What the fuck is this shit hiroshimoot.
What the fuck is this shit hiroshimoot
Use the catalog, user.
just update your adblock filters you neanderthal
Sup Forums must be returned to the eternal anglo, or else.
Welcome to the 2017 future
How long has j-list been advertising on Sup Forums now? I can't remember when Sup Forums didn't have j-list ads.
I remember when Sup Forums didn't have ads.
>not using the catalog
>not using adblock
>not using some Sup Forums app
You deserve it.
>using the front page
I don't understand?
It's called an ad, it's something companies pay others for to promote themselves and their products. They are an important part of the modern economy.
>incapable of using filters
Explain yourself
Its still cancer and pretty scummy.
Just wait until we have them between every ten posts!
Neanderthal isn't an insult, Neolithic invader.
>Intrusive as fuck
>J-UST garbage merchandise
>normalfag meme ads with shit tier anime like reddit:zero and flop dragon
hiroshima was a mistake
The modern economy should collapse then.
Don't like the economy? Stop buying shit.
Technically ads are supposed to be beneficial to all parties, but that's only true in the case that people see ads of products or services they are interested in. In this case if you have no interest in buying anything from J-list then the ads being shown to you are a waste of everyone's time and resources as iirc Sup Forums is payed by purchases made via ads, not clicks or views.
Not buying shit is the most stupid way to make economy collapse.
This. Only newfriends use the index.
I would rather have J-List ads over those hideous scam ads that appear sometimes.
If everyone stopped buying shit the economy wouldn't collapse. It would disintegrate. You can recover from a collapse; not complete paradigm shift.
Theu aren't beneficial to all parties, they are just plain fucking annoying in all forms. They are a horrible business model and most people prefer not to see them at all
>Theu aren't beneficial to all parties
They are beneficial to Hiroyuki
I see or hear like 1 ad a month.
I don't watch TV. I don't listen to the radio. I block everything on my PC.
Advertisements make everything they're attached to worse, so to avoid the ads I will avoid the medium if at all possible.
No it wouldn't, people would still need to trade goods to survive.
Supposed to be beneficial, not actually beneficial. Ads are only really meant to show you products and services of which you are interested in paying for, everything else is a waste of time. If a person is not interested in purchasing products and services shown to them, then there is no reason to show them ads.
Who said anything about survival? We're talking about collapsing the economy because some fucking crybabies don't like seeing some pixels on their computers.
Economy is not about money, not buying things would not collapse economy.
Modern economy. Do you even read the threads you shit in?
L-link for that k-kirara onahole plz.
Do you even know about economy?
Evidently not if buying and selling things is not how it functions in reality.
It doesn't work
For them to show what people what, there first needs to be privacy invasion which nulls all benificial factors of ads.
We're explicitly telling you that you are doing it wrong. It does work when you know what the fuck you're doing. Don't complain about software not working when you don't know how it works in the first place you fucking boob.
Ads only exist to make you aware that a product exist. Whether or not you need or want the product is irrelevant.
So whats in the first time onahole buyers guide anyway?
>Ads only exist to make you aware that a product exist
I'd love to go to the fantasy world you fucking live in.