Project Lifeguard

I've written a short book to explain how to save our Christian culture in America and the western world. You can read it for free at

Other urls found in this thread:

no thanks, feel free to fuck off and go shill your dog shit somewhere else you fucking idiot. no bump. never come back. lose the trip. kill yourself.

Take off the meme flag and go read the bible.

nah. fuck off you faggot fraud. no bump again. your shit's going straight into the archive, dumb fuck.

So you're okay with faggot festivals? I pray you burn in the lake of fire.

For you :3
>So you're okay with faggot festivals? I pray you burn in the lake of fire.

i-i-is this real, or are you collecting zombies to your botnet?

No viruses, fren.
I and I have no idea what a botnet even is.
I gave users the ability to download and print if they want. Or you can just read it on the website.
The only info I can see is what countries have visited my website.
A lot of Polish people and an odd number of Israeli's.

Can you summarise it?

you shouldn't shill, it's a very bad look. makes me want to call you a faggot in every thread you make.


Whats with the anime weirdness

I explain why our western world is failing. It's Christian philosophy for the 21st century.
I'll post a part of the introduction below.

"Young men of America and the western world, the time for you to lead us into our Christian future has arrived. We have been put in charge of shepherding over our society. Our father’s and recent forefathers have mostly failed in upholding our Christian heritage to the point that we can see the physical manifestation of evil and sin running rampant in our society.

Our society suffers from many illnesses – physical, mental and spiritual. Who are they that seek to destroy us, our family, and our God? Many different types of these evil humans are tricking innocent, unsuspecting people into ignoring obvious truths that abound within our reality. This trickery goes beyond what we normally refer to as ordinary reality – this threat is interdimensional.

This book is going to be covering a wide range of topics which many people will find offensive. I don’t care. We are blessed to live in a society that holds freedom of speech in high regard – the idea of freedom of speech is simple idea. This book is filled with political speech, as well as religious speech."

Pornography needs to be banned. We start with banning anything that has a human in it. Those who need an outlet can use 2D.

Gook porn cartoons to get people to click the thread. Worked on me desu

As I said, pornography needs to be banned because it doesn't fit in with our Christian cultures ethics.

No one is having their children degraded in 2D pornography.

To really hammer down on that Christian values.


nice langauge but what will separate it from all other utopian thinkers?

Is banning pornography and getting women to hold onto their virginity utopian? Young men are dropping out of society because we don't have anything to look forward to.

Women need to leave the work force and focus on becoming good homemakers and mothers.

We can restore our Christian society in America to its former glory. We need to start by dedicating our hearts, minds and souls to Christianity. We need a society of fanatical Christians who hold virgins in high regard for their self-control.

I believe in us and with Jesus Christ at our sides, we cannot fail.

>save our Christian culture in America and the western world
>that pic
fuck off

At this point posting lewd pics to grab attention should be an insta-ban.

Read the fucking book

"Through-out human history pornography has been an issue for mankind – but never before has it presented itself as such a massive issue like it is today here in the early 21st century. The internet being released to the public in the 90’s was likely a mistake. Perhaps one that was done on purpose.
Our country likes to allow pioneers to flourish. What country wouldn’t want to boast of grand achievements in the arts of science, literature and philosophy? Pornography is not an art form. Pornography is not philosophy. Pornography will destroy our society if left unchecked.

The topic I will now be discussing is one that many are uncomfortable speaking about as it’s one of those topics which is often considered taboo in our culture. We all need to stop watching pornography. Some may call my ideas in this book closed-minded. Some may call them racist. Some may call them insane. If you think these thoughts are insane, I would argue that you are the insane one.

Now, ban is a nasty word that no one likes. However, I don't believe we can allow pornography to continue to dictate what is ethically free in our western culture. Have we grown incapable of protecting the women of our western societies by allowing them to be put in harms way? Allowing them to abuse their bodies for capital gain? Some of your family and friends are whoring themselves out." - Page 44

"Ask yourselves, How many women will sexually exploit themselves for money in our current year? Whether it is occurring in person or online, the effects are being seen in the actions of others. Countless billions of viewers are in the process of being so desensitized to reality, that it's horrifying, and we're likely only beginning to see these effects in the younger generations.

Overall, we know that pornography has negative effects on the brain of the users and those involved in the production. When will we take the first step in repairing society by banning pornography? First, we would start by banning anything that has real humans in it. If it has a human in it – it must be banned. Before we ban pornography, we need to get our ducks in a row. We must have more options for those who struggle with pornography addiction. We should think about having literal clinics dedicated to helping people get off internet pornography.

Many people will refuse help – these people will require an outlet. I suggest that this outlet be two dimensional (2D) pornography. Examples of 2D cartoon ecchi can be found in this book.
2D pornography is anything that is hand drawn or computer generated as opposed to three dimensional (3D) pornography which has real humans in it. 2D pornography is ethically a better choice as no actual humans are hurt in the process besides the users brain being overloaded with dopamine. And in some cases people are paid for their 2D pornography production."

"Pornography with real humans in it ethically destroys a society – we cannot allow the western world to continue to be plagued by such a preventable, lust and greed filled, monstrosity. I am sickened to the core at feminism and how it cheers on these women for turning themselves into whores.

And guess who is largely behind the pornography industry! Guess who the owners are! It’s those forsaken Jews! How I hate you Jews with a passion for falling away from God and becoming a synagogue of Satan! May you burn in hell for your deeds! May you burn in hell for ruining society! Cast down to the depths of the eternal abyss your soul will sink.

Revelation 3 is what you’ll want to read for those of you who are interested in the prophecy about Jews becoming the equivalent to Satanists in the last day. Hollywood is filled with Jews who are out to sexualize our children. We cannot allow these filth mongers to continue on. First ban any pornography with humans in it (3D pornography). This is all being done to help keep society healthy and safe.

The other issue with pornography is that it sets the bar ethically for what is right or what is wrong. That ethical bar used to be the Bible in America – now it’s pornography which lets a person know if something is okay and socially acceptable. It’s a disgusting tragedy that our government has allowed into our lives.
Never before in history has mankind had such unlimited access to pornography and in such a variety. Again, we need to ban 3D pornography before generation Alpha grows up and is ruined by this monstrosity. Already – I’m sure – there are plans by some evil people to try and corrupt Generation Alpha as well. Those people should not be allowed to rule our lives and destroy society."

so no sauce?

>he cares deeply when some dumb Jewish whore in Hollywood shows of her tits on camera but is completely fine with people lewding pure anime girls that did nothing wrong and don't deserve it
it's time to take a few steps back and do some serious introspection OP

You keep that witch out of this thread.

Dude quit spamming your shit you fucking faggot.

I'm not spamming.
I already saw one thread using my images to talk about the book, maybe it's finally catching on and this is one of the final stepping stone in establishing our Christian future. Maybe.

I just want people to read their bibles and live their lives in accordance with Christian teachings.

Do bad God isn't real and even if he was you would go to hell anyway for posting what is basically anime porn.

Get the hell out of here, degenerate.

Go fuck yourself christcuck. And fuck your unvarifiable beliefs also.

>Do bad God isn't real
Please move to Canada or start respecting Christian culture in America.

Christians are already waking up.
I've literally had a homosexual message me on Steam and tell me that he agrees with what I have to say about the homosexual factions and how they're ruining our country.

Respect Christianity.
America is a Christian country.


the only way you can resurrect christianity is by resurrecting it's spirituality but with the awareness of it's parallels with other spiritual traditions around the world while accepting christian way as our western flavor
christianity was never supposed to be about forcing people on the right path by banning or enforcing things
it's supposed to be about giving people the choice to choose that path, christianity is a spiritual path not a culture you seem to be conflating it with
the culture surrounding Christianity does not come from Christianity but people who adopted it and differs dramatically among different groups of people who practice it

If your ideology relies on people simply being told about it then believing it then yeah its no different at its core to other utopian religionists, socialists and fascists

I'll see you in the day of the rope scum, i have a bullet with your name on it.

Nice threat you fucking larper. I'll be waiting.

I read part of it.

Let me just say this, your only argument is entirely fixated on pornography.

You're dumb as fuck and don't get why the free market does what it does, banning pornography will not stop people from jerking off.

yes it would! banning alcohol totally made people stop drinking!

I talk about the spiritual aspects as well in Project Lifeguard. It's not about forcing people to believe. It's about getting the respect Christianity deserves from non-Christians. The past 2000 years ethically has been set by Jesus Christ until the enlightenment fucked everything up.

America is a protestant Christian nation, respect our foundation. Remove it and the house will collapse.

America is not a theocracy. It has something called the separation of church and state.

user I...

Take the Catholic pill user.

>inb4 picture of Pope washing nigger feet

>The past 2000 years have been set up by Jesus

Ah yes, only he was revolutionary enough to claim murder is bad. He wrote the whole damn Bible too.

Fuck your separation of church and state. This is a debate we've been having since 1789 and we're settling it in the 21st century. America is a Christian colony. Our founding fathers were largely protestant Christians - in many cases escaping Catholic persecution.

If America is not a Protestant Christian country, what is it? With the rise of globalism, where will Christians call their home empire? The Muslims have the Middle-East and now Europe. Jews have Israel (not counting Jerusalem, rightfully a Christian city, not Mudslime or Kike). We Christians have America.

If you want faggots to jack off out six story windows with little children walking around at faggot festivals, you need to get the fuck out of America and go move to Canada.

Separation of Church and state was designed to protect the church from the state, not the other way around

The western world began to form thanks to Christ.
America has been Christian for its entire existence.
Most European nations through out the middle ages were Christians.
Christianity colonized and shaped the world.

Our home empire is America and I will defend my Christian culture.


>I pray you burn in the lake of fire.
Wishing ill on someone is the exact opposite of what Christ commands of us, hypocrite

>escaping Catholic persecution
You are mistaken my friend.
The Founding Fathers had come to America for economic reason, not religious persecution.
Still, I agree that the continuity of Christianity is essential for the Western world, but can't oyu see it was Protestant idealism like ''Sola Scrittura'' which led to Atheism and cucked Churches?

Christianity is a false belief. Prove to me that God is real and I'd actually give your ideas consideration. Otherwise your beliefs are no more true than ones pertaining to any other religion.

I'd suggest you read Aquinas's Five Reasons.
Very interesting books.

"Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked." - Psalm 97:10

by rejecting universal judaism lite and praising odin and supporting white brothers, not based black christians.

My friend what qualms do you have with the Catholic faith?

Is there any proofs of the Old Gods existence or is this just pagan larping?

good goy, now make a donation to israel


See you just proved how contradictory your book is. God, on one hand commands people to "love their brothers" and not even say a bad word against them but on the other hand to condemn evil.

being born a protestant
yes, pagan gods are more on the level of the saints and angels though

I always thought most of the original immigrants were escaping religious persecution.

A new form of Christianity needs to form that allows for us to defend our culture in America and the western world.
I imagine it will be us Millennial's and those of Generation Z that will largely be the adherents of this new Christianity.

Let us not jump to conclusions.
First of all, did you see the book I recommended for you, the Five proofs?
Let us begin from there, we'll get to the Bible later.
Oh but the problem is reform.
What you intend to do is stop the fire by adding gasoline.
In other words, it won't work.
The biggest mistake in the Churches history was crumbling into secular demand and excepting alien practices.
There is no ''change'' when it comes to Morals or truths.
Such as....

"HMMMMM. The faggots aren’t trying to subvert Christianity are they? Of course they are! Do not allow yourself to play the fool! The homosexual community hates Jesus Christ as much as the Jews hate Jesus Christ. The politicians who support Israel are a complete joke – modern day Jerusalem – the city where our savior preached – is being turned into the biggest Jew faggot fest this earth has ever seen. Such wickedness must be cleansed! Your flesh will perish in flames unending and unquenchable." - Page 17, Project Lifeguard

>Such as....
...the same proof you have for angels and saints?

sure, and protestantism is truer than papism.
lmao letting some hippie pope say things not in the bible.
inb4 muh female priests, where does it say yes to female priests in the bibble? maybe it's the practitioners and not the doctrine problem fag

>(((Christian))) culture

>calls other people wicked yet posts anime porn.

ask any american and they say "muh greatest ally", not some scum politicians, average murican christcucks

Shut the hell up with your anti-Christian bias you heretical fuck.
Best case your just a self shilling fool.


If not reform, at the very least Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox can all agree that our Christian culture isn't being respected and it needs to start being respected.

Give in, user.
Think of all the virgin QTs.
You could have one to call your own.
Think of all the little crusaders you'll have running around.




The fact that Jesus rose from the dead after three days validates what he said as true.
For proof of this see:
If Protestantism is truer than home come in 1 Corinthians 11:2 and 2 Thessalonians 2:15 support Apostolic Succession and James 2:14-26 says faith without works is dead?
Pierce is a man of whom I have immense respect, however trying to artificially create a religion and ignoring the truth just because it's politically inconveniant just comes of a lazy.

>little crusaders
so its all about larp, you are not even true in faith, you're a larper worse than atheist.

>complains about degeneracy yet uses women and the promise of sex as a lure to get people to accept Christianity.

LARP? I wrote a fucking book.

O don't know anything about corianderds thesticles, but i know Protestatism follows bible, not some hippie pope that says heretical things,

I wasn't talking about jesus I was talking about saints and angels
and I wasn't denying thier existence, what I was saying is that thier existence is of the same nature as the pagan gods

Post a mobi or epub version and you'll get more downloads. PDFs are dangerous.

and varg made a game.
larp is a larp and you're a dedicated larper, but not true in faith.

>save our Christian culture
>posts anime whores
Shit like this is why I worship the devil.

many people write books about their larps

>ignoring the truth
>implying that your bronze age desert goat herder religion is the truth

Fucking keked

Maybe Catholics and Orthodox can unite, but Protestants must convert.
There is no other way.
For to long, Luther's three main principles have subverted the Church and it's message.
At the end of it all, it led to thew introduction of the Modernist heresy all the way back in the 60's.
This cannot stand!
Protestant are to much of a danger to the ''Christian culture'' they so desire.
Protestant specifically removed books from the Bible, they follow there own hand picked bible.
I suggest you read the first righting of the Church fathers.
Also, what's one Modernist pope in 2 Millenium.
>Read Five Proofs of God by Thomas Aquinas

>Think of all the virgin QTs.
>You could have one to call your own.
I would rather have an artificial womb and a sexbot, and use my artificial womb and CRISPR to create an army of rationalists.

>I would rather have an artificial womb and a sexbot, and use my artificial womb and CRISPR to create an army of rationalists.

go kiss a niggers feet and repent your sinful ways, papists hate luther because he was correct

Needs more artwork ;) .


hippie popes word is the law
hippie popes word is the law
hippie popes word is the law
hippie popes word is the law
hippie popes word is the law
hippie popes word is the law

You literally just wished that someone burned in hell for saying "Take off the meme flag and go read the bible." You're a joke.

>muh Aquinas
Intelligent design, the argument from first cause, the cosmological argument, and the ontological argument have been debunked to death. Only brainlets take Aquinas seriously.

Go can go and kill yourself cristian cuck
Nobody is going to read your shitty fanfiction of you licking your pathetic God balls
>anime girls and christianity
ffs you are lolcow material

do protestants even have a single good thing going for them? as far as I'm concerned the might not even exist and the world would be better place
it's like when you make a parody of religion, take it, and remove anything of value left

you don't actually know what larp means

its what you do

better than papists