ITT: Best girls of their respective shows

I'll start.




Are all of those yours?

I'm right.

So cowtits and edgelords?

Ai is better. Anyway, posting Clannad's best.

but you're wrong, you can't have a best girl when they're all cute


Thought she got dick arms.


Hiroomi is best girl







She was a Chinese bootleg Crab and you know it.

Still agree with it; the cast and the show as a whole were underwhelming.

>Give top tier design
>boring personality
Why do they do this?
That's not the right demon.
Hachikuji had better scenes with Araragi

>Give top tier design
>boring personality
Are you talking about Vigne?





>Give top tier design
>boring personality
that's Megumi




Quads has spoken.
