Operation Reverse the Koran


1: Replace Infidel with Muslim, Allah with God etc in a verse from the Koran
2: Do not put the source from the verse on the sheet! We're trying to trick the media into publishing bad quotes from the Koran
3: Plain white background with a typface which is undecided. Strawpoll here: strawpoll.me/14759003/r

Last thread: Inspiration for Project: irishtimes.com/news/crime-and-law/potential-terror-link-to-fatal-dundalk-attack-being-investigated-1.3343796

Trips of truth (came up with the project): Post completed images. Post suggestions for quotes. Download quotes from others and put them up around the place!

Other urls found in this thread:


What is this trips of truth as far as om aware it was a couple of my fellow irishmen in the dundalk attack thread that got it going are faggots trying claim this as there own now pol gets sadder by the day

Im on board though all the same cracking idea

Instead of fighting (((them))) you attack the symptom?

Muslims are our allies against (((them))).
Islamic banking will kill the jew.


Fuck off this is good

Thats a nice Idea! Splendid!

>Islamic banking

You just want to trade one kike for another

Do not do this, needs to be more subtle, will cause white people to join the wrong side.


>cant beat the jews
>what do???

>I know! Fight muslims so we become divided and conquered!!
>I so smart

>Don't kick their dog that's biting you that's what they want!

It's afraid.


this isnt to fight muslims. This is in hopes to make people realise how stupid they are in accepting muslim rapefuges

here are some suggestions

K 3:195
>...who fought and were slain...I will most certainly make them enter gardens beneath which rivers flow; a reward from Allah, and with Allah is yet better reward.
K 9:052
>Allah will afflict you with punishment from Himself or by our hands
K 61:004
>Allah loves those who fight in His way in ranks as if they were a firm and compact wall.
>Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people.
>Fight those who do not believe in Allah
K 60:009
>Allah only forbids you respecting those who made war upon you on account of (your) religion
K 66:009
>O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and be hard against them; and their abode is hell; and evil is the resort.
K 2:193
> And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone
K 4:76
>Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah
K 5:33
>The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned
Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 484
>Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”
Muhammad's instructions to his men prior to a military raid (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 992)
>Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah

Your the JIDF cunt. This isn't an attack in n Muslims its to make libshits realise their stupidity.

Who gives a fuck who trips of truth is sounds like a fucking faggot if you ask me, this was thought up on the dundalk attack thread i seen it couple of anons were talking about raiding boards and this idea came up, two threads were made one took of one didnt, this a great idea but if it starts turning into a fame hunter circle jerk you can count me out, the whole point of pol is to be user fucking new--fags back to blebbit with yas.

Unapologetic bump. This could be good lads

>make libshits realise their stupidity
Libshits are literal devil worshippers.
They KNOW what they are doing and they do it on purpose anyway. Dont waste your time changing other peoples mind: ignorance is inexcusable in the information age.

As Saul Alinski (devil worshipper) wrote: they have values and standards, we dont, so use this.


it's so early over here im so sleepy.

Yea the anons that made this know who they are lets move on and get to the point shitting pn muslims

What if we replaced Allah with the flying spaghetti monster and made an entire Quran like that. It's sure to piss people off at least for the lulz


Bumping good operation
Let's do some actual research and find the most respected English translation of the Quran.

BWAHAHA entire fucking Quran
if u got the time, go ahead

Achieves nothing and nobody will care

I like this one, has any been put up in public yet?

dont quote

we need to collect more

very clever

Wake up Ameribros, we have work to do

Bump, keep the thread alive

Doing the same for articles about white people is good too. Just turn the whole shit around on them.

I can't wait for REEEEEEEEEE that's racist!
>Muslim is not a race

Bumping for the two Dundalk lads who got stabbed

Which verse in the Quran is this?

Everytime I think POL has exhausted all possibilities for the subversion of the corporate/state-mandated erasure of the middle class by the massive importation of muslim untermenschen into the West, some user goes and proves me wrong.
Well played, user, well played.

But how would this trick the media? If the quotes say stuff about killing Muslims, then I think they’ll recognize that they don’t come from the Koran. Also, it might look more legit if you use a background that’s an Arabic desert and a different font.

This is great but (((they))) can say that "moderate muslims" don't follow these just like christians don't stone people like it's on the Bible, sure it's a shitty argument but I can see it working on a lot of people.

While I respect the Muslims for their views on Jews, traditionalism, and degeneracy, I do not want my country flooded with Arabs.
The Jews will come soon enough, and when they do, there are plenty of quotes in the Talmud that'll upset normies... Jews seem to have a thing for raping those they believe to be inferior to them, whether it be children or simply "Goyim".

>wants to show mussies are bad
>decides to create fake propaganda rather than use actually bad quran stuff

Okinawa or real slant-eye?

I accept the muslim struggle on the middle east. I don't accept their invasion on our lands.

Thats the only right stance in this, you idiot.

fucking BUMP
>Christians: Bigots, intolerant
>Muslims: Youth gangs, refugees welcome, religion of peace

They have to chose only one, words matter

I'm not exactly sure what this is supposed to do.

Slight problem: islam is one of the youngest religions around. Making these quotes look like they come from the bible/other holy scriptures kind of unbelievable (there were no muslmis back then). There might be some libcucks who bite, but this seems like a waste of time.

I changed the wording a bit, feels kinda dishonest but it's 2am and too lazy to research
It's hard because the wording in the Quran is super formal

Omg islamophobic propaganda on the streets!
>actually it's the quran
Oh uh forget I said anything

Bump for a just cause.


His name was Yosuke Sasaki, first martyr in Irelands war against the Islamic invaders


Cocaine bump.



And on that day even the thots will cry out, Oh Christian, there is a 'slime hiding behind me.

bibbity bump


Best of luck,
Along with my borders, my choice.

Kek, give me some quotes baby

Newfags will be newfags

In actuality, it would be best if islam simply ceased to function as a belief system, just like mannicheism.
The middle east is becoming more atheist, thanks to Richard Dawkins, his videos on religion and his books.
Secularism is on the rise over there.
And what muslim struggle?

You mean the 1400 year old intertribalismtribalism between fellow muslims that the prophet mohammed failed to get rid of?

bump for great idea

Unnecessary bump

you're both retarded

Better idea actually.

K 3:195
>...who fought and were slain...I will most certainly make them enter bank vaults beneath which rivers of gold flow; a reward from Yahweh, and with Yahweh is yet better reward.
K 9:052
>Yahweh will afflict you with debt from Himself or by our hands
K 61:004
>Yahweh loves those who fight in His way in banks as if they were a firm and compact shekel.
>Fight them, Yahweh will punish them by gentile hands and bring goyim to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the wallets of a chosen people.
>Fight those who do not believe in Yahweh
K 60:009
>Yahweh only forbids you respecting those who made war upon you on account of (((your))) religion
K 66:009
>O Soros! strive hard against the goyim and the NEETs, and be hard against them; and their basement is hell; and evil is the resort.
K 2:193
>And fight them until there is no more Christianity [disbelief and worshipping of the divine individual] and worship is Yahweh alone
K 4:76
>Those who have money fight in the cause of Yahweh
K 5:33
>The punishment of those who wage war against yahweh and His lawyers and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be indebted or enslaved or their hands and their feet should be surrendered to charity on opposite sides or they should be unemployed
In Ishaq/Hisham 484
>Yahweh said, 'A Jew must slaughter before collecting shekels. An impoverished enemy is driven from the land. Rothschild, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But yahweh desires indebting them to manifest the hegemony of Zion."
>Call a Nazi everyone in the way of Yahweh and doxx those who disbelieve in Yahweh

white sharia is reverse islam, could even trade the word moslem with shitskins

Operation Reverse the Verse

A few rules were laid down in the original thread.
(1) Make Muslims the own victims of their intolerant scriptures. Start with the Koran. The Hadith can come next.
(2) Dont mention the Koran, Muhammed etc just the verse. One other suggestion was remove the verse and reference to a peaceful part of the Bible, while having a QR code to original Koran verse
(3) Same font, Landscape if the quote is big
(4) Possibly add a crucifix to the image for added confusion/impact to get the normies sharing
(5) Sit back a claim the quotes are being taken out of context if anyone has a problem.

bamping 4 operation reverse the verse


references can be argued both ways

at least try, faggot

>We're trying to trick the media into publishing bad quotes from the Koran

How will your method do this?


It's like the "islamophobic" billboard that listed off negative traits of Muhammad, but never mentioned Islam or Muhammad.

Sic some pedo baby dick slurping Rabbis on them, that will make them scream

good kek
but but jews dont use jhwh

very nice

Bump. Inspirational, non-defeatist quote in pic related.


This. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing properly.

deus vult


Great plan :)
Man, this book is evil


I really honestly want people like you to die.

somebody should collect all These and put them in one PDF-File

Anyone who kills potato niggers is doing God’s work. Post insperation where white people died.

Then we can start a new religion with it :)

Generate a qr code to the Koran verse here

make a pdf of the entire quran, white sharia style, we are the moslems now, why not do the same with the torah and switch "gentiles/goyim" to jews... we are the jews now

Could always swap it for someone else.
Bilderberg, for example.

I was thinking about convenient printing but great idea

Just do a search and replace on a couple of terms and voila! The anti-koran! :)

Go polish your goat internally you paedo moonrock worshipping cunt.

If this plan is going to be as successful and viral as the "It's okay to be white" campaign then it needs to be as simple as possible.
It might be best to pick just the best quote you can find from that book, slap the word muslim in there, put a reference to where it comes from in the book (but don't put religious symbolism on there), and tell people to spread it.
Without this simplification and direction this idea might not catch on.

This is a good example right here. Very simple and a good quote.

This is a bad example. Leave the religious symbolism off of there and the QR codes etc. It's too much junk and keeps the memetic potential very low.

It needs to be as innocent as possible and people need to discover for themselves that these quotes are coming from a fucking religious book and then on top of that they need to have the redpill moment that these quotes aren't coming from the bible but the quoran.


Sometimes you have to fight the symptoms first. We are trying to get people to stop accepting migrants into our homelands. That is how it begins.

Although I agree with you on the simplicity (quotes should be in one Layout White fond nothing else) I'd have to disagree on using only one Quote.
The whole Point is to Show the koran for what it really is. With only one Quote it will be much easier for our enemy to downplay us.

>muh only one Quote taken out of context
>muh more quotes in bible

and so on

using a lot of different quotes will make it significantly harder for our enemies to just dismiss the message

Thanks based nip. If you didn't know already, one of your countrymen was just murdered in our capital by a Muslim who stabbed two others as well before he was apprehended, that's what sparked this operation.

You shoudl use quote marks to avoid hate speech laws


agreed. We should put all the quotes on an A4 Piece of paper, centered in the middle just like with "its ok to be white". This way we have the identical Layout with different Content, which makes it more simplistic and easily identifiable as connected to each other-