Truly honorary aryans
Truly honorary aryans
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How can anyone not love the Japs?
Who is even mad about it? Nigger weebs? Jap Sjw's? White weebs? Who are the people policing japan for racism based on western standards? Japs are POC they can't be racist.
>Has come under fire
By whomst? If the answer is anything other than the Japanese then it just shows how thin the lefts idea of culture really is
>blackface widely seen as racist
not in asia
Japan doesn't have a history of enslaving blacks, ever.
was this a batsu game where the loser had to become a controversy, but only an american one?
That's such a natural looking blackface, guy looks like a dark Indian or something. And they did the hair too!
Japan love Eddie Murphy.
it was not for racism.
Japan is very isolate from western common sense.(aka ignorant)
and who exactly cares?
That pic looks like it was a very pretty day
Based Hamada
Where, in murican twitter?
>this is how chink murphy looks like
kek'd out loud
I wonder (((who))) broke this story to the western media?
Every now and then, between the seemingly neverending stream of infuriating and demoralizing "man gets ten years prison for eating a bacon sandwich within 5 miles of a mosque" stories coming from the UK, based Japan comes up with something to restore your faith in the universe.
Why was there no "outrage" when he did this?
because he pretended to gorilla.
not black person.
That show is a god tier drinking game, every outto you take a shot
>SJWs not knowing Eddie Murphy has been doing this shit for decades
My bet it's the lazy niggers at Team Gaki who take fucking forever to sub their new year specials.
Based nips
How is blackface racist?
>TV show with blackface sparks outrage
Who fucking cares.
Was Hamada shot? If so it would have been fucking dunny considering the theme was American Police.
It took so long last time because it was apparenrly a one man effort from part 5 onwards
Why is blackface racist nowadays? An asian in blackface looks hilarious. Minstrel Shows were far tamer on the racism than Chris Rock or Chappelle ever did.
>Who fucking cares
niggers and nu-males, the soy-boys
Based Gooks
Its not racist to wea a bear outfit. Why is it racist to impersonate those disgusting animals? They are not human. Shitskin is the best designation i have found.
>US-born writer and columnist Baye McNeil - who is black and has lived in Japan for 13 years - drew attention to the show on Twitter, arguing that black people were "not a punchline nor a prop".
>He said he loved Japan and wanted to draw people's attention to how the practice of blackface is widely regarded as racist.
>He tweeted that his "nightmare scenario" was that during the opening ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, "Japan naively sends a Blackface doowop group out to pay homage to black athletes".
Please let it happen.
subs when
When the fuck will these idiots learn that by making it taboo, they give it power. For fucks sake, does saying cunt disrespect every woman who ever died being called that? If so, people need to stop saying cunt, and dickhead, and idiot, because if blackface in a context where no-one is being called a monkey faced fuck or whatever is apparently racist, then saying "fuck you" is a rapist term and needs to be censored, too. Fuck these double standard cunts.
Fuck now I like that show even more
American millennials, niggers, SJWs. They can scream how they want, Japan won't give a single fuck
Gaki no Tsukai?
Fuck I forgot to watch the live stream
and Nips literally don't give a fuck about anyone, that's the advantage of being at 99%
Eddy Murphy impersonates Whites, Jews and Africans in Coming to America.
> Omg what an actor
Jap impersonates Eddy Murphy
>widely deemed racist