Do you miss him?
Do you miss him?
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Every day
You now realize this was Obama's plan all along.
Europeans do since their leaders have no concept of borders
Every single day.
>You now realize this was Obama's plan all along.
Well he did get elected POTUS
I miss 1970s Gaddafi
me too, but his speech at the UN assembly was epic
every day. F. fuck obam and clinton for wanting to show off that they are pro arab spring and fucking up eu for decades.
Sure Kadfi or Mubarak were not nice man. But nice man do not get to control countries in africa or middle east.
a few months of obama virtue signaling traded for europe being fucked up for a few decades. Thanks fucking Obama.
I was one of the first to defend him everywhere I went. Got allot of shit for it
God bless you Suriani friend. God is perfect.
How do you know what Suryani is??
based bong gets CBD id and trips
t. Melkite Greek Catholic
Every day
Is this true?
All those years is power, and he still never got promoted to general.
Every fucking day
Anglo-American convert but I did used to be an altar boy at a Maronite church
how did that happen??
yeah, of course
My Rum Katolik parish started a Maronite parish and I helped out with it.
You will never be his underaged sex slave.
Why even live?
1970s Gaddafi actually now goes by the name 'Uri Gellar'.
Why do so many Serbs love Qaddafi?
When my granddad went to Libya under Gaddafi he told me that they refused to take his money for bread, so I don't know about this part.
He's still on PTI AFAIK
This was a turning point for me...
If these satanic motherfuckers can get away with brutally killing a leader of a sovereign nation while the whole world watches, they can get away with ANYTHING.
>a fee months of obama virtue signaling.
This is the problem with neoliberals--they think they can reject partnership (isolate) with countries just because their not up to their mythical standards (ie promoting the current version of lgbtqi~~~)
Soon enough, if they havent yet, they will have found they instigated the culmination of a group that was brought together by this antipathy.
fuck of jew. none of it is true. same jewish slander as with Idi Amin from Uganda. kys or you will come back to Auschwitz, for real this time
>25 bodies in his freezer, but no-one ever took a picture of them
this reads worse than the peepee dossier
He was big pals with Tito and had a lot of love for Serbia in general.
I never really knew about Gaddafi one way or another but I do remember a coordinated campaign to make him look like a reckless madman right before they murdered him
He was based. Read his Green Book, it wasn't hard intellectually speaking, but politically sound.
Qaddafi was /ourmuslim/
I can confirm most of it. Many yugos were working there until recently and many Libyans were studying in Yugoslavia and former yugoslavia(after it fell apart).
My man Gaddafi was really trying to change that shithole we call Africa and because of this the UN killed him.
Oh Yes, he was kinda propeht
saying Europe would be fooded with niggers without him
Now he´s gone and we are flooded with niggers
I fucking hate the people who removed him
dont even do research who´s responsible I am already full of hate
I did not knew him to miss him.
then you have been jewed. kys
He might've been our enemy, but he was a worthy one. Compared to the Kims and Saddam he was a sane and admirable figure.
It was a disgrace the way he was done away with.
i don't give a shit about him
In this speech Gaddiffe tells everyone what happens when you are a friend to the USA...they laughed at him
How was he our enemy? He minded his own business. We were his enemy not vice versa
Things were far more complicated than that, but this was one of the things that would happen and it did.
Read his book or hear some speech.
The guy wasn't an idiot he was fully aware of the situation, the situation was just that shitty.
Both him and Saddam
Good goy.
Yeh, and he was kinda style-king, too - with his female bodyguards
If you see him travel thru his country - its amazing how his people loved him
and I really liked him
Yes, he was the reason I am destroying the DNC.
implying: we Germans didn´t do enuff against Jews. Do your own part instead stealing cars, Kowalski
They will never come to terms with responsibility for what they have wrought. They are incapable.
Wasn't he a commie? He sounds clearly socialist. If he isn't fascist, why would anyone here support him? I'm confused on wether he was /ourguy/ or not
>TL;DR gimme quick rundown on the guy
>Obama's plan
He was just another puppet
>I am destroying the DNC.
who u b
>minded his own business
>kept Europe from being flood by niggers
>governed the most prosperous country in Africa
Why do you give a fuck what he does as long as he keeps to himself?
fucker was a dictator, should have left years ago
the way we ended him is going to fuck up all of western civilization for a long ass time though, unlike how we got Saddam and even bin Laden
Obama made a promise to leave Ghaddafi alone, then broke it as soon as it was politically convenient
in international diplomacy, you can be a tyrant, torture your people, oppress your women, even kill unarmed protesters in the streets, but the one thing you must never do is break your promises
that alone is why Putin took over the UN, he's as oppressive a tyrant as has ever ruled Russia, but he keeps his promises, while Obama based all his "smart diplomacy" on breaking all the USA's promises
>most prosperous country
>not Rhodesia
I do care about what he thinks. Socialism results in high growth-then immediate fall after the economy completely collapses. Libya's artificial end prevented the suffering and starvation that would have typically occurred in a socialist state.
He may have done greatness at the time, but it wouldn't last if he kept on being a commie.
God, are socialists being defended here now?
Son of a dem policy director and walklist db programmer. One who is tired of watching "non profit" laundering outfits and comfortable lies engulf his country.
>translated by
Gadaffi was playing such a level of multidimensional chess with the world that only just now we’ve started to realize just what Gadaffi was trying to do and just now realizing how he was /ourguys/.
The guy was a Muslim who hated Africans while being in Africa, but knew that the best way to control them was to celebrate their culture and that’s why he got into that faux Pan-Africanism that he started doing at the latter end of his life. He was literally putting on a costume for the Africans I that he could get on with the business of containing the nigs and destroying the jewish monetary system.
>he wuz a dibdaturr