Do normies even care about race as much as we do?

Do normies even care about race as much as we do?

They say what they have to say to get paid what they have to get paid to spend what they have to spend because otherwise they can't have free time user, it's very simple.

No. Normies have shit they can be proud of in their own lives without needing to fall back on 'muh heritage.'

Why don't you check Facebook and let us know?

Yeah it’s all about pride. Has nothing to do with preserving your genetic legacy at all.

Those "children" will be living in his house by the time they're done with him.

Nobody does, retard. Not even those who say they do. That's why America keeps getting browner by the minute.
Go back to discussing whether fucking a dude with tits is considered gay or not.


next question

How do we get out of this rut?

nope :(