what the fuck is this
What the fuck is this
>he doesn't use the catalog
>not using adblock
Are you actually retarded?
wish I could afford holo ;_;
Something that will consume your soul and wallet.
Wait, J-list is back?
Also, what happened to your ad and js blockers?
I'm still curious what percentage J-List gives to the artists whose images it uses in its ads. I see pics from Pixiv in the ads on Nyaa all the time.
Not OP, but I have adblock on and they still show up.
You should use uBlock and uMatrix, user.
i also am not op but i am using ad block and they are showing up for me too
I already do.
same problem as OP
Block it manually then.
I just checked and I noticed it too.
All the more reason to only use the catalog.
Don't even mind them. J-list adds are cute!
Adblock Plus (I just don't care) and 4chanX work fine. I didn't even need to add any filter rules.
check em
uBlock Origin?
It's fucking heresy. This is one of the explicit things moot said he'd never do.
>Caring about J-List adds, the oldest advertiser in Sup Forums
>Not using the catalog
>no sound
>not a video that bogs everything down
>not obstructive
It doesn't really matter even if this becomes permanent desu
Pffft..retard this is how you do it
>moot said he'd never do.
Guess what, he doesn't run the show anymore. Blame Japmoot or some fag dev.
Why not just throw down the twenty bucks for the pass? Captcha and ads both suck, and it's nice not to have to deal with either
Nice try Hiro.
No, really. How many hours a day do you spend here that would be improved by not solving captchas?
tfw no dubs
this thread is cursed
To be completely honest, it is worth it.
how many hours a day do you spend sucking cock
Captcha is annoying, but I am not going to reward Hiroyuki's irritating policies.
If the site really were in dire straits (in order of increasing desperation):
>remove /hr/, /gif/, /s/, /hc/, /soc/, and Sup Forums; in fact, do this anyway ASAP
>disable sounds on /wsg/
>remove all the image dump boards, including /e/, /h/, and /c/
>lower file size limits globally
Cut spending before you think about adding income. It's that simple.
Spotted the shill
what is botnet
>not getting NoScript and uBlock
Shiggy Diggy Doo where are you
Use UBlock Origins, block element. Problem solved.
the curse was lifted If the prophecy is true, Jewroshimoot will stop shilling Sup Forums soon.
>inb4 "he wont" posts
>le shill meme
>Sup Forums is filled with Sup Forums
When did this happen?
Where? Are you talking about the retarded shill accuser?
Yea but I also saw a guy saying "cuck" in another thread.
The only one who thinks that Sup Forums is filled with Sup Forums are libtards
Gee, I wonder who made this post
You forgot to post a redditfrog with that, faggot.
None of this is necessary. The J-List removal followed by malicious ads, these new ads and anything else Hiro has added or removed under the pretense of financial trouble. The site is financially stable and has been for the later years of moot's administration, as well as up until he left literally saying the site could sustain itself.
Don't you get it? Hiro has a history of trying to make a profit no matter who his audience is. He did it with the Japanese, a point that was regularly brought up and dismissed by Sup Forums when he first was revealed to be the new admin. Surely he won't do it to us! People are blowing things out of proportion!
He's doing the exact same thing and everyone here is complacent about it.
Most know about what he's doing and they also know that he wont listen to anything they say.
No matter what we do, he won't stop trying to monetize the site.
I've never used any sort of adblocker because these are the first ads to truly annoy me.
Nothing. They are stolen. The guys that edit them into ads do get paid though.
I like those boards existing, though. Why would I want Sup Forums to have fewer features, rather than just buying a pass. You can't remove captcha from the site anyway without wrecking it
the ads are too bulky. A banner ad should merge with the content so it only sticks out if the content of the ads appeals to you.
>Hiro has a history of trying to make a profit
Oh no how dare he.
>Enabling adblock
>Not supporting Sup Forums
I don't support a Sup Forums that has ads between threads
Enjoy your freshly installed malware then.
>supporting a japanese kike
fuck off hiroshit.
Or has a special Sup Forums Gold Account board. Or lets you have a special badge if you give him money.
Fuck off kike.
This, fuck hiro.
That's pretty tame desu
neo-Sup Forums is dumb as fuck, newfags probably use chrome or even apple products.
>not being part of the botnet
No but really, why should I care if he's trying to make money? Sup Forums's not a non-profit.
Yeah im also fine with it for now.
He can make money off of non-intrusive shit, you know, like how moot was doing it with passes? Why does he need all this other shit?
Because it makes him more money. Feel free to criticize the specific things, like shitty ads, but getting mad because someone wants to make money is stupid.
Come to the chrome side user, let the botnet flow through your computer, become the botnet.
Sup Forums has ads?
I switched over to Chrome recently after using Firefox since forever. I don't know what happened, but it became laggy as shit.
>Feel free to criticize the specific things, like shitty ads
This is the entire issue. Passes are not intrusive, they don't ruin the browsing experience for anyone. Neither is /vip/. Putting malicious ads, which he did after losing his partnership with J-List the first time, was fucking retarded. These new ads are also bad. The fact that he wants to make MORE money is what's leading him to do these things, not the fact that he NEEDS money to keep the site running.
Wanting more money isn't an issue, only some of the things that it's led to are.
Also, if you actually see ads on Sup Forums, you're a huge loser. Either get a pass or use adblock.
And filtering shit threads is sure to improve the quality of the board too. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there.
more like
>rangeban all phone ips
>worldfilterban any mention of plebbit
traffic instantly goes down and posting quality goes up
Let's just go back Sup Forums Sup Forums and /l/
>Neither is /vip/.
Yeah who would have thought that Sup Forums gold account would become real. Seriously, the place is becoming what most people disliked years ago, not that it matters, the currents users don't give a fuck.
>tfw no true crime board
>traffic instantly goes down
So does revenue.
Sup Forums pass is actually the best $20 I've ever spent.
but traffic is how he makes profit from the site. you want to maximise traffic.
i hate Sup Forums but its one of the more popular boards, unfortunately. getting rid of Sup Forums isnt a good idea, due to the shia flag shit the traffic has probably gone up exponentially.
the rest of those boards should go though.
>tfw you recently jacked off to that Android 18 figure
Yeah thats a bit much
and thats why ublock is superior
The ass was pretty great too
>preordered holo before preorders were out
You can argue about the direction of this site all you want but the specific discussion is about intrusive monetization. You can still browse /vip/ without a pass and as you can see, nothing of any value whatsoever occurs there. It's irrelevant compared to the other methods of making a profit.
This still happens if you have adblock retard
They warned us this would happen
But we refused to listen
better yet delete Sup Forums
How did they get rid of him?
he left japan to avoid shitloads of lawsuits
Why would use not?
bull. I'm using ublock origin and I still see it.
I recall the other site administrators got rid of him after finding out he was selling user information to everybody (including the government)
Then he created his own fake 2ch, which ripped posts from 2ch in real time, which was taxing for the bandwidth or something
I recall that Jim made a long video about all the shit he pulled
>you will fuck ugly women
Definitely makes me want to click right away
it's a ad.
also android 18 don't have these boobs.