Look at pic related, this is a real men, most men I have seen are fat slobs who think they deserve more than they do.
Why are men so fucking useless?
Great thread roastie
Same applies to women. Saged.
>photoshopped roider is a real man
Pic related would beat him into a coma and could make him suck his dick, beg for mommy, or anything he wanted. Who's the real man, then?
>gym = success
wow so is this like your first day on the ketones goy?
Because women
>pay a tranny $50 to kill him with nerve gas
who's the real man now?
Real women weigh under 180.
how do I get a body like this?
How's a tranny going to kill him with nerve gas? He'd beat that tranny so hard he'll turn back into a man.
Eat a lot of food, do bodyweight exercises, some barbell exercises, and use kettlebells.
1 Post by this ID. Slide Thread.
Tell me why I deserve more in life because I make the choice to improve my physical body?; as your comparative logic implies you do think this.
I hope you realise how empty and vapid a statement you've just made truly is. I can only assume you are a woman.
being an overleveled, calorie-guzzling pile of meat doesn't make you "real"
pic related is close to optimal
nice homo/sg/ thread, you guys literally cannot keep your faggotry containt to your general.
Yea a real man huh? So what does a man who looks like that do on a daily basis? Oh they lift, they tan, they do cardio to keep their fat off. When do they actually do real productive work like construction? They dont! It might mess up there perfect hair or something. They get payed thousands upon thousands of dollars to have people take pictures of them wearing certain clothes for advertising. People forget how soft and easy these guys have it. One reason they can build the muscle so easily is lack of stress. They dont have the constant cortisol release real working men have to deal with. They also pump themselves full of amphetamines, diuretics, and clenbuterol not long before they get their pic taken. There pretty much at deaths door using their body fat cutting drugs. So these men are not "real men" they are the fakest men ever. Its not that fucking hard to cut your body fat that low when your using shit like clen. Theres nothing special about being that cut up. Just have to diet mainly. Then cardio and clen will give you the model look. If your dumb enough to risk having a fucking heart attack just to look that way for maybe 2 weeks at most.
Keep coping faggots, I bet your BMI is at least over 20, keep on truckin fatasses.
>how do I get a body like this?
Hell, I nearly have a body like that. It's not that hard. Mostly do what says. Just remember to eat a balanced diet.
you can't touch nerve gas silly. who cares if the tranny dies we don't tell her it's nerve gas, just pay her to slap him and run away.
>how does kim jong il murder people
>fat lazy women don’t think they are entitled to more than they have to offer either
Both male and females shouldnt expect anything from the opposite sex if they are not willing to put the time / effort in likewise.
This all seems far too homoerotic for this early in the day. But if you're happy, I'm happy for you.
Beast mode fedor
Is that guy Baltic?
The time of the roastie is over, the time of sexbots has come
Look at historic photos of men, none of them look like your photo.
That is a gay body obsessed man who chemically enhanced himself. Not much better than a tranny.
Thank god, I won't have to deal with fat fucks like you anymore.
closest thing to a god this world has ever seen
I could literally post this but replace men with women and it would make even more sense.
>a real man is a dehydrated cut body builder who poses for a photo so he can be photoshopped into a more narcissistic picture?
A real man is a father and husband you fucking teenager.
This man injects himself with 500mg of testosterone every other day, real men aren't drug addicts
Please notice how your bait thread has become a place for genuine discussion and no one is replying to you anymore, except me of course.
Hgh user.. clearly. The chin is a dead giveaway
Theres nothing wrong with a 50 to 100 mg dose when your over the hill and doctor approves though. :)
Im all for test being used therapeutically.
50 to 100 mgs wont give you anywhere near the results op's pic has though.
that’s just what lowT betas say to themselves to justufy their pudgy bodies
Is that not the typical look of a gay man
>(((doctor approves)))
doctors would chop your dick off for money, they're just another industry these days, with customers. real sickness has been defeated for generation.
Any low T beta can get a script if they are genuinely low T. But the doc is not going to give them 500 mgs.. nor will the doc throw in trenbolone or something on top of that.
nah, he's french
balts tend to look a bit bulkier
the guy is clearly natty, bro
gear is a myth invented by slanderous LowT beta manlets
go back to your fashion board, /fa/ggot
>Look at pic related, this is a real faggot
try again
Post tits or GTFO
>Beta plebbit homo?
>that photo
>Lellator 172
>loses to Matt Mitrione in under 1:30 by KO
Estonians are tall and strong because of the Swedish blood. Prove me wrong ( you can't )
Another tranny anime faggot larping as a woman? It's obvious as fuck, most degenerates who prefer that type of man are homosexuals. Women like them a bit more faggy.
You look like shit and spend your days posting pictures of men on cartoon forums. Guarantee you don't even lift. Post a pic.
Guy looks like he spends most of his time at the gym. That's not the type of body you get by working hard. He probably works an office job.
Tbf he looked like that when he was the greatest in the world, smashing motherfuckers in pride and strikeforce.
You have no idea how much I regret becoming useful by focusing on studying and getting work experience instead of ignoring all of that, focusing solely on gym and finding someone to parasite on using abs. At least I'm rich.
Legalize steroids, that man is taking them.
this thread is psyop,
great responses.
now let this horseshit slide.
his daughter is a qt
The man in that pic is reliant on synthetic hormones and most likely will be for the rest of his life. He's anything but a real man, he's literally fake, his nuts don't even work!
He did, he actually has muscle under the fat i've seen a picture of his arm with veins popping out before.