Mr.Satan vs King

Who would win?

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Standoff, Satan is given the win by King


If there's a title on the line, Mr. Satan. Otherwise, King.

Close match but I gotta go with the champ

If the fight can be avoided Mr.Satan gets a stomach ache.

If not, Mr.Satan.

King actualy manifested powers during the human monster arc

he would probably win

I understand that King is the strongest man in the world, but Satan has protected us from multiple galactic and extra-dimensional threats. I gotta go with the champ on this one.

Mr Satan, he is actually a very good fighter just shit tier compared to space monkeys, slug men and people that have trained under god.

Mr Champ defeated Cell and Buu, both of which can conquer the universe. King is not even the #1 in his own circle of heroes

Depends. Would they be aware of each others reputation? Cause King's whole Schick, is that everyone knows who he is, and being supposedly the strongest human alive to bullshit his way out.

If Satan is not aware, he could easily trash him.

What's a king to a god?

Does someone have that animu power chart?.

Lets add mr satan at the top.

King as close second.

Couldn't Mr. Satan actually pull a train or some shit? I don't remember, but I think he was actually pretty strong in terms of human beings.


He could but just never did it.
Probably he just didnt bother or didn't know about the super sand lesbians.

He was. He was a legit world champion and after the cell saga, he was seen aging and yet he still managed to pull 4 buses into the stadium

To compare: the world record for strongest man was 12 Nissans notes totalling 28,530 pounds (12,941 kg). An average transit bus weights around 20,000 pounds each, making Satan drag 80,000 pounds

Forgot my video

Satan. Easily.

Despite being a coward, Satan is always full of himself and will assume that his opponent's reputation is all boasts. He actually did try to fight against both Cell and Buu. And even when it doesn't work, he tries cheating.

King doesn't actually want to fight anyone.


Assuming Mr. Satan doesn't get scared off by the King Engine, Mr. Satan wins easily.