Wedding readings

Fellow christians of Sup Forums, what are some cool readings from the Bible I could pick for my wedding ?

Kikes & their MGTOW puppets not welcome in this thread

Good luck getting cucked in 3 years

do you want a single verse that fits or a whole chapter or even book to read from?

Hosea 2:5 and Ezekiel 23:20 made lovely readings in my service.

What’s mgtow?

I didn't do any because neither of us are Christian but the priest (he was a priest) had some good words.

Men Going There Own Way

Cheeky cunt

Beta faggots like who either can't manage to keep a woman in check or can't even score one and thus go full sour grapes as a solution

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 is good but it's also kind of a cliche. Don't know if that matters to you.

wont even take that long

she be sucking black cock in 6 months

while you are sitting in an office taking orders from some fat dike