How can America be a white nation if it was built by slaves?
How can America be a white nation if it was built by slaves?
Because it wasn't built by slaves, slave labor certainly contributed but it wasnt 100% slave labor and the northern states never had fucking slaves
built by slaves/=designed by slaves
America is a Jewish corporation with black and white slaves, always has been.
>america was bulit with cotton
That's the stupidest shit I've ever seen Obama can't fill his own shoes.
How can the tools claim ownership of anything?
>be nigger
>dabble in farmwork for a few generations
fuck off
>Buildings are made of cotton
pyramids were built by jews so how is egypt african
> Slaves wrote the constitution
Fuck off nigger, this is a white country.
Slaves only worked in farms they didn't built America
Buildings aren't made out of cotton
>built by slaves
>pick some cotton for the poor part of America
>somehow equates to building the greatest country in the history of the world
No thanks, sweetie!
slaves didn't build shit because they were retarded niggers
only thing they could be trusted to do was pick cotton
America was build by the settlers.
that about explains it... we should have left them all well alone....
>north never had slaves
You're fucking retarded. I bet you think Canada never had slaves either.
Picking produce isn't building a nation.
>Blacks are nation builders
as an outsider watching your movies I can tell you
you're not a white nation
Being this stupid and using that smug niggers picture. Kill yourself
>cotton created America
interesting theory OP. Is there a book I can read to pursue further knowledge
Is Egypt Jewish?
No. We used subhuman niggers to harvest cotton. Our biggest mistake was that we didn't castrate the groids
Are you telling me chairs were built by hammers?
Or were they built by the men who wielded the hammers?
Why did America need so much cotton anyway?
kinda like how they built up zimbabwe after murdering the shit out of the white farmers?
Where's the evidence slaves built the white house and the other important buildings?
It seems to me there's almost none.
Besides, for building you have to be able to do shit like measure and count;
Slaves couldn't even read.
We were indentured servants, not slaves.
Op went to inner city public school.
Because slaves were only used for picking cotton and menial tasks.
Designi, engineering and building buildings, streets and whatever else wasn't assigned to slaves due to their lower intelligence and the belief they would not be able to do the job properly. Any time slaves were used they were assigned a slave master who did all their thinking for them. It is akin to me painting a house and then claiming I built it.
You deport all the niggers.
We Wuz......
It wasn't built by slaves, that's retarded
this is why friend!
have another nigger!
praise kek
It was no more built by niggers than it was built by cows; both were beasts of burden.
I found a video of you Matthew
I feel like this is a prop for some mirror universe movie.
>if it was built by slaves
it wasnt lol
thats like saying tools built a shed, rather than the hand holding said tools
It wash a cash crop. One of the most profitable things to grow at the time.