>boland is based 99% huwite
>warsaw is filled with pajeets and vietnamese
Boland is based 99% huwite
Which capital isn't like that now?
I was in Prague a year ago and all the corner shops are owned by vietcong there.
The capital of Vietnam is filled with Australians looking for yellow pussy, what's your point?
is it really that bad?
I thought you were filled with Ukrainians.
I dont count them since they are irrelevant
warsaw is still most likely 90%+ polish. I wouldnt worry about it
warsaw is still most likely 75%+ polish. I know it was 90% a decade ago but still
I hate Warsaw just like the other guy but you are just shitposting.In 2016, it was estimated that 21,000 people living in Warsaw were foreign born, although some suspect the actual number could be as high as 60,000-150,000,[110] or 1.2~3.4% - 8.5% of all Varsovians. Of those, Ukrainians, Vietnamese, Byelorussians and Russians were the most prominent groups
Largest groups of foreign residents[96]
can you explain what are vietnamese doing in Poland??
For what purpose?
Trade deals after war and exchange programs which allowed alot of them to relocate here, they are mostly in Szczecin/Warsaw/Wrocław, they sell cheap socks and decent food.
You never see them around, they commit virtually no crimes and somehow manage to fit into the society, surprisingly you will never hear anyone shit on them.
>You never see them around, they commit virtually no crimes and somehow manage to fit into the society
Sounds like the Vietnamese here too.
Civic nationalism, repeat after me
>C I V I C N A T I O N A L I S M
Marcel zupa stygnie
>You never see them around, they commit virtually no crimes and somehow manage to fit into the society, surprisingly you will never hear anyone shit on them.
I think this is true for vietnamese living in Moscow too. Literally the best "foreign group" here, unlike churkistanis
And North Korean wage slaves?
yeah it is strange 2-3 years ago, there were some viets or koreans running around+tourists of every shape or form. Now suddenly uber food has exclusive pakistani and bangladesh bike drivers. There are dudes taken stright out of Saudi Arabia running around. I mean sure kebab bars here and there were run by syrians since for ever. But on Ursynow, suburb of Warsaw, you hear more Russian and more Arabic on a bus then polish nowadays. Mind freaking blowing specially for someone like me that goes out maybe 1-2 times year.
>Now suddenly uber food
>not cooking your own bigos
Do you order bull to your wife as well?
One Poilsh woman saved from the dead jew, millions to go
Everyone knows that Warszawa is fucking shit.
Only shopping crazy Instagram sluts and vegetarian hipsters live there.
dude I can't even eat cabbages. Am on a strickt diet of fluid food, after a card accident. But my dad works at the Warsaw Politechnick and my mother at UW, and both say that 90% of all uber food deliveris in the downtown are done by pakis and the other 10% are ukrainian chechlaks.
>polish marries poo in loo
Who knows, why did you leave the yugoslavian common wealth?
I like to point out that the left part of Warsaw, called Pragg is as meat eating and manly as any hooligan ghetto.
because it was very bad in all ways and serbs held all the power
Prague is degenerate
it's a capital of liberalism and multiculturalism in eastern europe
Don't go there ever again for your own sake
>How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me? I am beautiful, and I am half white myself. I am descended from British aristocracy. He is descended from slaves
I don't not see where the problem is. Serbs are superior nation, so they should rule. Most hardcore people in the world. I remember when their team came to volleyball worlds to Warsaw. we took them to a hotel to dump their stuff, then to eat some healthy dinner. next day they were suppose to play. And what do they do? They make us take them through a tour of polish brothels. They drink, they smoke, they fuck. It would kill a normal person. yet they are just slighly more agresive next day, which helps in sports.
Plus serbians are orotodox, which is the best for of christianity. I always feel sorry that Poland got itself Polluted by catholicism . How much better would its history end up, if they didn't. the whole grekocatholic church fiasco, opresion of ortodox people, being anti russian to a psychotic degree.
I will never forget Yugslavia winning basketball championiship, just before war. People from all over yugo were on the team. Then stuff went down hill because US/UN and Saudis made smaller nations rebel.
I will call it low quality shitpost.
Unless so much changed since I was in Warsaw last time ... In 2013.
>Serbs are superior nation
stopped reading there
jokes aside this is the story of n.chamberlin, dude got his fience taken from him, by a germnised czech guy who was very rich. And NC developed a deep hatred for czech people. Dude was so ganster that he sold czechs to nazi germans to a degree not even the germans expected.
Turkish rape babies?
What about Moravia?
Man I don't have a bone to fight over in the whole serbian/croat thing. But my dad was Serbian, so I feel slightly offended. Why don't you show Serbian war heros, great builders of the communist era. Tito, great sportsman or thinkers. I didn't say that croats were bad or inferior, just that serbs are on another level of culture. It is not really the croats foult they live in rural areas, and their culture is rural in nature. Where Serbian is more civic and state building in nature.
Plus Serbs hate the gay, like no other nation. Not even muslims and Russians hate the gay as much.
very nice place to live. It feels as if you were driving though Austria. Everything is beautiful. Well aside for parts where gypsis live, but I don't think I have to explain gypsis and living conditions to anyone.
never trust an anglo, polski
>Why don't you show Serbian war heros, great builders of the communist era.
there are none. Tito was half croatian half slovenian
> It is not really the croats foult they live in rural areas, and their culture is rural in nature. Where Serbian is more civic and state building in nature.
croatia is much more developed than serbia
>Plus Serbs hate the gay, like no other nation. Not even muslims and Russians hate the gay as much.
Serbia's prime minister is openly lesbian
I saw at least 1 strip club or brothel in every corner when I was in Prague. It's not like this in any other town at all. What happend? It was illegal during the commie years right?
Titos soul was serbian, there for he was serb.
Croatia is now more developed then Serbian, because it helped the Saudis and US/UN destroy serbian infrastructure. Rob land and money, that was traditionaly serbian.
>Serbia's prime minister is openly lesbian
being a lesbian is not gay, as long as you have sex with man too.
yeah, man. 1939. sure Poland fight as long as you can. We are coming to help. Do not worry as soon as germans fully engage, we counter strike from the west. Poles fight longer then France... Brits start the "funny" war, and only awaken when Germans start taking Nordic countries.
Spent all Christmas at Poland. Didn't see a single black. Saw 1 vietcong in one store in a mall.
I loved Poland.
it is legal, pays well, you should see the border with germany or austria. Sometimes it feels as if there was not a single home/house that did not have pink curtains. They and the estonians had/have one of the largest porn industries in europe.
Serbs are filthy dogs. All of them are uncultured swines listening to shity music and talking like autists
Sadly, it did. It was otherwordly feeling for me when i visited last year
>Titos soul was serbian, there for he was serb.
kek the only good serb he can think of is not even ethnically serbian. translate pic related sentence by sentence if your peanut brain is capable.
>being a lesbian is not gay, as long as you have sex with man too.
so this is the power of the polish intelectual
Passed through Warsaw yesterday and didn't see 1 nonwhite
I left meme flag on by accident
Mine trip was in may, so maybe most if those peopke were tourists, hopefully. The sight of non-white faces hurts me physically
That's fucking disgraceful. They ought to ban it. There's still plenty to do and buy for German and Austrian tourists without degrading and exploiting foreign women.
same is happening here. I saw more non whites in the past year than the rest of my life
I normally live in Lublin, which was always believed to be a provincial, conservative city, and in the last 2 year the number of visible minorities at least tripled. To be fair, most of them are here to study medicine or on orgassmus program, but still
somehow I suspect that your definition of being "filled with" is quite a bit different from ours
dude, one day I've seen 3 different nigresses on 3 different occasion in a span of 2 hours. I can comprehend how can you continue to live if that's a daily occurence for you
if we include tourists,at summer you can see as many niggers here as in average european town. mostly american and british nigs. I also saw a hijabi bitch this summer,my dad was shocked.
This is in bigger,tourist cities. In my smaller one it isn't as bad ,there's a nig footballer who lives here ,chinese couple who own a store and few more. All brought to us by EU
Praga jest po prawej stronie kolego. Cala prawobrzezna Warszawa jest based, Praga, Wawer, Rembertów, Wesoła etc.
Whens the next book cumming out Zizek?
They have some of the best food I've ever eaten and I literally don't know where they all live cause even though we have a massive Vietnamese population where I live I barely see them. Pretty sure I saw a documentary where they live underground or something. Can't confirm.
1/6 of Warsaw are Ukrainians now.
The overall situation has changed a lot since ~2015, too. Today I saw more brown people (not many blacks though) than typically during two weeks before. In certain locations I hardly hear any Polish. Except for Spanish, Anglo or German tourists, the brown ones do not look like tourists. Kebab shops and arab-owned restaurants are appearing everywhere.
Vast majority of Vietnamese live outside of Warsaw, in Wólka Kosowska (aprox 50k people).
Also OP is a faggot who doesn't even live here and know shit.
>t. Warszawiak
Ahh i remember that small jewish village
They do commit crimes, especially related to drug cultivating or production + smuggling unoriginal stuff. Apart from that, they are very well-mannered and hard-working, bad taste in music is an exception on the surface.
The worst crime Vietnamese have commited in Poland in over 30 years was running an illegal casino.
>this thread is still alive
fuck i wish we imported more vietnamese and north koreans and less hohols
Vietnamese love to gamble, I bet all the customers were fellow Viets