a lie doesn't make it true.
>But I get it, you have to or else you will shift away from your stubborn and ignorant worldview
>Ignorant worldview
But that is you faggot
>Most untrue thing i've read today, thanks for laughs.
What is the diffence between a computer and a human being? You are a fucking moron.
>as capable of as much as us.
YOU are not a European. Why do you pretend to be? You are probably a Sub-Saharan subhuman seeing how you desperately try to defend their existence.
Fuck off we are not the same as niggers, for one Europeans are mixed with neanderthals
>all those africans will have developed different pigment in skin therefore will all be white
Mongoloids arrived to Northern Canada 10,000+ years ago and the magical fairy of muh equality didn't magically turned them into tall, blonde blue eyed whites, they still look pretty much the same as they did.
Blacks are not the same as whites, you're an embarrassment to your country Sven