Is Ouran worth watching?
Is Ouran worth watching?
Looks like a fujobait to me
Watch an episode and make up your own mind. Your time clearly isn't important if you've decided to come here and have opinions force-fed to you.
Maybe not all the way through, since the jokes eventually get put on repeat, but it's still one of the better comedies of the 2000s.
Not untrue
Looks gay user. Are you gay?
Haruhi is lovely.
Boring and forgettable. The only thing that was going for it was the reverse trap MC.
Sup Forums loves ouran for a reason
Best Haruhi.
I'd say it's worth watching, but it's up to you to decide for yourself. Give it a go and see how you feel.
Literally don't need anything else
>comedy anime
Not even once.
She's too good for this world
>There will never be an SOS Brigade vs. Host Club crossover
It would work so well too.
>Tamaki decides Fujioka needs more commoner friends at Ouran that she can relate to so he convinces daddy to open up more scholarships
>Suzumiya hears about this and gets the entire brigade + Tsururuya to sign up and of course they all get in.
>First mission is to find a new club room
>Find Music Room #3 while the Hos Club is off doing rich people shit elsewhere
>Try to claim it as their own
>Host Club returns, Suzumiya and Tamaki immediately clash
>War for the Room begins
The characters fit right in with each other too.
>Twins give up trying to prank Yuki and turn their attentions to Mikuru
>Kyoya and Koizumi actually no each other and it implies that there are conflicts between the Otori group and the Organization
>Both Koizumi and Yuki sense that something is off about the space inside Music Room #3
>Fujioka and Kyon just fucking get up and sit the war out, comparing miseries and end up becoming really good friends.
>Mikuru falls head over heels for Honey and carries him around like a stuffed animal. Of course this makes Mori jealous as fuck.
>Other shenanigans ensue.
Fucking perfect.
It's literally a must see. Watch the first ep and see by yourself
Oh shit
Yeah, but.
It's actually funny.
I made my sis watch this as her first anime
Yes. Haruhi is my waifu.
This is a GOAT level anime.
Best episode was the one at the Maison owned by the cross dressing guy
Haruhi is CUTE.
The manga series is also good and has a better ending. I think the humor works better in animation though.
It's a favorite.
My god that's good!
I need this now
She really is the perfect protagonist. Plays the straight man so well, and yet is cute and never outright mean.
Better than the kyoani haruhi?
Why would you bumpu? I'm op and i don't even need the thread anymore.
Because we need more cute Haruhi
That's not completely wrong.
Yeah, I liked the show a lot, but what the fuck was up with the whole "muh pop's a trannie lol xd" thing? Felt very out of place with the characters just accepting it and shit. I don't know, guess I'm not a really progressive thinker.
Half assed excuse for why Haruhi is so unconcerned about what gender people view her as
Oh, yeah. Makes a lot of sense. But why do the others in the club just take in in their strides too? I mean they really care about their gender or how they're viewed.
Came to the thread to find this. Nice work, user.
Haruhi is a miracle so yes it's worth watching.
Back when I had a shitty PC and internet and watched things on YouTube. not sogood times.
Why haven't you just off'd yourself yet?
I'm in love with this cutie.
"Teenage fujoshi who watches AMVs and writes yaoi fanfiction"-core.
It's shit and most of the love for it is nostalgia to times where people didn't have much standards.
Are you me?
It is, definitely, but I enjoyed it, and I'm not a fujo. It was fun, but isn't substantial.
Do they really? I think they're mainly concerned about being pleasant.
Is Quran worth reading?
My friend always bitch about this and Fruits basket like they are awful. how do I let him know he has terrible taste?
>mfw when Muhammad had a loli waifu
Was he /ourguy/?
Me too
Try harder.
Best boy and best girl get together
read the manga.
Except that Fruits Basket is awful.
But the qt from the Black Magic Club ends up with Honey and we don't know who Nekozawa enda up with.
Kind of.
Sadly, the manga soon goes into typical Shoujo cliche around the beginning of the last act.
Haruhi still cute and Tamaki still a lot of fun.
Honey is one lucky motherfucker getting a moe goth girl as a wife.
Makes me wonder what their kid is going to be like.
Only if you are gay or a woman, or at the very least affeminate.
>author of an isekai book featuring himself as a gary stu mc going into another world where there are harem of beautiful virgins, in the end worshipped by a bunch of braindead fanatics who hold the book in high regards until today
I love the comfy reverse harem and SOL elements of this show.
I dropped it after it was revealed the protag was a girl.
literally the gayest thing I've read today
What the fuck I love Islam now
still the best shojo manga i ever read. well i think the reason is, although the boys are gary stu, it often ended up as a joke compared to the other shojo manga.
They both aired on children's television channels. He probably doesn't understand.
Anime adaptation when?
That would be haram
I'm gay.
Not surprising desu