We still get the girl in the end

Stop falling for the bait about all this cuckolding and interracial relationship nonsense.

At the end of the day, white women will always come to their senses and realize that they need to marry white men. In fact, almost all interracial relationships don't amount to anything more than college flings or beginner relationships. If anything, their past relationship with other races only further strengthens their appreciation to be with with us who will treat them right.

To be fair, the "if you go black you dont go back" is just pure and utter bullshit, i dont know how a christiam board should enforce this idea.

Didnt jesus taught you to forgive and forget?

I even asked a lot of my white women friends on Facebook about this. Most of them say that while they either have dated black men, or would be open to dating one in the future, none of them gave a sure answer on whether they would want to marry black guys.

It's because there is a huge cultural difference. Dating someone and having a sexual relationship is one thing, but marrying and spending the rest of your life with someone is a whole different thing. That's why I don't buy into the white genocide narrative.

You misunderstand that saying. The saying implies that when White women start dating black men, they don't want to return to dating inferior white men.
The saying is obviously complete bullshit. I've known plenty of white women who dated black guys in the past, and are on track to marry their white spouses this year.

they come back when they need a beta provider for their mongrel children

Wrong, white women only rarely ever decide to have children with black men. Birth control exist. They come back to white guys because they see the value when contrasted with the black guys.

Every coal burner I know is slithering around looking for a white man to raise their nigger baby. even the betas are starting to turn them down i guess because most have no man, not even other nights want them kek.

I would never consider a girl who even hugged a nigger.

That's because you're an idiot and not mature enough to see the bigger picture.

no you fucking retards
the point of that saying is to point out that racemixers are low IQ individuals that can't distinguish between a good and bad mate
if someone makes the mistake of fucking a dog you absolutely want to never attempt to date her
how fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand this
what sort of mother would be into bestiality

Just wait 10 years for their looks to fade then promise to raise their 2 mulatto kids from different fathers and you're in! Blacks BTFO!

kys roastie
you burned the coal and you'll soon enough get to pay the toll

Fuck that.
Once you go black, we don't want you back.

The phrase should be changed to "When you go black we don't want you back" in my opinion.


Nope. If you ever even consider a nigger you're so fucked in the head that there's no salvaging you. One strike policy applied, roastie.

eternal reminder muh racemixing white women are a meme

>White Americans were statistically the least likely to wed interracially, though in absolute terms they were involved in interracial marriages more than any other racial group due to their demographic majority. 2.1% of married White women and 2.3% of married White men had a non-White spouse. 1.0% of all married White men were married to an Asian American woman, and 1.0% of married White women were married to a man classified as "other".

>At the end of the day, white women will always come to their senses and realize that they need to marry white men
But at that point why would you even want them back?

Does it matter if you end up with the dried up whore who can't give you children when she already has 3 racially mixed children?

>white women will always come to their senses and realize that they need to marry white men.

This is blatantly obvious when the black man fails to provide for the woman and leaves her. Of course they come back, the nigger left.

Once you go black, stay there, you're worthless.

Went black, came back (with at least one STD).

yeah but we're not talking about marriages you dumb cunt
it's about having sexual relations with an animal


Obviously coalburners never marry their nignogs. They become single mothers or find some cuck to accept them afterwards. I agree it's not very common though.

Hehe kek

You know people can still racemix without getting married you mong

The problem is with their race-mixed babies. Since they have two or even more brown babies, what is the point in making even more with white males?

You dont pay full price for a used car just as I am not marrying a used whore whos fucked niggers.

they go back to white men after their big dick curiousity is fulfilled.

This is exactly what I'm saying. White women, though involved with interracial relationships rarely choose to marry different races when its all said and done.

>Treating white women right

AJAJAJAJAJA you have learned nothing about how your women want to be treated

>Only counts marriages

Stop trying to downplay the problem, faggot.

learn to laugh properly you dumb fucking beaner subhuman


this. white women also have the most extramarital/premarital sex.

Weren't macedonians faggots?

I didn't realize how racist I was until I started a Tinder account.

I always considered myself fair &open minded, but
>I've never swiped right on a negress

As soon as I see black skin, I swipe left.

Because most of the women that burned coal didn't have kids with the apes and did it when they were young due to the crazy amount of racemixing propaganda of the last 20 years. Sup Forums Shilling to not touch women after that is stupid because you take away potential white familys based on young white girls falling for propaganda.

Isn't the goal to reproduce to maintain the white population? Who gives a crap about anything else. That is the bigger picture here.

This. I wouldn't touch a roastie with a 10 feet pole.

Looks like she came back half way and got lost. Is that guy considered white in America lmao

considering i was born, no

Once you go black, we dont want you back

I have grown weary of the MGTOW anti-woman shilling but these statistics matter not at all, they are FUCKING them and this is easy to observe all over scandinavia at least.

This it’s a no brainer. Face piercings and general coal burner looking thots get left swipes too

Was just thinking lmao
>came back
>are you sure.png

The goal is reproduction. Stop getting hurt over petty things like a women's past relationships. If not, go join ISIS so you can have your pure 72 virgins

this user gets it

but this whole sentiment only applies to blacks, right?

Pol isnt a Christian board.
Its an politics board on an anime website.
Fucking christfags.


Fuckl off back to plebbit, newfag.

Wtf belgium

i went to brussels like 6 months ago and it was like a european city was placed in pakistan
more brown people than whites

>Went black
>Got the beaten to shit
>Got poor
>Came back

There must be long term consequences for being a thot

Nice try, you probably showed up right after the election. Pol was never unanimously Christian. Its more athiest or agnostic than anything else.

If you go black you don't go back is true.
Do you think any self respecting engineer making $80k+ would date a coal burner?

>we get the coalburning non-virgin in the end
Yeah. Have fun with that. I'll have an Asian wife.

jesus christ, is the included pic supposed to be related to your point? neither are white. hell she is swarthier than a kardashian. is this new jersey or something? lol.
once you go black you run back to white!

Reddit never learns. Back to the_donald.

Used Ferrari > New Accord


>The saying implies that when White women start dating black men, they don't want to return to dating inferior white men.
What really happens though, is that once a white girl burns coal, no white guy ever wants to touch them again, so they “make the choice” to stay with black men, even though that choice has already been made for them.


To be fair, you gotta have a really high iq to understand interracial seasonship

That's a pretty fugly gookess, could have chosen a better example
>t. yellow fever

Lol u nasty, fucking that coalburner
She only wants white wealth

>i can't find a good white woman because i'm a fat neckbeard so i'll find some insectoid chink to shit out an eliot rodgers

Sorry but no, I don't want a girl who has been promiscuous, much less a past race-mixing one.
>would be open to dating one in the future
This is a big red flag repeatedly smashing you over the head.

>Do you think any self respecting engineer making $80k+ would date a coal burner?

Most engineers I’ve met weren’t self-respecting at all, they were bugmen/nu males who watched superhero movies and played DOTA and Starcraft in their free time. Also usually Asian or Indian, so always happy to serve as beta provider for some skank. Engineers on Sup Forums are a tiny fraction of a percent and don’t represent the group as a whole.


Look at this faggot. The more a woman fucks before marriage, the more unreliable she is after marriage. Imagine if she's a loose roastie.

Microchimeranism user.

Checked, your post was blessed and I will now reevaluate my firm stance on this topic.
Especially as I have burnt the coal 3 times before I came to my senses in adulthood. Sad!

Do you have the other one who wanted to make America black in 100 years? Black eyed 3 months later

I have no sympathy for racists

What, because I'm too lazy to type Sup Forums?
Great argument you got there m80. I'm just a scum of the earth phoneposter


>comparing asians to niggers
Natsocs are the biggest cucks in the world. Marry those whores.

Give the blonde a black eye, for accuracy.


kys roasty

>I have burnt the coal 3 times before

good idea
>racemixing is okay if the result is some feminine suicidal faggot instead of a dumb homicidal nigger

>France more gay-friendly than Germany
Shit map

We sterilize the fags while Germans elect them

I recently dumped a girl when I found out she dated a black guy. I left her in the parking lot the moment she told me, granted it wasn't the only red flag, but it was enough on it's own to end it. It's a shame really, she seemed okay. But I can't look at people the same way when I hear such depravity. If I'm not careful, people will catch me making a face of disgust when I see mocha mistakes in public, I don't even know I'm doing it most of the time.

A woman who has dated a nigger is broken and weak. I will not sacrifice my life and my family for such a revolting partner. I'd rather see them in a ditch, because at least there they will be provide more for a prosperous society.

I think playing vidya is kinda irrelevant, starcraft is probably the best game to play if you're gonna play one because it has no social justice shit.
Yeah there's a lot of bugmen who go into useless shit and say "do it for the love not the pay!" instead of being smart and doing electrical or computer engineering.
I went into comp engineering because my grandfather did it, it's how he got his work visa to go from britain to the USA in the 70s.

it's about acceptance of fags in the general population not laws you nigger
>legal gender recognition existing
lmaoing at you

I would never associate myself with, let alone put my dick in, anyone who fucked an animal. Any woman that lays with a beast is forever damaged.

Forgive when they actually earn your forgiveness.

Being mature being mean not being a traitor

>In fact, almost all interracial relationships don't amount to anything more than college flings or beginner relationships
And a single mother with a race mixed bastard that will need to be supported by the taxpayers.

>wanting a woman who burned coal

Those are outliers. I'm not talking about those people. They are irrelevant to the topic at hand.

>At the end of the day
You said it yourself

>if you like virgin qts, something is wrong with you
>you can't handle a stronk coalburning white womyn like me
top kek

>Those are outliers. I'm not talking about those people.
>those people
What are you implying mate?

Legal gender recognition is the mild(read cucked) position between the based "sterilization required" and the even more cucked "no sterilization required".

There are only two sex on French ID card btw

>it's a post promoting relationship with gooks
>look at the flag
>it's an american
it all adds up, innit?

>poltards take the bait, again

op posts a pic of guy who went for the first black bachelorette Rachel Lindsay, got sent home and his mexican friend makes fun of him with the line "went black but came back "

not wrong, but dont tell the autists that.

You realise that literally every food you eat also becomes "part of you"? That apple you ate for lunch? That's part of your face. In fact every 2 years every cell in your body will be replaced. This microchimerism autism is just insecure dicklets trying to intellectualise their hatred of coalburners, when they really just end up watching cuck porn at the end of the day.