Why are you against socialism/pol/?
Every other industrialized country is and doing great
Why are you against socialism/pol/?
new zealands doing great???
is that why we have a housing shortage?
socialism is just the best thing ever, but it's has strong enemies
>US spends most of it's money on government cheese
>unsustainable debt, unfundable pensions (as with the rest of the west)
What is a population of 400,000,000 with 14.5 % below the poverty line, and 100 million of them are considered 'low income'
Surely everyone ELSE can pay for their welfare RIGHT?
Switzerland is socialist because they can afford it, because of self-determination, something unachievable in Jewish-controlled countries.
Why do you lie?
Most of these countries have a lower corporate tax rate than the US and almost none of them have significantly more regulations when it comes to businesses than the US.
Some might have a somewhat bigger social safety net but on what planet makes that any of these countries socialist? Corporations are still in the hands of private hands and not "characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production". Can you list, where any of these countries have confiscated "the means of production"?
>having welfare means those countries are socialist
boy i guess the us is socialist too
none of those countries are socialist you commie turd
>new zealands doing great???
>is that why we have a housing shortage?
a housing shortage is often an indicator of a booming economy
ask your real estate agent how well they are doing right now when his limo drives by your shack
Literally none of those countries are socialist.
It isn't if you don't have the builders.
retards probably think welfare/free education/free healthcare=socialism
little did they know, they let le evil corporations go wild with no regulations
Some people just don't realize Socialism doesn't work without Nationalism.
>Has the word socialist in it
You're a pussy bitch oh pee
>It isn't if you don't have the builders.
sounds like a lucrative career being a builder in NZ right about now
whats your excuse?
1. white
2. white
3. white
4. white
5. white
6. white
7. white
8. white
9. white
10. niggers
How are they defining "prosperity"? Lemme guess... having socialist policies like "free" healthcare and college?
Yes, also there is not even all of this in the country mentioned there. Switzerland for example have no free healthcare and not totally free education (although almost).
The common point of many of these country is that there not a lot of tax and regulation at the corporate level. This must not be mixed with a lot of regulation for individual, Sweden for example has a very free economy and low business tax while high tax and protection for the citizen.
Economy liberal+ tax and protection for citizen works, not tax and protection for business. That's where country like america and France do wrong
Full of muslims as well
All the countries in this list are capitalist countries. Also it's because of the niggers in the land of the 56%
Let's look at some more examples (ignoring the fact you don't know what socialism is)
Socialist countries OP did not include
>North Korea
And now we ask ourselves what do the countries OP listed all actually have in common?
Demographics are the most important thing which is why the US is going to shit not capitalism
Socialism works. Until there are non-whites. Sweden was fine until they got browned. Now their economy is collapsing.
Same with Norway and the other Nordic nations.
Same with Canada.
Switzerland is thriving because they don't have a subhuman problem yet.
Socialism will never work in America, too many Niggers and white trash welfare queens.
Socialism ceased to be "characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production" about half a century ago.
Unfortunately someone forgot to inform the Venezuelans!
Those countries aren't socialist countries you dumb motherfucker. Goddamn, stop making us look bad. If you're going to post this shit, post under a memeflag.
This reminds me of that time there was a healthcare ranking of countries and they said that the only big problem the spaces higher than the USA had is that more people die because of bad healthcare in them.
You can really fudge the standards like crazy with these "ratings".
Some one do an American Chad.
>Shortenting lifespan, doesnt care just get more productive
>Ranked 10th in prosperity but doesnt care because ranked 1st among equals
>Gives more away in food stamps than some countries GDP
We ARE socialized.
Define prosperity plz?
Social democracy is not socialism.
A lot easier with less niggers. The more we are having the less safe and cohesive our societies have become.
Additionally our economic system was never solid.
The US got its debt from wars and corruption. Social democracy from welfare state.
Now pls stop saying our system is a success.
USA would be doing much better without the shadow government and niggers.
>need operation from a specialist
>die while waiting an average of 5 and a half months for operation
>ponder why people aren't going thru 12-14 years of incomprehensible stress and strain to specialize
Gee it's almost as if Socialism works great for only the most baseline of services and human needs.
Now let's see how good those countries do without our aid and free protection. Must be nice knowing you can just gimp your military and know you have guaranteed safety.
Capitalism is dying. Don't pay your debts. Let the banks fail and the system crash. Start over with something completely new, by and for the people.
vietnam economy is very great
fantastic wages for everybody shitty usa no nothing
Lol, Great source for the ranking
>Denmark has a corporate tax rate: 22%
>US corporate tax rate 35%
What did you mean by this Bernie Bro?
Why do so many people explain that socialism doesn't work in the US but in other country yes?
Stop just buying the socialist meme, these country are no more socialist than the US. Some like said are even very far from it.
The real answer is: they are not socialist and neither is the US.
Amount of people that gets gibs, obviously :^)
None of those are socialist states anyway. Sweden not long ago liquidated Saab Automotive because it was operating at a loss, and anyone would be hard-pressed to come up with a better example of capitalism than that.
Norway's oil-rich, and takes a geolibertarian view of its oil resources, so the profits are broadly shared. Sounds like a corporation to me.
Switzerland's economy depends largely upon its very discreet banking system, one with such a lack of transparency it makes Wall Street blush. I can't figure out how anyone would call that socialist.
Anyway, being #10 out of nearly 200 total states isn't so bad. But the descriptor they're looking for is "system of national economy" or "Listian"; the US practiced this variant of capitalism between 1910 and 1980 and it was called the American System (of national economy); we might consider a return to it (wait, we did; we elected Trump). It also travels by the names "Rhenish capitalism" or "Nordic capitalism".
>when you realize all these countries are getting flooded with chinks and niggers at a rate that any social welfare program is about to be crushed into oblivion
>when you go on to realize many of these countries are about to have to flip the bill for US military protection or form their own military encase russia/germany decides to steam roll europe again
>but when you finally realize the realization that is oil exports are unsustainable to fund social programs like several of these countries are doing and when US/China start using other forms of energy it will be to late for them
>Venezuela not listed
Heritage index of economic freedom:
Norway: 25
Switzerland: 4
New Zealand: 3
Denmark: 18
Canada: 7
Sweden: 19
Australia: 5
Finland: 24
The Netherlands: 15
United States: 17
If Canada is a socialist country then the USA is the USSR under War Communism.
Here are some actual socialist countries. I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to their prosperity.
Djibouti: 171
Algeria: 172
Timor-Leste: 173
Equatorial Guinea: 174
Zimbabwe: 175
Eritrea: 176
Congo: 177
Cuba: 178
Venezuela: 179
North Korea: 180
>all those countries (minus Canada) are White
>America is 56%
Those are literally all capitalist countries. Socialism is the abolition of private ownership of production and the abolition of profit.
Bernie bro faggots btfo
Old data Canada is behind fucking Brazil now
Also you have to break Canada down by province. The most prosperous ones are the least socialist Ontario the most socialist has such a poorly managed economy that it needs to basically steal from all the other provinces to not go absolutely broke because Ontarios socialist government fucks up absolutely everything or does. If Ontario were independent its currency would literally be like Zimbabwes where people are trying to trade wheelbarrows of 100 trillion dollar bills for anything they can
Yea it is a lot easier to increase social program spending when America represents all these countries military... but even then, all these countries have declining populations and increased immigration. Barbarians at the gates to loot your social welfare
They are still whiter than the US but not for long. They will all collapse when they become as brown
Exactly. USA is socialist. Wtf are these Bernie bro faggits looking at?
Most of Sup Forums isn't against socialism just against your kind of socialism
What part of national socialist don't you fucking twits understand? They make up at least half the board likely more
I would chop my dick off before than living in Venezuela.
>call them "undocumented immigrants"
Gee I wonder who made this?
So every single country that is better then the US has a smaller population that is majority white?
Really jingles my jangles.
>Capitalism with high tax rates equals socialism
>American """"""""""education""""""""""
Norway - northern petrosheiks
Switzerland - goy bankers
New Zealand - literally not prosperous
Denmark - government on the brink of admitting insolvency
Canada - former petrosheiks and produce exporters, lost both markets and now are living on inertia and bubbles
Sweden - ironsheiks
Australia - literally not wealthy and industry is crumbling
Finland - sold all their woods for guns
Netherlands - inertia from colonial times
United States - only legit developed economy on the list
>calling those countries socialist
are you retarded
I have got SNAP before and have worked...I got $32 a month for food for me, my daughter and her mother. Only I worked. I know of black mothers who work minimal hours and lie to get way more than that. (lie they don't tell of there Boyfriend that lives with them) And they keep having more kids so they can get more money) and usually they don't use all the money for food anyway.
Funny how none of the other countries on that list have a population of over 300,000,000.
>My country
Economic activity ≠ net economic benefit for US.
> democratic socialism is socialism
> those countries are even SOCIALIST to begin with
STOOOOOOOOOOOOP BEING A RETARD HOLY SHIT. That image triggered me more today from Sup Forums than anything else I fucking hate you people.
It isn't really socialism
We pay for the defense of these countries.
Hahahahaha, switzerland is socialist?
Are fucking with me right now?
Switzerland is one of the most capitalistic countries there is. I mean free market is like gods law here. Even our "states or regions" are competing with eatchother.
Everything is competitive ground.
In the related Picture the pink part is the part of the financial sector.
Overall the banks only amount to 8% of the GDP.
Can I have one of your women?
Social democracy, not full socialism. Full socialism would be like Kerala or Tito's Yugoslavia.
>countries ranked by prosperity
>literally all these countries are poor as fuck
You're a fucking retard OP.
North Korea follows Juche, which is a form of communism similar to Nazism. Algeria had a lot of communists in power at first, but it wasn't a communist or socialist country. Venezuela is a wannabe social democracy that shot themselves in the foot. Egypt had some social democratic policies a while ago that did a lot of good. Cuba is Marxist-Leninist but slowly liberalizing. Laos is Marxist-Leninist, and Vietnam is a relatively liberal Marxist-Leninist state.
Nice meme. Stop reading Breitbart.
Those countries at the bottom aren't socialist or social-democratic for the most part. Economic freedom can be combined with social democracy.
I get what you mean. But man. I loled out when I saw that picture.
What the FUCK is a housing shortage dude I'll build your house.
>Nordic model
Yes, that's the government's prosperity.
Socialism, however, takes most of the population's money away
Yup, high-trust societies do pretty well when everyone is white and christian. It's a shame to see what is eventually going to happen to them now that this has changed.
kek. they're going to look like Venezuela soon if oil prices don't rebound
Sage and move on guys
typical ameritard education tier. All those countries are literally capitalist.
Oh wow look at all of those countries with no niggers or Mexicans telling us how great socialism is!! /wank/
Ok, here's the real kicker with food stamps:
They artificially increase the demand for food, raising their prices so that more people can't afford food, so they have to get food stamps. It's a self-inflating problem.
The netherlands are not fucking socialists, where do even get your info? fucking infowars?
A lot of us are socialists, we just also happen to be ethno-nationalists. Reminder Aristotle said democracies were only possible in an ethnically homogenous society. Reminder that Immigration was limited by the founding fathers originally to "whites of good character"
>Only 3% fraud
none of those countries are socialist you stupid nigger
>United states - only legit developed economy on the list
what are u even saying? they did the excact same as the rest of the western world
why would i care about those other countries, i dont live in them
What sort of metric is "prosperity"?
>Immigration was limited by the founding fathers originally to "whites of good character"
Except for the fact that some counties in the South were 30% black but didn't consider them REAL Americans.
>none of those countries are socialist you stupid nigger
I assume he said netherlands because he's speaking from experience. Do you not have insight?
You don't need experience to know what socialism is, just an internet connection. None of those countries are socialist and if you do not immediately understand that I'd suggest reading into economics 101.
Why did they highlight the weasel phrases? Is this meant to be ironic?
>country prospers because of capitalism
>institute retarded socialist policies
>country stagnates
>claim socialism is great
Kill self.
>if you dont immediately understand that id suggest reading into economics 101
i bet u felt smart when u proclaimed that
USA has the most niggers and spics so there you go