Every one I know works pretty damn hard and are on average much less stuck up than white women.
Why do black women get so much hate?
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Fake and gay, black women are notoriously the worst workers you can hire. It goes in all fields.
[Warning: Viewing the attached Video could cause nausea]
You must be lucky, then. Just take a look at Ghettos - or Social Media, for that matter. You will find black women quite fast: just look for an abundant overuse of emojis and you will find them...
>implying you know a black woman with real hair more than 4 inches long
my eyes are bleeding
oh honey
we're gonna see some shit today
FPBP been my experience as well. Half blacks are okay but straight up Africans kill people through their negligence regularly in medicine.
nogresses are pure trash, loud and obnoxious
They're being pandered only because they're the only voters who can flip it back to democrat in the next term. That's it. They're all unanimously put in positions of power in any form of media you see, even random ads all over the world, so that they remember about liberals pandering to them and vote them back in return. No inherent value other than their vote.
They're ugly.
Yes, yes, there is a rare attractive one, but it's 1 in 1 trillion.
.t Shaniqua
>That Woman
She's at least 30% non-African.
Black women (with the exception of halflings, niggaboos and other species of oreo) are typically unpleasant. For every one that's kind and humble, another two are teeth-suckers.
Fucking niggarious!
If black women aren't so bad, why didn't you post one? A mulatto isn't black.
Ever been to the DMV?
Black women are 100% the most spiteful group of human beings on the planet.
They can’t even keep their own men from jumping ship
Every black girl I’ve ever known was a grade A piece of shit to people around her. One black girl I knew had a crush on me once, she was nice when I was around, when I wasn’t near, she was the biggest bitch around.
>Black women
>women (kek)
Semantics aside they are the most stuck up, loud mouthed, arrogant, stupid fucking creatures to waddle on the face of the planet
Same can be said for all women on social media.
Just pick one user, it's not hard.
What drugs do you reason caused this behavior?
yet still worse
what's your point?
>Every one I know works pretty damn hard and are on average much less stuck up than white women.
Every black woman you know is hardworking and humble? How many black women do you know? Because that hasn't been by experience.
Who here hate negros?
>literally the niggers of race AND gender
They're even more subhuman than male niggers.
You're a liar. Nigger women are the most stuck up creatures on the planet.
black women have always been really, really nice to me and have shown a lot of romantic interest too. i dont really hate niggers in general that much, theyre stupid as fuck and i would never hire one or support my family members mixing with one but meh i dont hate them
>get matches from 6/10 liberal white girls
>get matches with 8/10 really attractive black women
>"I-I would do anything to be with a whiteboy user.."
I love my race and all but biology feels like its gonna kick in
They have the looks and mind of a hippopotamus, non stop eating , huge, ugly, small brain, aggressive
They are really, really stupid and stuck-up.
Where do you live?
>Every one I know
Anecdotal, stopped reading.
austin texas
The only thing worse than her thinking she looks good doing that is there is someone out there that would look at that and think UNGA BUNGA I WANNA FUCC DAT GIRL
double affirmative action, less tendency to ruin it for yourself by acting out as black men fall into.
Life on easy mode.
Sure some of you work hard but for you it's a choice. Others face consequences. We want consequences for you too. Maybe a black woman is fired and a white man who works harder is hired, shocker!
As for white women, they've got issues too, agreed. White and black women each try to justify themselves by complaining about the other!
I run a machine shop full of white dudes. My fat, sassy nigger receptionist means the only time anyone comes in to my office is if it can't be avoided. It's absolutely effective and half the price of a white person.
>much less stuck up than white women
You clearly have not been around black women before.
Black women are the biggest cunts on the planet. In an office environment they will be the first to stab you in the back every single time.
That's not a black woman, that's a mulatto, maybe a quadroon, and more importantly one raised in white civilization.
This is a black woman:
They're the trifecta of everything that men hates the most, especially Sup Forums.
Good portion are overweight. They very rarely stay thin. Are loud, and rude a good majority of the time. Think in terms of race more than the average skin head racist. Modern Black Women are almost all entirely feminists, social justice warriors, extremely liberal to the point of radicalism and angry.
The select few who don't act like any of the above realize they have to put in more effort than the average white girl because they also know the average white guy would prefer a cute white girl over a cute black girl. Basically they're stuck between a rock and hard place, realizing they need to work harder because the average black guy is just not father material.
I honestly feel sorry for them.
Black woman demean us everyday, now you see why we go for mudsharks.