
Best gunslinger or best gunslinger?

>they didnt fuck
I was hoping the series went a bit comedic after she arrived but nope.


Triela was my favorite. But then Petra was introduced.





So, is this just Triela dump or actually Gunslinger Girl thread?

Either is fine user, Gunslingers need more love anyway.

Why did the art in the series change so drastically halfway through the series? Does anyone know?

If you mean anime, then S2 was made by a different studio and apparently on a fraction of budget of S1.

I nearly dropped S2 after the first episode because it was hurting my eyes, but in the end it had much better character development and plot.

I'm going for dinner Sup Forums, pls dump your Gunslingers and keep the threat alive.

I meant the manga. If you read the first three volumes and then go to later volumes, the art goes from being clean and "realistic" to heavy lines and much darker tones.

Trips of truth.

Claes is good too.

Who has the worst childhood? Triela right? It's pretty hard to have a worse childhood than being a snuff film victim.

The mangaka just got better at drawing.

Henrietta was the one that had her whole family killed in front of her, then got raped, right? That's pretty bad. Although Triela was older so she got to experience more (theoretically) happy days until she got snuff'd.

Which was the girl that really loved her fratello but he was a cunt? Was that Angela? She had a rough life.

I really don't understand why he would hate her for losing her memories. I mean, she can't help losing her memories.

We may have gotten a bit of a warped perspective on the matter. You have to remember the jobs of the fratellos are pretty stressful. The girls are good at shooting, but they don't really have much situational awareness, nor do they focus on anything but killing when they get down to business. The fratello has to keep watch, ensure the area of operations is clear, keep an eye on his girl (because if she get's fucked up, she will keep fighting until she's dead or can no longer move, and those cute little robots are expensive af), and he needs to coordinate with the other members of his fire team.

Imagine if he took his eyes off her to deal with a threat she missed. When het works is way back to her, she's run off to chase some shithead. Then she gets a leg blown off and is killed, or worse, captured. All because she couldn't remember what to do in a situation like that or because she was careless. In a way, it's his fault too, but the job is already stressful enough, having to rely on an often inconsistent partner makes it harder.

Does any of that make his treatment of her okay? No, but you do need to understand where he was coming from.

Why did they have to die though, they already were suffering enough. Also worst girl survived (for a short time anyway).

I guess that is pretty fair.

The series was all about suffering and melancholy so I thought the ending was fitting. Instead of the characters dying away slowly I thought it was, as much as a tragedy that it was, seeing all of the girls dying more satisfying rather than slowly degenerating away like Angelica was. Also the fact that earlier in the series, they were talking about how Italians loved tragic stories and I thought it was interesting to see the connection.

anybody wanna bet on Hollywood making an adaptation of Gunslinger Girls?

With 17 year old girls played by 20 year old pop stars.

>Hollywood adaptation
>None of the girls are young but bunch of hags
>No drama involving their previous lives
>All action and shit plot like The Expandable
>None of the "girls" die
>Will be set in US instead of Italy

I can already see it.

>Italians loved tragic stories

This is actually a lot more true than I think a lot of anons realize. Italians LOVE tragic stories such as this, which is why I felt the setting in Italy made so much sense. If you didn't realize this, I'm sure you thought that the setting was a bit odd, and you wondered why it wasn't set in Japan or America.

IIRC, there were two cases like that - Elsa and Angelica.

In Elsa's case, the guy was just a straight up dick for seemingly no reason which resulted in a murder-suicide. I don't seem to remember much of her backstory, unfortunately.

In Angelica's case, basically what said. Though I'd hazard a guess and say he's just lashing out - a result of work stress and a bit of frustration over not being able to do much about the situation.

Is manga worth reading?

t. anime-only scrub


Prepare for having FEELS.

Fuck off and lurk more.

Thanks. I like feeling feels.

Never lose your edge Sup Forums.

aw yea boi gunslinger thread
Henrietta best gunslinger tho

Goddamn is there a place I can read this online where the scanlation doesn't turn to complete dogshit half way through

It was Elsa who I was thinking of in that first post, and her fratello was who I was trying to describe in that second quote.

I remember Angelica now, and I believe that what I wrote here: Fits more for Elsa's fratello.

As I recall, Angelica's handler tried so fucking hard to get her to remember him and pieces of her life and she kept forgetting it. It's like that Einstein quote about insanity. After so many resets, he just had enough. It was so hard on him to watch her forget everything. To be reminded that she was just going to forget him, her life, her friends, everything, that he couldn't do it anymore. It was so hard for him, and Angelica didn't know the difference anyway, so after a point he just broke as a person and stopped treating her like a little girl. She was just an object to him, an object he worked with like a gun or some handcuffs.

I wonder if his experience is why Elsa's handler was so detached from the beginning. If he knew how hard it was for Angelica's handler, it makes sense that he would put no effort in his relationship with Elsa. Why get attached in a situation like that? It's not hard to see it from his point of view. I mean, just imagine being in a fucked situation like that. Carrying out assassinations of your own people and government officials who threatened your agency and funding, keeping it all a secret to the point that not even your wife really knows what you do. Working with literal killing machines made out of little girls who endured horrors few adults would recover from. It's all fucked no matter how you look at it.

Practicality is part of it but Marco feels resentful of Angelica because he used to be really attached to her and takes out his frustration on her.
It's not justified treatment but is a plausible emotional reaction.

I'm going to have to buy it aren't I

I tear up a little whenever I reread this.

While I know we don't get the whole picture on Elsa's handler, I don't think that's the case. I recall a scene of him interacting with Henrietta's handler where he implies he was using Elsa as a servant on some occasions. Between that and the general way he acted towards her, he came across as being simply callous rather than professionally detached.

>puts the mission in danger because of >m-muh grudge!
>disobeys direct orders several times
>backchats her superior

Weak, pathetic soldier. Rico is the best.

>Triela's final battle

Best girl working under best trainer. Doesn't that make Jean best girl?


Such a bad show with such great potential. Everything just moves so slowly.

Still one of my favourite mangas of all time. I'm still wishing for some sort of extra chapter to see the girls, just being happy, specially Petrushka.
>dude, she was going to die in a year anyways
Everyone dies, that's not important, I wanted to see her living freely her life, I don't even remember clearly if she stayed by her fratello's side or not after regaining her memory.

oh jesus christ guys i'm on volume 14 what is even going on

>Everything just moves so slowly.
TTGL thread is that way user.

Not saying the show is without problems, but slowness ain't one of them.


Moar pls, there's so little good GSG art online.

Nah it's kind of true, they made 13 episodes from like 10 chapters of manga so they repeated things unnecessarily to take up time. Half of the second episode was a repeat of the first.

Just finished it lads. What a ride. Henrietta still a best

Why is she so perfect :3


Good night Sup Forums, have some sweet dreams.

>tfw Madhouse didn't do season II
why live?

I have yet to read the Manga, is it good?



The second season had a great opening. That part where men are passing down weapons and crosses, but Henrietta has trouble to hold her Fratello's hand always get me.

>Which was the girl that really loved her fratello but he was a cunt? Was that Angela? She had a rough life.
There was Rico with Jean being a cold blooded asshole