When the hell did these huge-ass ads go in the middle of the god damn page?
Thanks Hiroshima
When the hell did these huge-ass ads go in the middle of the god damn page?
Thanks Hiroshima
If it's just a j list ad that's not so bad. I hate those weird ones at the top and on the front page
We don't need this thread once an hour. Use the catalog.
>not having a Sup Forums pass
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
>people actually thought and still think hiro cares about Sup Forums
Fuck off generalfag retard. We actually should be having this thread consuming every board.
>not wanting to see and be surprised by meme ads
How soon until the random porn ads start taking that center space?
boards.Sup Forums.org##.jla-it
Problem solved.
are you fucking implying something here goyim?
Block all ads and start posting 3MB+ images all the time.
Idk I block the eternal ad, but Rem is the best girl in Re:Zero.
Oy vey its nothing, look at this anime girl quick!
>next year there will be a mandatory pop-up ad every time you post unless you get a Sup Forums pass
>enabling ads post-moot
You're fucking stupid.
People are still getting them even with adblock. (I have NoScript and 4chanX, one or the other is hiding them.)
They are good ads though.
I haven't seen those ads at all. Though it might be just me.
You shouldn't use Adblock. Get uBlock instead.
You can get rid of them by adding a filter manually. Leaves an annoying gap, but it's better than seeing an ad.
>good ads
no such thing
As expected of the most overrated piece of crap character this decade.
I have ublock and I got those ads as well. They were easy to manually block though.
If hiro's not in charge then who is?
I don't even see a gap. Guess I was lucky.
What am I doing wrong?
moot mentioned a "managing moderator". I guess he does the day-to-day operations.
What fucking pisses me off is the fact they're very eye-catching and I always end up clicking on them thinking they are normal images.
Who the fuck doesn't use the catalog?
Trolls and tripfags.
Moot wouldn't let this have happened!
Good goy
So when are we going to jump ship from Sup Forums, and what's the next site going to be because Sup Forums fucking sold out
Moot cared more about his virginity than his baby
I do have one, and I'm still getting it.
>not using the catalog
I browse Sup Forums the same way I did in 2004. The catalog is nice, but I prefer just refreshing the main page to see active threads.
I don't like change.
>but i use the catalog.
Front page is next. My uncle is friends with Hiro and he says that he's turning it into an online billboard
this is fucking sad
Why would you not just use the catalogue?
Ads are all the leafs fault
The manager. Aka the person who is killing this place with his don't communocate with users and other dumb policies. He also seems to be a Sup Forumstard.