Are you fucking kidding me? This was the last place I didn't have ublock working, fuck you Hiro.
Are you fucking kidding me? This was the last place I didn't have ublock working, fuck you Hiro
Holy fuck I just realized Hiro did this to piss off idiots still using page view instead of catalog. Maybe that will get all these retards to leave.
>going on the index
It's only a matter of time until the ads hit the catalog too.
ads and cancer iroha on one pic, poetry
>not using Sup Forums x, oneechan, and ublock origin with custom filters
Buy a pass, fag.
That's a pretty cute Horro.
Patrician as fuck,.
At least it's not gross toenails this time.
>not using 30 different scripts + Sup Forums pass to streamline the shitposting process and turning Sup Forums into a completely different website than what it was meant to be
>not buying an ad to shitpost while helping fund fourchan
>catalogfags aka newfags
I remember trying to post on Sup Forums without the catalog around 2005 or 2006
Those were the days, buddy.
Shorten the names of the websites on your bookmark bar to make them fit.
I've been using the catalog more lately, but I still like pageview because it lets you view the latest posts in a thread, and sometimes a thread has taken a totally different direction than the OP. Catalog and pageview together, in harmony, is the ideal way to browse Sup Forums.
>it lets you view the latest posts in a thread,
So does the catalog.
>Being a page 1 normalfag
Not everyone uses 4chanx, user
and I think those people should leave
I'm not talking about 4chanX, though. I'm talking about the original catalog.
At this point, I don't even use more than 4 of those. They're there to not fuck my autism from all of the unused space. It's probably better to just nuke it, but it's a shitty habit.
What is even a reason these days for not using the catalog?
>not browsing with frame
That doesn't change the fact that this shit is right between the threads. Hiro will eventually put it on the catalog as well.
Later Hiro will start dropping ads inside threads.
I guess he wants to make the ads as intrusive as possible.
>fuck you for trying to make money and keeping the site alive, Hiro
No, fuck you. Hiro has done more for us than Moot ever did.
The staff never do anything FOR the site, they only do things TO the site. Like deleting a ton of active threads for the sake of an april fools joke.
>keeping the site alive
No, that was what moot did.
Hiro is going beyond that to make money off of his investment.
After all this shit, how come there is no An Hiro version of the happy merchant?
>that denial
just accept alreadt that you are being used to make profit
At least they're not intrusive.
Kek, that's actually better.
4chanx catalog+ublock faggomundo
Do you enjoy not seeing any images in your thread previews?
I'm talking about the replies.
Your response is pointless.
The thread you are highlighting has no images that you could be seeing, and so even if the 4chanX catalog could show the images of the replies (which it can't), you still won't be able to point it out.
I assume that's because you didn't put images and replies into context.
there's a 4chanx option for it I think
Yeah, god forbid any of the hyper NEETs here be minorly inconvenienced for a full day.
No, there isn't.
Sup Forums was the only site I didn't adblock for years, then Hiro came and fucked everything up. I want moot back.
They didn't delete shit, retard. And it's called fun.
>Maybe that will get all these retards to leave.
You do know that most people who use paged view are actual oldfags and not newshits, right? Fucking retard.