Why are young white men of today such an embarrassment in comparison to those who came before them?
Why are young white men of today such an embarrassment in comparison to those who came before them?
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Something something vidya games something something soyboys something something degeneracy.
We have this thread every day and it gets the same answers.
lol fuck off, boomers are biggest embarrassments of all
The same reason that the left wing abandoned liberalism. They were not allowed an appropriate amount of unsupervised play. These people "grew up" without being allowed to solve conflicts or get in fights and that lack of maturity continues into adulthood.
Same culprits as always: Jews.
Cause they realize they are.
You should not have too romantic image of past generations. Most of the men have always been hard laborers, farmers, serfs and cannon fodder, many of whom never got to breed. Majority of those fuckers would surely have rather played video games all day if they had a say about it.
The "leftover" men, tha majority who have no special ambition or drive in life have not gone anywhere, modern world just allows them to simply exist without the life threathening conscription or starvaton forcing them to do something.
"Industrial Society and its Future" should be required reading.
Young is up until 21 at most
The problem is you keep considering those adults as "young".
This is a boomer thing, they had to push everyone else's "youth" so they didn't automatically became "old".
So when the generation that came after them became adults boomers insisted they were still children ,ad they've been doing that year after year.
Now its becoming ridiculous with people on their 40 considered "young" so boomers can avoid being called "old".
> le boomer or other oldfag who reapt what his predecessors left but blames the generation after him for him not leaving anything for them
Maybe you should have said no here and there and worked actively for the coming generations to have any opportunities to work towards something, rather than giving everything away to foreigners in exchange for some words of encouragement and a pat on the back. Maybe you should have not sold out those that come after you. Maybe you shouldn't have been an entitled, ungrateful piece of shit. Maybe you shouldn't have been a cuck. But it's too late. You are now, there is nothing of value to be had, all that is left now, is to waste away and play video games.
they were born in the poz, molded by it
There's a point in that. My parents (in their 50s) for example treat me like I was still a teenager, and I'm 28. They love going on about how I'm still young and have time to get a girlfriend, make them grandkids, have a good job and all that shit. In reality I'm an underarchiever in a quite shitty eternal entry level job with no real ambitions and skills to talk to women or to actually even properly live my life.
I don't blame my parents. I fucked all my things up myself. It just feels like they really don't understand how the world of adults works nowdays.
I git hotdogs, this is great. I don't know what you guys are bitching about.
>My parents (in their 50s) for example treat me like I was still a teenager, and I'm 28
That's because you act like a teenager, you man-child.
TIL An ingenious delivery service known as "Uber for blood" has slashed the delivery time of life saving medicine to remote regions of Rwanda from four hours to an average of a half hour.
T. Naver
Every generation says this. Just imagine who the soyboys will be saying this about
One good thing about all this is that there's not much effort required to appear competent since your peers are not that impressive in comparison
If you know the basics of taking care of yourself and can support yourself you've already outdone a large chunk of other guys
I'm well aware of that, it doesn't make it any better but I'm a conscious manchild. There just isn't anything else than abstract "I should not"-thought that could motivate me to break away from it. I guess I'm too used to this shit. Too satisfied with just making it by day after day without much effort. I can't really see past it.
>Why do bulls have smaller cocks these days?
Literally this meme.
Dont even try to shame men. The men that cared are all dead.
there must be something else you want to do.
They were raised by women.
Think of it like they've been MK Ultra'ed brainwashed mindcontrolled.
>TFW when they paint you as a fat stupid mgtow that plays vidya but in fact you are a good looking 135 IQ mgtow playing vidya..
Excess has caused it. Same way a lot of civilizations fall. You have a society with children who never knew real struggle so they get lazy and complacent. Feelings of inadequacy pop in and that’s why you get shit like people making up Microaggressions and the like.
More than that the men have no confidence as a result of never struggling for anything. This is how they will accept whatever terrible behavior from women and be happy to raise other men’s children
New research shows that Europeans and niglets are different braches. Sub-human filth.
whats that from
Awwwww, the boomer got butthurt again.
Cry more. Or better just hang yourself so fag posts like these stop.
Do you really think gamers give a fuck about your opinion?
They dont.
Cry more like the toddlers you always where.
Fucking boomers.
Black sails
Does it matter? No, more women for you right?
As long as they pay their taxes I dont care. They work and pay their fair share. Thats all they owe to society. Past that, it's their life. Hell, i dont blame them. I hate my wife pretty much everyday. I don't want to leave my kids though. Maybe ill cut her brakes one day, and have her run an errand...
>1 post by this ID
kek you boomers are fucking ruining Sup Forums
Fucking this
>average man through the ages toils in the field his entire life
>dies at 38 from dyssentary or a Roman arrow to the face
Nowadays they are realizing they don’t need a lot to be happy. They leave peaceful, minimalist lifestyles.
Tbh I’m planning on going the same route once I have my house payed off
>blowing up your own property