Anyone else notice the correlation between diet and political beliefs?

Seems like everyone I know who is a leftist eats things like kale, rice w/beans, tofu, and various other "health" and "ethnic" foods. Everyone I know who is on the right eats things like steak, burgers, fried food, etc. I also don't know any people who are really fat even though lefties claim their food is "healthier."
Do you think people who think like leftists are driven to that type of food just because of the way they think, or does the food inspire them to have leftists first. Basically, which comes first: the food or the belief system?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Kale, rice, beans, and tofu
>Ethnic foods
Pick one
Me myself I prefer some tacos or burgers

Rice and beans are in no way better for the diet than a burger.

>which comes first: the food or the belief system
The fluoridated water

my shitlib friend became vegan because his shitlib gf is one

>rice w/beans
Nothing wrong with this one.

You have to go back, Paco

they are not "driven" to that kind of food or any of the other brands they worship. They are the ones it is marketed to, just like their relig-- political beliefs.

I've been vegan since 1997 and I hate cultural marxism and (((globalism))). I've never voted for a Democrat in my life.

The belief system comes first. Their food is mostly man made and mostly chemicals. And lefties mostly eat ice cream. Im going to make a burger right now.

>continuing friendship with someone actively ruining western civilization
get off Sup Forums you soft faggot

um sweetie, eating soy and kale means you are a better person so those patterns make perfect sense

notice the correlation between food and health, and intellect

for "scientists" you kids sure are dumb as fuck

Im vegan, dont smoke or drink, cant stand the though of abortion, ever, under any circumstances, hate hippies, detest "homosexuals", think transvestites should be put down, cant stand trump, cant stand the clinton crime family, know the future of humanity is in agriculture

havent needed a doctor in 30 years for anything

am 47 and would tear through you little men like a scythe through wheat

I eat sausage with kraut and have a big salad with a ton of vegies. It is rare I will eat red meat or anything other than weisswurst. I am still more conservative than all of Sup Forums put together. I would make jewlery out of your nigger teeth and sell it back to that same nigger.

The absolute state of misinformation

dolma is shit tier low iq t*rk and ar*b garbage

No, diet has nothing to do with political view. Stop being stupid.

Its mainly guilt that drives them away from meat.
They forgot that they were hunters once and that killing is in their nature.

I rarely eat fried stuff aside from fish and chips every now and then. Most of my diet is straight veg, fruit, eggs, cheese, oven baked chicken, Italian deli meats, etc

Im a veggie neocon who eats kale.

>Everyone I know who is on the right eats things like steak, burgers, fried food, etc
So basically every right winger is now a fat american zit?

I eat pussy just like purple haired lezbos

ITT fatfat tries to blame his poor diet on ideaology. Claims that eating an unprocessed plant will risk his very moral fiber tipping into degeneracy.

Sounds like you spotted a pattern out there. I've appreciated the left does anything the media says.
Though same could be said of the right wing with ads
Personally I support right wing views and my diet is mostly based on beans, veggies, fruit, and white meat. Eating red meats almost every weekend when I hang out with family members or friends.

can’t stand trump? grow up, you should know better by now.


"Jew" would suffice, Chaim.

>le infuriated 56% magapede

yeah "trumps" a real man's man

looks like an old bull dike

I don't know lad I do love a good curry now and then


There is maybe a very very weak correlation between things like leftism and veganism, but in general people don't eat things because of political beliefs. All of the literal commies I know are lazy as fuck and all they eat is junk food. Then again, most of the people I know who are right wing eat just that too. At least the leftists you know actually care about their health. Whereas most of the people I know will be fatties in 10 years.

Some things, like close friendships, are more important than political beliefs
you might not understand since you probably have no friends or surround yourself in an echochamber of "friends" who say what you want to hear

I will ague that something as simple as vitamin D can change behavioral patterns and mental reasoning. How ever its 2018 your diet is easily supplemented with vitamins. I like to hunt and fish. I clean and cook my own kills but people will still eat the meat with out being pro gun but at lest they respect my right to have one.

Correlation coefficient.

veganism, for lack of a better term, is associated with spiritual awakening and intellect

people who dont play politics, because they dont have to

I notice a lot of vegan lefties are batshit insane. They lack an entire protein/animal fat group from their diet. Lack of certain fats rots the brain. Hence, the Soy Boy meme is real

But I also know a lot of fat leftists. Just slobs. I have no idea what they eat. But they certainly aren't /fit/.

Lots of lefties are either out of shape or fat slobs who work office jobs.

I notice a lot of the more athletic girls who lift weights, run, go to the gym, etc. tend to be more right/pro-police, etc.

Also one of the most based Italian-American couples I know are normal/average, good looking, very catholic, hard working, and hate blacks, lowlifes, welfare recipients, etc. And they have some of the best "exotic" very European-style/Mediterranean food choices.

Also, explain this slob. This guy wouldn't eat kale if it came deep fried in chocolate sauce with lard on top.

>people don't eat things because of political beliefs

Not always. It's an entire leftwing, feminism, animal rights, lefty, spirituality, yoga thing for some people. It's all tied to the left.

Look at some of those vegan protesters and animal rights loonies. They're radical lefties who bitch about meat and eggs.

Enjoy it before he completely turns on you for voting Trump. He's not going to choose you over any other liberal once the left goes overboard on the hysteria.

Im a vegan.
I am a conservative party member, a brexiteer, gun owner, basc member, i play rugby, i used to box, i ride a 1200cc motorcycle etc etc.
Whats your point?

i'm a 5 min walk from here

They don't call em soygoyim for nothing.

take tht back!

My faggot brother eats nothing but Soylent.

Leftists eat that shit because they are pretentious. They take pictures of their "healthy" meals because without the validation of others they wouldn't be able to stomach it. Fucking retards blowing paychecks at Whole Foods buying Organic 365 Vegetables from China... Brainwashed faggots.

Except chronic inflamation of the gut leading to tons of health problems.


Stop pushing that fucking meme.

The authoritarian/moderate right (Republicans) are mostly pro-police and military. Also I think the left kicks you out if you don't believe that policemen shoot unarmed blacks for sport. So "pro-police" can just mean you're against BLM.

I meant to add that they're more neo-con/conservative. Pro-police as in they view them as the keepers of civilized society -- as opposed to lawless anarchy under niggers as in the ghettos of American leftwing cities.

The police are a whole different subject. As is the military. But at least folks like that are moderately respectful. Can't say the same for obnoxious lefties that scream about "racism" when the cops shoot a nigger. I'm not all that pro-police.

How is it? Seems like a good alternative to food and I'm not so fat that I need variety and taste in my diet.

how can people be vegan?

steak and chicken are way too good, and there are so many good meat dishes.

Liberals replaced spiritual purity of soul with purity of body. That's why they're into organic foods, against GMOs, and "big pharma". Whole Foods and Holistic healing centers are their churches, in lieu of religion.

I'm pretty right-wing, but I prefer healthy things like kale, tofu, etc because I'm a hypochondriac and I don't wanna have a heart attack when I'm like 50.

Having said that, nothing beats an all-American cheeseburger. A real burger, not that McDonald's shit.

Leftards are just pretentious cunts, thus a 'ethnic' and 'healthy', or a group of elitists with search for exotics. Btw, I'm right and I do love fish and greens.

>Truth be told.
I eat ethnic foods, kale, lentils, hummus, burgers, steaks, eggs, milkshakes, and pussy because I'm a Chad.

Only poor people should eat rice and beans. In poor countries they help people get enough calories to survive. In rich countries rice and beans make you fat as fuck. You might have needed that in the old country, but here in the US you should swap it for lean meats and vegetables

Vegetarian diets increase the gut flora responsible for equol. Equol is what happens when they process phytoestrogens, i.e. plant estrogens. It caused almost catastrophic decline in sheep in Australia in the 20th century.

Equol is more prevalent in populations that consume large amounts of vegetables.

Idk senpai.
On one hand, I love all that "ethnic" food because I grew up eating it in a really diverse community.
On the other hand, I'm far right because I grew up in a really diverse community.

I only eat healthy b/c society treats you better the closer you are to the ideal aesthetic. Aspergers is creepy in a 6' 3" 250lb guy, it's eccentric and even cute in the same guy at 160lb who dresses nice and has a good haircut. I'm bitter af about it though.

Soy is a complete protien.

> Hence, the Soy Boy meme is real.

Sure, and so is your fake ass user...and your nigga-hating self-hating sky-daddy loving gourmet spic friends.

Are you this desperate for attention? Sad!

I enjoy high fiber food. They make me shit multiple times a day. Shitting regularly I enjoy more than sex. Too much meat and I get constipated. Eat more stews, you disgusting american slobs

t. Soyboy

No, these chicks are dolts who know their stock and date policemen because it's the best they can do or they are closet lesbos.

Source: body builder friends and family puts a lot of these buff gym rat chicks in my circles.

Left and right both equally stupid.

Iron pill. Leafy greens are the most nutrient dense. Protein and fats are good for you, especially as a man. Refined sugar and grains are jewish scams. Too many carbs beget more eating. Some carbs will help you lift.

Muscle mass fights all health problems. Biggest predictor of future health is being lean (but not skinny) with no gut fat and good mobility.

Micronutrients and gut biome are important but you don't need to bother researching that until you lose the extra pounds and start lifting with your diet in check. Know that quitting refined sugar completely for months (yes completely you fucking cheat meal scum) will also deaden your desire for more of it.

Only proven anti-ageing for looks is sunscreen, wear it every single day, you're white, you don't need a tan.

They're just different levels of scum. Nigs are at the bottom since they'll rob you without warning. Cops are up there on the second tier of scum with spics and white trash hicks.

>47 years old
>still posting Pepe

I’m a libertarian vegetarian

''Hunter/gatherers'' who couldn't pull their own weight or provide for the tribe were either exiled or killed.
It's no coincidence that most leftists are in favor of government assistance. This lazy/weak gene still exists today. Plant based diets require cultivation and ''forced'' teamwork rather than self sufficiency.
Not only are leftists vegans, but they vote against their own people's interests.
If you've ever hunted in different environments before, hot or cold, the food that is available is pretty much the same.
If you were to actually live in the wild, the most natural thing you'd consume is animal fat and protein and that's the bottom line.

It's all a meme. Most leftists are burger-eating, steak-loving, bacon-joking, fatasses. Maybe this meme is being pushed to drive non-leftists into killing themselves?

Where I am, all the the right and left wingers eat clean and do things like make sourdough bread and eat grasa fed meats. The center left normie types are the ones who eat fast food and general garbage.

Jews are not conservative.


>post is about lack of key saturated fats
>spergs out about protein

The soy truly has rotted your brain, you stupid faggot

>doesn't smoke

>ITT: shills defend their diet without trying to blow their cover.

Carbs are pretty much the liberal diet.

Real mean eat keto.

I eat tofu and virtually no meat. Race war now 1488

Became a vegetarian in 1990 for the chicks in art school. Got lots of chicks on that basis alone.
Worth it.
Became a "progressive" for 20 years - stayed vegetarian - not because of animal rights but simply because it was the only lifestyle commitment I had ever stuck to so I just wanted to keep going. Still smoked and drank like I rockstar.

Became a Libertarian. Stayed veg for same reason.

Now hard-right. Can't go back. Eat yummy ethnic veg food with my Asian babe wife.

Good life.

Hi sean

Unless you are killing your meat personally this is not an argument

>eating healthy is pretentious
Enjoy your right wing(c) meal, brought to you by McDonalds

I eat whatever I feel like. I set myself a time of day (6-7:30) to eat. I know that (unless I eat nothing but milkshakes from Cookout or something equally as awful), there's no way I'm going to exceed my daily caloric intake. I could eat 3 Big Macs and be okay because I haven't eaten anything else. At first, you're hungry for most of the day, but your body adjusts and it's hard to eat outside of your allotted time; you just aren't hungry.

Race traitors hang too

Meat consumption enables healthy testosterone production, which leads to individualistic worldviews.
Vegans have collectivist worldviews; they believe they are helping the environment (they aren't) and only partake because they believe they're starting a trend that the rest of the world will have to follow. Hence, the mythical "vegan who keeps to himself" is so surprising when discovered.

American right is hedonistic, so it's not surprise that you feel your belly with trash.

you think too much and it looks like you don't have the brain for it
go watch tv or something

Rice and beans are fine in moderation. Really just depends on how much glucose you expend at the gym.
Also, don't bother with lean meats. Fatty meats have far more nutrients and the fat is good for you, contrary to vegan propaganda. In prehistoric times, lean cuts were fed to the dogs. This meme needs to die.

He's obviously not saying that eating "healthy" is pretentious, it's that those who eat "healthy" are pretentious.

Really guys, just stay off the carbs and you'll be fine. You aren't a marathon runner and don't need to eat like one.

It's only traitorous if I knew better at the time. In any event shes the best person I ever met and sympathizes with my redpilling. And is totally honorary. And hot.
No regrets.
Plus I am a great traditionalist artist. I give birth to White CULTURE.
>fuck yeah. Good life.

>know the future of humanity is in agriculture

Have fun with a child who looks nothing like you. Whites are 17.5% of the world's population and dropping thanks to "people" like you

I'll load up on fruits and vegetables for health but I still enjoy life and will have no problem downing 2 steaks. Love meat boys it's a protein and energy rich gift. I'll take my 1% increase risk of colon cancer meh

Nope. I know plenty of useless ham planets on "disability" who slop down frozen pizzas and hot pockets all day while they play vidya or whine endlessly on their social media about how much "pain" they are in, and about how Trump is "literally killing people."

God, this is why socialism cannot work.

i hear country songs talk about eating rice w/ beans. that is ok. burgers made out of beans, not so much.

there have been many studies done on eating habits and political leanings and there is a correlation. this has been shown already. not a revelation.

You don't need to justify eating meat, it's great over-all for you. The only thing you need to justify in your head is the consumption of sugar.

>Basically, which comes first: the food or the belief system?

Usually, the food comes first and influences the belief system. There are three 'modes' of nature: the mode of goodness, the mode of passion and the mode of ignorance. Everything in the universe is a combination of these three modes of nature, with one of those modes being predominant in each thing. Foods that predominantly contain the mode of goodness calm the mind, foods that predominantly contain the mode of passion stimulate the mind and foods that that predominantly contain the mode of ignorance dull the mind.

Vegans have been pushing a lot of junk science to convince people it's unhealthy. See movies like What The Health. It caused some people I know to go vegan for a while. Watch it, then read some criticism online. It's filled to the brim with alternative facts.