Why is it we see so many posters from Britain and Ireland and even Australia on this board...

Why is it we see so many posters from Britain and Ireland and even Australia on this board, and yet never see any posters from merry old Scotland?

What's a matter, Scottyboys...can't handle...the bants...?

Scotland is in britain

Scotland isn't a country (in b4 "I tried to spend my scotty pounds overseas and went to jail") it's a part of the kingdom of england

Not a real country.
Besides you're missing an obvious country that is hardly ever seen

Don't they have a flag of they own, like on kraut?

this is either proof of the power of american education or weak bait
either way i want some chips now

Seen one two days ago.

Why do you never see posters from Arkansas or Rhode Island on the board?

if they did, then who would use the UK flag?

Because neither of those states have internet.

What do they call this food? Trash box or something like that?

England and Wales. North Ireland needs to get rolled into Ireland proper though. i'm not dealing with two fucking Irelands.

Every country in britain has its own flag. I dont know if scotland has its own displayed here, wales doesnt and england doesnt so i dont know why scotland would although im sure iv seen one before.


I don't see any deep fried Snickers bar in that mess. Not real scotfag meal. Fake and gay.

Scotland is part of the UK (unfortunately for the rest of us). Their ugly blue flag is on the Union Jack.

>Ameritard forgot to ask about the lack of Welsh posters too

what the fuck is a welsh

I said hardly seen
Not non existent you autist.

>Why do you never see posters from Arkansas or Rhode Island on the board?

And yet Georgia get their own - how unfair.

fuck 'em

The flag might be for the outer islands and not the mainland. Thats only thing i can think of.

It's a grape juice.

The Welsh are like your 1/16th Cherokee Indians. The average Welshman is, at best, about 40% native Welsh and 60% English, the latter deriving from both English colonisation after Edward I conquered it (most major towns in Wales were English colonies to begin with) and more recent migration, beginning with the Industrial Revolution.
Wales is essentially where English people move to produce children who go native and hate England and have a hard-on for a nation their ancestors conquered and oppressed. Reminder that Welsh nationalism is fundamentally civic as long as you are white.


Matthew Rhys
Anthony Hopkins
Richard Burton

Wow, that sucks. My ancestors came over from Scotland on the Mayflower; I had no idea my ancestral homeland was such a divided mess.

I've seen a map of Wales; any place that has towns named like that isn't welcome.

>muh ancestors

Please be troll

What, do you think all Americans just poofed into existence during the last 500 years? We had to come from somewhere.

>English and Scottish achievements: scientists, industrialists, economists, theologians, philosophers, artists, poets, authors
>Welsh achievements: brainless regionally famous "celebs" who will be forgotten in a few centuries and Henry VII
Most Scots are also Anglo.

Once hosted a Welsh rugby club over here. I don't know what language these fuckers were speaking, but it was unintelligible. Usually you can pick up most of the English dialects fairly well, but this was like martian. You'd think the drunker we got the better it'd get, but nope. Sort yourselves you welsh faggots.

They were probably speaking Welsh, but most call it Tongues.

They were probably speaking welsh you idiot. They have their own language aswell as accent.

There's an addon for that actually

You probably think there isn't much Scottish people on here because believe it or not. We don't all type saying "och aye the noo" etc you mongrel

It's time you faggots all learned to speak proper American.

Yeah, where are they I wonder ? never see the flag on here do you, maybe they don't have access there or something idk

Stop making shit up

>"och aye the noo"

What is this gross nigger language you're trying to speak? I can't comprehend it!

Cant tell if you are trolling or being american

>Once hosted a Welsh rugby club over here.
>I don't know what language these fuckers were speaking

Make us the 51st state and I'd gladly start dropping the H in Herb and removing "u" from my words

I would even start calling it Wor-Chester-Shire Sauce

Why do you hate Scots so much? I know a few Scotsman abd they were pretty based, throwing bants and not being politically correct, yet they were still highly educated.

Scotland? More like Notland haha

>You'd think the drunker we got the better it'd get
You obviously weren't drunk enough then, I once got so drunk I could understand & fluently speak Chinese Mandarin.

>I had no idea my ancestral homeland was such a divided mess
t. Merimutt

Scotland has even less internet access than North Korea. It's grim up north.
t. visited Glasgow

This thread...let's clear up the bullshit
>Scotland = country
>Scots = nation
>England = country
>English = nation
>Wales = principality of England (incorporated by Edward I)
>Welsh = nation
>United Kingdom = the kingdom formed by the Union of the Crowns of Scotland and England
>Treaty of Union = the treaty signed by the states of Scotland and England which dissolved both states and created a single political entity
>Northern Ireland = province of the United Kingdom
>Irish = nation

>country - geographical term
>nation - ethnic group
>state - a political entity

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a multinational state whose citizens are members of four nations/ethnic groups
It comprises of
>two countries; Scotland and England (which contains the principality of Wales)
>a province; Northern Ireland

The UK does not govern the entire Irish nation. A sizeable proportion of Irish people are governed by the Republic of Ireland. Similarly, some Welsh (Britons), known as Bretons, are governed by the French Republic.

Note that the English state, like that of the Scots, was dissolved by the Acts of Union. Neither state absorbed the other. This is why old Scottish Tory grandees celebrate the Treaty of Union as Scotland's greatest national achievement after the victory at Bannockburn. The treaty ensured that Scotland would not be incorporated into England as Wales had been. Many still believe that this is the best outcome Scotland could have hoped for.

The entire UK is grim. We have the lowest amount of sunshine in Europe. Only Iceland comes close. It's no wonder we liked boats and sailing.

Have you ever met a Scot? I'm not meaning the mutts who say my great great grandaddy was a Scot either which alot of your countrymen try and use to claim heritage here

What do the English think of the Scottish? Is it outright contempt like with the Irish or hate/love and apparently dislike is bantz?

>only 30% of Welsh people have a Welsh surname
>"ethnically" Welsh
>Lowland Anglos
>"ethnically" Scottish
>"ethnically" Pakistani
Clear as mud, lad.

Tom Jones

Welsh have better hymns than the English though.

But of both, there's goodhearted rivalry on both sides and others who hate each other.

lol brits are just nord rape babies

Nobody has a rivalry, no one gives a shit. Well there might be some over enthuthiastic national pride faggots and football hooligans but thats about it, everyone else gets along, just like usa and canada i imagine.

I can't speak for how the English interact with each other but Scots are all about the edgy bantz

Yeah ok

>Scots immediately begin to despise England after Braveheart is released, breaking a friendly union of nations of equal footing because brainless patriotism
>English people realise they are only losing out in their union with Scotland economically and politically
If there was a referendum to kick Scotland out, the English would vote yes by at least 50%.

We all have the union jack.

t. Scot.


>Typing...like...a faggot
kys or lurk moar.

Anglos are fat


Because we can afford food

No inner UK flags show, it's just that some foreigners (mostly burgers) think UK = England and think the union flag is the flag of England.

>If there was a referendum to kick Scotland out, the English would vote yes by at least 50%.
Is that why the English were crying for Scotland to stay while celebrities pumped money into "better together" you fucking poof.

It's true. We're the Yanks of Europe, and that includes the degenerate social policies of inner-city Yankland

Anglos originated from Europe you know?

>Is that why the English were crying for Scotland to stay
*London, which at this point isn't England.
>while celebrities pumped money into "better together"
See above

But iv seen the scottish flag here before....with my own eyes

t. retard

Yeah, and what about all those smelly Welsh posters too? Where are they?

>Scots immediately begin to despise England after Braveheart is released
No, we hated you long before that.

>This is why old Scottish Tory grandees celebrate the Treaty of Union as Scotland's greatest national achievement after the victory at Bannockburn.
Well then Old Scottish Tory grandees are just as retarded as New English Tory fuckwits. The Clearances followed this supposed achievement, and today the New English Tory fuckwits are inflicting a Reverse Clearances on you poor bastards.

Can't you get in trouble for flying the English flag (the red cross on white background)?

t. Kiltcuck who wants to blame England for his heroin addiction


Maybe it was a memeflag, i've never seen it at least.

fuck off, unionist cuck shortbread nigger

It's part of the Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Thats why i thought it might be for the islands like skye and shit

agreed, can't fucking stand when some dumb cunt starts typing in Scottish.

Like when you tried to invade Panama, failed tremendously and came crawling back to abuse us for our money?
Welsh people are on Sup Forums disproportionately. You don't think they exist, but if you make a thread about sheep or dragons or Cthulhu, they all come out of the woodwork.

But that's wrong though you dickhead given that up even until the mid 19th century at least half of the welsh communities didn't even speak English yet alone integrate with them. They were almost entirely isolated.

This is flat untrue, 40-60% thing is mostly west English, the Welsh are genuinely Welsh. I will never understand where this "HURR THE SCOTS AND WELSH ARE BASICALLY ANGLO" meme came from.

Only a third of Welsh people have Welsh surnames.

Totally, granted I type the way I speak when talking to friends and family, as would most folks. Talking like a retard on an English speaking board isn't going to achieve much.

Scotland is a liberal shithole ruled by women, sucking resources from England like a parasite. They can't leave their digital safe spaces without getting ultra triggered. Scottish land is English by right.

Probably something else that looks like it.

Boy I'd sure love to see the statistics on that.

It's anecdotal, but most of the English I know would dropkick Scotland into the sea if they could. If that separation referendum had included England it woulda been hasta la vista jocko.

because their flag is UK on Sup Forums

r8 m8

Ethnicity is not an exclusively genetic term. An ethnic group might also denote a group which shares a language or can be identified by unique cultural markers. You should look this up so you can avoid embarrassing yourself in the future.
Incidentally, there are more 'Welsh' in the lowlands - if you want to go solely by genetics - than Anglos.

Kingdom of Strathclyde - a Welsh Kingdom inhabited by the Damnoni tribe (see Ptolemy, Tacitus, et al), capital "Dumbarton"
Kingdom of Goddodin - a Welsh Kingdom inhabited by the Votadini tribe, capital "Dunedin" (Edinburgh)

Everything south of the Clyde and Forth was 'Welsh'. The Goddodin were vanquished by the Anglecynn at the Battle of Catterick (see the Welsh epic, "Y Goddodin"). Their lands were confiscated and eventually, after some consolidation among Anglecynn petty kingdoms, formed the northern reaches of the Kingdom of Northumbria. The Kingdom of Northumbria was later conquered by The Great Heathen Army and became part of the Danelaw. Finally, the northern reaches - roughly those lands between the Forth and the Tweed - were absorbed by the Goidelic-Pictish Kingdom of Alba (Scotland).
Strathclyde was also absorbed by Alba.

There is no 'Anglo' majority in the lowlands. The southeast is a melting pot of all of the people's heretofore mentioned. The people of the southwest are mostly descended from the Britons.

Final note - Anglo's/Anglo-Saxon are modern terms and are misleading. The proper term, recorded by Alfred in the chronicle, is "Anglecynn". The Anglecynn were Anglicised Britons - the noble houses, like the House of Wessex, the product of intermarriage. The bulk of the Anglecynn were ethnic Britons, as demonstrated by modern English.
Modern English employs Brythonic (p-Celtic) grammatical rules but employs a lexicon of words of Germanic origin. This can only happen if the majority were native Brythonic speakers adopting a new language.
Now fuck off, you utter brainlet.

t. a fucking historian

10/10 fuck me looks good

because they get a generic UK flag since this is an American website


>when you
Strange, I don't remember invading Panama.