ITT: Characters that have not made it to first base

ITT: Characters that have not made it to first base.

didn't she go to college?
You know what happens to girl in college?


most of the antagonists in this series

She is a young squid that will find her way one day.

>spawn of Cthulhu

She did in the figurative sense.


Try fitting it in that strikezone.

she has clearly never seen a penis
only diesel and zuka have done anything



Which one if first base?

>only diesel and zuka have done anything
Of the main 5, yes (I'd say Diesel sees so much action at college).

But I'd say pic related has seen more dongs than the rest of the female cast put together.


eye contact

hold hands

French kiss





I thought first base was making out.
You boys telling me 1st base was boning all this time?

>expecting a bunch of little girls to know what first base is

What are you guys talking about?

Stop saying lewd things in this innocent baseball thread.
