Don't mind me...

Don't mind me, I'm just gonna give up some perfect wife material because I'm in love with my literal blood related sister

What's the problem here?
Why marry someone you don't love as much as someone else?

It wouldn't really make sense to marry someone if you were in love with someone else, no matter how pragmatic it would be. That is not how love works, user.

Why would you marry someone you don't love? On the contrary it would be cruel for both the other girl and yourself to do so.

>Having a romantic relationship with your imouto
fucking nasty

It's the best form of love prove me wrong

What's the problem?
If it's consentual love between two adults/teenagers of a similar age then I don't see an issue.

>I'm not going to marry Girl A, because I love Girl B
Nothing wrong with that.

>I'm not going to marry girl A even though she's perfect, because I love girl B who happens to be my literal sister
I fail to see how this is a good thing

Look man, I don't particularly care for it in my own life, but it's their decision. Also love transcends space, time, genetics, and dimensions, even if it is just a chemical reaction.

These things are subjective you fool.
Your notion of perfect isn't universal.

>because I love girl B
That's you answer. What more do you need? Are you a fucking retard, or some kind of machiavellian dumbass who doesn't understand other people? Even sociopaths who can't feel the same things other people do are aware that people have certain feelings and that they behave certain ways about them. When it comes to love, it's not like shopping for the best PC. It's about love, and love doesn't make sense. Love doesn't care if the person isn't perfect, or doesn't fit some criteria. It's funny, some people will describe settling as going with someone who doesn't meet some set of criteria you had for your partner, but to me, settling would be going for someone I wasn't in love with. Doesn't matter if the richest, smartest, nicest, most influential girl in the world wants me to marry her, even if the girl I love is a total dumbass who fails in every aspect, I'd choose her if I loved her, it was never even a choice. That's how people in love work.

I can hear your autistic screeching through my monitor, buddy
Being in a romantic relationship with your sister is impure. just accept it, my friend

>even though she's perfect
Obviously he doesn't think so, you fucking nigger.

Why is this an issue? There are plenty of couples that don't have kids, and if there's no genes being passed down I don't see any problems with this.

Yes, and? This changes nothing though, because love is love.

Yandese was projecting her latent lesbian feelings for Kirino in Kyousuke

no one is asking you to fuck your sister user

Good, because I'd have to decline due to the impurity of the situation

Geez why does Sup Forums have to be so degenerate. Should be locking up you freaks so you can't breed with your siblings like freaky brainlet wild animals

Maybe we just have a clearly defined line between reality and fiction. I don't think you know this but the anime didn't actually happen

No one in that series is perfect wife material. Everyone's too selfish.

Dude, everyone bangs their sisters. Where you so ugly that she didn't even let you feel her up?

Perfect wife material will be there when you're done with the perfect fuck material.

>Don't mind me, I'm just gonna keep posting about some mediocre anime that aired seven years ago because I'm dumb and have shit taste
Oriemo wasn't good and it's certainly not worth watching now


I can't wait to gain superpowers and rape everything while laughing at prudes like you. It's gonna be awesome.

Rurifags miss the point, her and Kirino are both equally awfull.
>I'll dump the guy I love and then expect to get him back later
Literally the behaviour of a bitch of the worst kind.

>perfect wife material

You know that Saori is the best when she's the only girl who didn't turn into a drooling retard over MC dick.

How is this even a contest?