Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
Mami for hanging out like bros and Nakayama for deito.
This is the patrician choice.
Was just about to make this but then I scrolled down and saw your post. Thanks anonkun.
I love both!
Between those two I would have to vote for Akari-chan.
I can understand why you think that. Only discerning patricians ever choose Momo.
My philosphy is that you should go for girls who can also be your best friend. I'll take Mami.
Nakayama is secretly lewd and knows about the dick.
Left by far.
Chameleon Friend
Right is my waifu
Yeah but Yuno is cuter.
Yuno is very cute, but I must disagree.
no way, Yuno
No contest
Best girl coming through
We need more Chika.
Lotte for sure
Literally this.
I just wish there were more widefaced megucas.
>meguca gets a special kind of wideface
Cute as fuck
Maybe we'll get a slice of life OVA after season 2. That's the only way we'll get widefaces in the show.
The ultimate battle.
Chiyo, Yotsuba is only cute when Yanda is around.
The widest one of course.
Both are cute, but I'll go with left because her eyes eyes are difficult to argue with.
Yuno of course, she's my lovely waifu.
Do you think Yuno cleans her asshole after she takes a shit or just waits until her nightly bath?
Aniki, she does not poop.
Even as a Madokafag, I'll still vote for Yuno.
I might be biased, but Yuno is the cutest girl I know.