Reminder if you play horde you're non-white.
Reminder if you play horde you're non-white
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Only kids play alliance.
U ever done PVP with alliance?
They ONLY win on altarac.
Don't know about retail but Alliance wins everything besides Arathi Basin on Light's Hope
Fuck off Sup Forums
>giving blizzjew money
if you play either you're a cuck
> play online manchild games
> white
>Play games
>Not be under 18
>palest fucker in my entire town
>non-white for playing horde
oh no
For the alliance. Sylvanas can blow me.
>plays mmo fantasy game
>chooses to play as human
Lok tar O’gar motherfucker.
Man I remember when this game first came out that was like 12 years ago, and people are still playing it. I never had time for this Massive multiplayer game. How sad. No wonder their home countries are getting flooded with Muslims
>Not playing exclusively furry races and indulging in sickening RP on both sides
Well she can blow me too, that's why I play Horde
>playing wow in 2018
Except your country is less white than any other in the entire west.
Blocks your path*
Nogs don't play WoW. They have low time preference and need instant gratification hence they stick to console shooters. I'd bet world of Warcraft ( in the US ) is at least 95% white. The other 5 is Asian. Also if you play alliance youre most likely 12 and I'm going to occupy your auction house.
If you're not playing vanilla, you are literally scum.
>kikes, manlets, 56%, literal nigger elves
yeah nah
Why are you talking about my country, are you upset about something perhaps open borders to 4.5 billion Muslims good luck with that one Europe. But everything's okay keep playing your stupid game I'm sure your country will be just fine
Vengeance for Zul'Jin
Blizz can't shake the fact that the people on the top are generally always straight white males.
As most people said, alliance is filled with children and children fiddlers. I remember a long time ago alliance was so butthurt that they kept losing a bg they decided to boycott it. Blizzard had to give a buff to the alliance side and nerf the horde sides starting locations just to get them to play and prevent the ques from being hours long from alliance not playing.
> people on the top are generally always straight
uh, no sweetie, lots and lots of top tier players are literal faggots
are you guys trying to contract like 50000 stds, shes literally a walking pile of rotting elven flesh
play pandaren girl and go horde, your life will get better, also play windwalker monk, you will kill anything np.
But rly tho, don't give bliz your money.
fuck the alliance
>blood elves
>no black skin tone
>most attractive race in the game
They are the aryan gods of WoW.
Meanwhile you have
>human mongoloids
>soyboy elves ruled by a woman
>two races of manlets
>foreign invaders that ruin worlds wherever they go
>degenerate dog people
Stopped playing after WotLK dropped. Geared through BT in Burning Crusade. Did they nerf the game and make it kiddie friendly?
Tomb of Sargeras made most of the "pros" quit the game because it was too intense for them. Even Asmonbald is a casual faggot now.
>only kids play alliance
If thats so then why are all the edgy races horde?
Its high time preference
>choose between green niggers living in mudhuts and a civilized society
Yeeea, no
Alliance all the way
Been horde since the beginning, besides Mexicans I never met any non whites. Alliance has the actual niggers.
Yeah they really did. Warmane has a high quality TBC and Wrath private server that are both packed with players.
I only play Blood Elves.
>cannot be non-white of any kind
>no shit skin classes allowed (Shaman)
>racial allows you to silence mages as a true Paladin would
If you don't play Blood Elves, you're a literal faggot
there is no male gender for bloodelves
Male Bloodelves are Chads incarnate.
>Night elves
Night elves are peak chad. Blood elves are the true soybois. Their girls are enjoying cultural enrichment from the various horde(and possibly alliance) races, while the """men""" are too busy with manapillows and arcane sex constructs to properly please their women.
>falling for the elf Jew
Undead is clearly better
Blood elves don't racemix with animals.
If you like playing wew after pre-zulgurub vanilla gone, you are likely not very intelligent.
Balanced class system gone full equality of outcome since, nerfing classes preferred to play by smart people to calm buttmadness of 3-button imbeciles.
Stamping higher HP numbers on mobs instead of developing pvp into a political thing.
With nonexistent quality control even for the little amount of content being introduced.
They ride the tauren carousel before settling for a beta provider mage or living with 10 mana wyrms and a "wand"
> played horde
> not white
whats your point gnomecuck?
>posts fanart
>not the actual player model
Pff. hahaha, how delusionial
>Thinks hes special for playing subspecies
Suck my orc cock Alliance scum
The goy- errr Alliance is our greatest ally.
>void elves
>not the single edgiest race
t. alliance nigger elf
they peeled away everything spontaneous and interesting about the game to make it streamlined and "balanced"
after grinding god knows how many tiers of gear that become redundant in 3 months i dont know how people do it.
oh and
>be nightborne
>decide to join horde
>Skull deforms and IQ drastically sinks
I prefer Alliance but I think Garrosh is more badass than all the factions combined.
> not playing for the dead white people
This. Being an Orc is where it's at. I'm already a human, why be one online?
No black people almost exclusively play fighting games.
>Reminder if you play anything but human you're non-white.
Can't believe people still play this game. I used to have a For The Horde t-shirt like 10 years ago.
Blood Elves were made for tauren dick
pandas are cute
>Reminder if you play horde you're non-white
Playing WoW after LK expac. kys fag.
Fun fact: apart from a couple of bugs and hacks, first vanilla class system was actually balanced.
It was not turned into "balanced" or "streamlined", it was turned to equality of outcome and cheaper production.
Tauren stomp was so fun, used to hit groups up like an explosion as warrior
> charge or jump in
> stomp
> slow shout or fear
> spin to win
> gurthalak procs everywhere
fucking awesome
Friendly reminder that Human is the only race you should play. Anything else deserves to be genocided.
This statement also means the OP is correct.
*raise paw*
For the... Fuuuooorde!
*wiggle tail*
Their women are thicc
Being the lightest skinned black still makes you black user
i hear they dont even have pvp servers now, and most utility skills have gone too. Even gear is useable by anyone im told, like he stats just adapt to the class. Never touching it again, no soul
>t. soy-enchanted cuck elf
Literally necrophilia
all male dwarves were giant fucking chodes
except that one gimli larper
Asmongold is a national treasure
t. horde baby
fuck off you 12 year old little shit. my undead rogue will 1 shot you.
>he says while his wife blows another deer
strength and honor brother.
>playing a MMORPG
You're playing a game with combat that makes ASSFAGGOTS like Dota and League look like good games.
well said, my dear furry friend.
>be human warrior
>be buff killing machine fury spec
>slaughter left and right in Warsong Gulch
>suddenly something picks me up
>it's a Tauren female dudu!
>holds me like a babe and reveals her big hucow milkers
>stuffs one in mouth
>I feed
>can't generate rage
>everyone in BG laughs at me
>don't care all I think about is mommy's warm milkies
>BG lost because alliance
Is the elf lead guitar or rhythm?
Another furry friend.
literally STILL the best MMO ever made, and currently live. How is this even possible.
>look at the concurrence
reminder if you play video games in times of peril you are non-white
>what are private servers like JewMane
Are you french incapable of thinking anything but fetishes and fucking
>I'd bet world of Warcraft ( in the US ) is at least 95% white
>Implying that Americans are white
t. blizzard shill
let him be, it's their only coping mechanism left while they get slowly and painfully genocided by the kikes
The Forsaken master race will gas alliance cucks.
We can also praise le kek.