Say goodbye to legalized weed
US to end policy that let legal pot flourish
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>"Sessions compares marijuana to heroin"
>according to two people with direct knowledge of the decision
>on condition of anonymity
Bumpity bump
>The devils green is just like the heroin!!!
Why is this allowed?
>and blames it for a spike in violence
Sentences in English don't randomly end mid statement. Crazy, I know.
>misconstruding a statement that is literally in the pic
Why is this allowed?
It’s time for boomers to go.
Someone has to try and fail so that no one will ever try again. Sessions is as good as anyone else.
>(((anonymous sources)))
oh look it's fucking nothing
I don't give a shit?
If a college kid gets a record for weed, it's just less competition in the job market, seems fucking great.
>the feds will be able to undo legal and decriminalized weed in half the states and arrest millions of users and the state governments who did it
No, marijuana is a done deal, euros don’t understand how our system works, the states are forcing the feds hand just like during prohibition and half a dozen other issue.
Sessions is the fucking man
Great, thats really gonna show those druggies who never cared about the law anyways!
it’s set to be a 1 BILLION a dollar industry in Cali alone. Lol fuck off will Trump let that revenue go back down the drain and into the hands of criminals rather than the state.
>anonymous sources
dude it can cure cancer bro like my friends cousins niece used CBD oil and total cured her cancer dude and she's never been sick again
And then suddenly alchohol sales spike and so do fatal accidents with drunk drivers.
Great job.
Probably worse. At least heroin has the decency to turn you into a wretched zombie and then kill you.
It’s a pretty retarded statement with or without the second half.
>state attorney's can decide whether to pursue or not
it will never be rec legal in my state anyway, what the fuck do i care
possession laws were and always will be mean primarily meant for locking up niggers.
But what about accidents related to marijuana. No way to test if the user was high at the time of the accident.
Have you heard of blood tests?
no, they do a post accident test and and get positive results and ZOMGGG so many people stoned and getting in accidents and people don't question that it only means they could have smoked in the last 30 days. there is no way to test for pot "intoxication" at time of the accident, but this stat will ALWAYS be used by anti-weed fags.
Republicans can stop pretending they give a shit about state’s rights now.
blood test is still not an indicator of when in the last 30 days the subject ingested thc
All late stage stoners I know are faggots
>Republicans can stop pretending they give a shit about state’s rights now.
Yeah at least admit they are authoritarian Stalinists on war on drugs.
how’s those feelings over facts going, nu-male?
>maarreehhuaaana causes vaolence
>Land of the freeeeeeee
>Personnal freeeeedom
>Don't take my guns, that's a violation of my rights
>But please penalise a harmless herb
>Promote opiates, but not cannabis
>Opium is GOOD. Cannabis is BAD
>Don't tread on me, but please tread on every other individual lifestyle, I don't care for others
>Laaaaand of The FreeeeEEEEEEEEE
>Freedom and state independance!
>Less regulations please, less big government
>But not weed.
>I know that I can be trusted with a gun. But other people can't be trusted with weed
>States should be allowed to decide their own laws. Like Death Sentence. But not weed. Noooooo that's wayyy toooo serious of a subject
No logic with you guys. Ever.
Ever stop and think about what logical fallacies and all the hipocrisy ?
Cucks don't understand the pursuit of hapinessohapiness or freedom whatsoever.
You're a commie if you're against personnal freedoms. End of story
Hello potcoin =)
they're as likely to roll back pot at this point as they are to actually put a Clinton in jail. which begs the question, why bother. it's not like it will stop new states from legalizing it. sessions is a retard.
Will you fucking people chill out
Weed is now legal in like 17 states including the capitol.
The feds can’t do shit
>all these butthurt stoner faggots
There is not one stoner alive today who is a productive member of society. And no, having a shitty minimum wage job does not make you successful. Go fuck yourselves.
Granted this is based on anecdotal evidence, and a couple of small volunteer studies, but there is evidence that not only do stoned people drive MUCH better than drunk people, they also know when they are too fucked up to drive because Marijuana doesn’t fuck up the portion of your brain that controls judgement like alcohol does.
This is bullshit.
Trump is about less government on the federal level. If this is imposed it's actually to stamp down on state retention on taxes that come from weed.
Basically the fed is getting tired of the taxes being missed out on and want a scoop. So they'll confiscate the means of production but just use it for themselves.
>Will you fucking people chill out
Do you know you’re full of shit, or are you just that retarded?
>The feds can’t do shit
>literally just undid that
Kys shill faggot
Ban alcohol too then.
That has a proven record of "spikes in violence"
>Trump is about less government on the federal level.
>At least heroin has the decency to turn you into a wretched zombie and then kill you.
This is true. Potheads are fucking zombies, I can't stand them. It seriously fucks with cognitive function in a really insidious way and seems to make people even more oblivious and solipsistic than they were in the first place. I used to be a pothead and I stopped because I was sick of feeling like a retard all the time. Booze works better for turning off my mind for a little break for me. But I think it is pretty stupid to just give up all that possible income as people are going to smoke bud regardless. Maybe he figured that they actually make more money from criminalizing it.
>Ban alcohol too then.
And smoking cigs
Oh and big pharmacy drugs.
But Dude Weed lmao i earn 300k year and smoke marijuana every day at least 3 times a day dude trust me it can cure cancer bro
Good. Fuck your degenerate plant.
Hi shareblue
you guys realize someone posts all of your talking points for the week every day here right?
I think that’s a good idea anyway. Stoners worldwide would go apeshit over it. It would surpass bitcoin in like six months!
Except go after any banks that do business with therm, or any landlords that house them, or arrest suppliers.
Dam looks like you're an ignorant fuck and have no idea what you're talking about
>implying you understand how sentences work
>implying the use of and isn't forming a separate, but related thought
The point made is retarded even in context
Wtf are the feds going to do? Arrest the legislatures and the governors of all those states
Arrest thousands of people that work in the industry?
Arrest millions of users? The same reason the feds can’t ever actually do gun control, the states have by and large decided that dc’s drug policy is shit and they have force their hand, it’s gone too far now any action to reverse this without mass popular support would be seen as tyrannical
The feds can’t do anything, maybe stop smoking weed for like 45 seconds and understand how the world works
Sessions is heavily invested in the private prison industry.
Get the fuck out NewFag.
>Married to white german qt
>Currently raising two toddlers
>Redpilling my friends and co-workers
>Live in the most liberal cities in the USA
>Make 60K at 24 yo as Network Engineer
>Voted Trump, donated, bought the hat
>Big ass american flag in my living room
>Smoke weed after 12 hour shifts at home at 6 a.m.
>Some retarded backward hick retard is going to put a stop to that
Just come fucking arrest me boys im commie filth destroying the west
>sick of feeling like a retard all the time
I'm sorry to break this to you but you still are a retard
Yes the feds will embark on an incredibly expensive incredibly unpopular policy of stampin down states rights over weed (which the majority think should be legal) in an election year in over a dozen states both democrat and republican
You. Guys. Are. Literally. Retarded
It’s not going to happen. Legalized states make billions in tax revenue. Thousands are employed in the industry. The government doesn’t have enough ICE agents to chase/deport wetbacks. What are they going to do? Ship a bunch of DEA agents into tiny mountain town in Colorado and unemploy half the town? It’s a lose/lose idea. States and feds lose taxable wages, feds spend more $ battling wars they’ve already lost. We live in a democracy, people passed the vote. States rights. Trump was elected because he said he’d let standing votes and court cases alone.
Has anything an e-non-a-moose source ever said been correct? I can’t think of one example in recent years. Sounds like more nothingburger.
Imagine my lack of surprise. Fucking assholes.
I know you’re trolling, but it has been found to send Crohn’s disease into remission. So that whole “not a cure for anything” argument is getting pretty shaky.
Fuck prosecuting money lauderers, paedophile elites, and violent criminals!
Lets go after the weakest drug in existance cus im a retarded hill billy from Alabama who watched too many anti pot propaganda commercials!
>We live in a democracy
Check out this dumbass. See kids, pot really does make you stupid(er)
>Wtf are the feds going to do?
Quite a lot like
This is a losing battle.
>Sessions goes after pot
>Fails to stop Rod Rosenstein from appointing fuccboi Mueller
Funny isn't it?
*Blows blunt smoke in your face*
>before recreationally legal
You expect the feds to dot his to thousands of companies.
Stop smoking weed your brain is addled, the chance of the feds taking away your weed is about as low as the feds taking away guns, the logistics are impossible and public support is nil. It’s not going to happen
In other words the states that will/want to legalize will tell the feds to fuck off.
It's literally nothing.
I was talking about the people in this thread, supporting Jeff Sessions
>Jeff Sessions wants to enforce Federal anti cannabis laws.
>Cannabis classified as class 1 drug. Meaning no research allowed. "Worse than heroin or crack" on the legal scale
>State Police can't intervene because they can't override state laws
>Federal Agencies, like the DEA don't careabout state laws. Feds can do whatever the government allows them to
>Jeff Sessions wants to enforce Federal persecution of cannabis
But you're trying to say: They can't do shit.
Not true.
The Feds override whatever state law that Mr Sessions tells them to.
You seem ridiculously ignorant of the situation. Like otherd already pointed out.
Not an argument, your speaking with emotion.
Do you have any idea of the logistical nightmare and bad optics it would be to try to reverse this momentum
It would take tens of thousands of dea agents and the cooperation of antagonistic state police forces going into thousands of stores and arresting tens of thousands of state legal weed sellers and users
All the while public support is behind weed legalization and it’s legal in some of the largest states population wide and he capitol itself
Nobody can or will come take your weed it’s impossibel at this point.
That’s why we have state governments as a check to federal power just for this type of thing.
Just like all during Obama’s years when they would flirt with gun policy and half the states would set out decrees that they won’t abide by them and will arrest federal agents when they land. And millions would rush to buy more guns and ammo.
The state can not enforce that which the people won’t comply with
Not an argument, your speaking with emotion.
>There is not one stoner alive today who is a productive member of society. And no, having a shitty minimum wage job does not make you successful.
>Ignores Hollywood, the Show Business, the Music Business, all other forms of entertainment.
>Ignores all the 50% (american) Football professionals that treat their daily pain with cannabis.
>Ignores that many Presidents of the United States smoked cannabis, past and present
>Ignores that there's litteraly websites that catalog all the famous people that are stoners
>Ignorant of all comon sense.
Stay stupid, faggot.
It's not like you seem to be brightest tool in the shed.
Go masturbate to your filthy trap porn you degenerate nigger.
This is a conversation for adults
Sessions is a lunatic evangelical and will probably convince Trump to deploy the National Guard and seize the "devil's weed" by force, convinced he's doing some sort of crusade in the name of God.
We know that Californians will meekly submit, just hope that Colorado isn't as cuck'd and militias shoot the feds on sight.
I don’t smoke, kid. I’m an adult with a job. I just see millions being unemployed by this. Grow stores, armored car companies (cash only business), growers, manufacturers, retail employees. The states won’t have it. Colorado made three billion in tax revenue the first year.
You’re so stupid, you couldn’t even be bothered to read the article.
This. Weed is unstoppable. I don't even like legal weed, but moral degeneracy is very profitable and the populace likes it..
Just a reminder the guberment could have and still can come when ever they want. Pot state's won't support it.
Have a good day. Feds don't have enough people to raid entire state's.
Good day larps.
Deploy the national gaurs and arrest tens of thousands of people who are following state law
Yes this seems reasonable in an election year when the majority want legal weed
How dumb are you fucking people
I'm not really arguing against pot, I don't give a fuck if it's legal. I'm not really a lolbertarian but I could imagine that there would be less social problems if even harder drugs were legalized like meth or coke. My only point was that we don't live in a democracy. The only -ocracy we are under is corporatocracy and rule by Jewish controlled fiat currency and democracy is a dumb idea anyway. People really are fucking stupid.
Injecting marihuanas is degenerate, I've never seen anyone in my animus doing that, so checkmate junkies
Republican hypocrite faggots think state rights are great until you bring up weed. Bunch of fucking retards worship alcohol as if it doesn't kill people and ruin lives. Utter, brainless sheep.
>The state can not enforce that which the people won’t comply with
Yes and no.
It would be a good argument, and i would have agreed, if it were not for the examples that the current administration doesn't give a shit about what people think.
>logistical nightmare
>public support
Yes but what about the muslim travel ban?
It was also super unpopular and a logistical nightmare too.
Also same for mass deportation of illegal immigrants. It's also a logistical nightmare but they're still doing what they can to enact these policies.
So now that we've seen how stuborn the administration is, it's not a receivable argument anymore, that public support and logistics are a problem.
The only thing that can fight this is the weed taxes.
The money being lost buy states and the central is the only real defense for legal cannabis. The rest doesn't affect them one bit.
Based burger
Those stoners can be productive enough to vote Democrat, if a Republican administration does the one thing guaranteed to piss every single one of them off.
If you are not selling it cops usually make you throw it away, it should always be illegal, drug dealers always cause a dangerous environment, the more discrete they have to be the safer the streets are
>Travel ban
>Logistical nightmare
For what, the dozen or so people with dual passports that were affected because they were travelling at the time?
copy pasta from another thread
Oh no! Thousands are employed!!!! What will Drumpf do creating millions of jobs in non-degenerate markets?
How are we supposed to make America great again if everybody is fucking stoned?
He Muslim ban was vastly easier international travel is already governed by the department of state and airports already have the infrastructure to hold people or turn people away especially the few hundred that were effected
And that was still a nightmare
The feds can’t do anything imagine if the eu govebembr suddenly said they were going to crack down on weed in the eu
Would you be worried?
Good. Time to end the degeneracy.
Welp, looks like trump's not getting reelected.
Are you in agreement that states rights should allow states to grant people the right to build machineguns and rocket launchers?
Fuck off, cucks.
Weed is for faggots.
drugs are degenerate..and pot heads are annoying as fuck low iq retards
Turned-off Cannabinoid Receptor Turns On Colorectal Tumor Growth
Cannabis Use, Effect And Potential Therapy For Alzheimer's, MS and Parkinson's
Non-psychoactive CB2 cannabinoid agonists stimulate neural progenitor proliferation
Type 2 cannabinoid receptor contributes to the physiological regulation of spermatogenesis
Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition
>it should always be illegal, drug dealers always cause a dangerous environment
It being illegal creates those drug dealers. The illegality creates the dangerous environment.
You're a fucking mental manlet.
lmfao this miight actually start a civil war
like name one other time when the liberals had their 'progress' of forcing once-unacceptable shit down everyones throats and legalizing illegal shit taken from them
Good, weed encourages degeneracy and legalization pushes down the price so growers like myself can't make the bank we deserve.
It wouldn't be the war you want.
If you think you're going to start executing weed smokers you're going to end up killed by the people who were originally going to fight for you.
None of you pussies who are afraid of psychoactive substances have the warrior's spirit.
Emerging evidence suggests that cannabinoids may exert beneficial effects in intestinal inflammation and cancer.
Cannabinoids Induce Apoptosis of Pancreatic Tumor Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Genes
Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1
Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells