Comfy Discussion Thread

A while ago some user showed this art by this specific artist it's some great art! (thank you

Walk over the cliff and kill myself

probably not notice it until she loses interest in me the a friend will tell me (too late) that she was interested in me then this

Fuck off and lurk more.


The artist is KIYO (pixivid:16208698) if anyone's wondering




Wonder why the board is to my back and why I'm the only one in the room reading.





>Wonder why the board is to my back.

This is normal. There's one in the front as well.


Pls no bully :(


>watched porn in the living room
>probably cranked it up to full blast
>boned his wife later that night
this dude living the dream






These are great, thanks for sharing OP!




I remember this was a thread last year?

I wonder if this one will gain as much interest as the other on did.

>sister is jealous


i'm hoping
this artists has such a simple, and pure way of portraying situations. They're really nice

Write 'Some of you guys are ok, don't go to school tomorrow' in a taiwanese tapestry BBS the day prior to this pic.


Is that guy in the bottom left taking an ass-shot of the other guy climbing up the stairs?


Man these look comfy.
If only i was a cute

go to school, fartboy

What board/thread is she on?

No, of the girl one flight above him.

>those cheeky fuckers on the bottom left


Man these pixel art always give me a comfy feel when looking at them.

>never experienced school life

Probably delete this thread because it's not anime.

wtf i love kancolle now

fuck off.
i wish Sup Forums was still good

thanks for sharing op

>watching brother masturbate



Thanks for posting. I love cutaway views.

/tg/ pls

>Sup Forums pls*


> me be siting beside the boxes, alone

Fuck that one guy hiding from his responsibilities.

Hey you got the one with a group of students in a train?


i like how all the guys who are getting pantie shots are missing the big one in the middle of the drawing.

My favorite's the girl getting flustered over the boy mannequin.

Is that a girl in a boy's uniform painting or a girl (male)?

>boy mannequin.


Oh, I see.

Yeah, pretty much this.

>me eating lunch with my bros.




>separate changing rooms
It was all a ruse I tell ya!

I really like everyone's reactions. I really do.


>that angle of piss
I'm no women's peeing expert, but isn't that angle a bit off?

if you have a lot and force it out fast it can do that.