I thought the french were supposed to be cucks. But it seems that macron is truly based. I think we should declare him king of Sup Forums
Based Macron
Other urls found in this thread:
He's still the Rothschilds' lawyer, I'd wait before we call him ourguy
>Puppet of the Rothschilds
Bi-partisan populists like Corbin and Macron offend Sup Forums.
He answered the call
Clearly /ourguy/ amirite ?
France is more and more a communist country.
Now get the fuck out and go mow your sheep. You know nothing about the hell that France became.
it's all under control, pierre
Can some one tell me, are Bagdonoff brothers ourguys?
need a quick rundown?
The call that saved europe
>Emmanuel Macron has earned the reputation of a man who dreams impossible dreams and then turns them into reality.
a nameless banker out of the blue with stockholmsyndrome who married his own pedophile....
AFTER Le Pen was denied to have a bankaccount, loans for the party in own country and europe and was forsed to seek a non jewish bank in ukraine
what do you think?
by saying france has no culture of it's own.
>France is more and more a communist country.
Tell that to Melanchon voters, I don't think they got the memo.
>question whether israeli bankers are committing tax evasion
>"you are literally hitler"
I used to think "hitler did nothing wrong" was a joke but now I'm almost certain that it was self defense.
the hug that saved Europe
You don't understand what a culture is.
Get bent. Key words: Sight, and Appears
Is this fake news in the Trump sense or the leftist sense?
>implying Macron said that to reflect upon the plurality of French cultures or its constant evolution (and its current uprooting) rather than just to pander to the self-hating modern French and to designate his political enemies by ways of trolling
This, take it from us frenchies, Macron is a cryptomarxist. Funny thing is, he actually has a rival competing against him in a race to see who's the most commie candidate in France, as said.
leftist sense. we'll get fine if we spam sam hyde on twitter i guess
>former rothschild banker
>praised by rothschild magazine
It was clear he was aiming at RT and Sputnik in his speech. Don't worry, french public medias, french private medias that recieve subsidies from the state, and friends like CNN or MSNBC are safe.
current day france factually no longer has a culture
iphones and games of thrones is not a culture
I heard that in his law project, websites and medias will be forced to reveal the name of their source. Anons, have your asses prepared for state-sponsored doxxing.
France still has a strong catholic identity burried somewhere under that whole satanic marxism that took over the nation way back in 1789.
i know...
les inconus
le gendarme de saint tropez
les ripoux
in music too
they all pointed it out it was going to shit.
even the great french freeway culture with baguette cheese wine pichnique on the airs of these freeways are influenced by american consumerism trow away popculture
churches and old buildings are torn down to make place for halal slaughter houses and mosques.
everything turns into snackbars and muslim cultural centers
Go tell that to mayors who literally raise taxes in order to build mosques into their town. Don't forget to destroy churches first.