We all know the filthy dems use no voter ID law to vote in whoever they want with illegals and traveling goons. Let's flip the narrative on them
Memeing Voter ID Laws in
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Russia would just hack the ID:s.
Don't be ridiculous Finland we all know they'd just hack people's minds
Nice one
this one is gold
Tyrone Johnson reporting
i support this
fucking nice
how about a young pic of hillary and something along the lines of
"don't tell your daughter she can't be President"
"demand #voterID"
Its a go, move move move!
Have a bump. Serious potential here
>yfw states already do this
>yfw alabama has the highest demands for voters that involves birth certificates social security number and proof of residence
>still complain about dems stealing the election
>make up stories about how nigs are coming from all over to vote in state election
>how about a young pic of hillary and something along the lines of
>"don't tell your daughter she can't be President"
>"demand #voterID"
Dis is good
You bastard.
Keep them coming
tell r/dolan to do this meme shit.
farming hard
How about no you filthy kike schemer?
Bumping :^)
This actually has some potential.
this is what we do
go back
Good idea
I love how leftists know that niggers are too stupid to get an id, yet still larp that they're equal
pay attention you newfags
this is what kike shills look like
This has potential but only if you tone down the cringe
love the bernie
Niggers are easy to manipulate and trick. Anything that threatens their gibsmedats will unite them.
This is the kindergarten sex ed video in canada
go to Sup Forums
Go to Media Matters
Bump for a great IDea
Can you draw south park KKK with putin making secret plan about how they should demand voter ID, so all the smart people would oppose it?
v.2 pickle rick comes out and discloses putins plan
smart people 1 : naxis 0 (numale face)
This looks more like a pro Trump meme
>This looks more like a pro Trump meme
That doesn't work because the left wants non-state actors to vote in our elections, but just the "correct" non-state actors.
Found the scrawny faggot working for Soros.
This is a good one. Have a bump.
this is false, but good ammo
love it
Bump. This is genius, user.
I like it
Fire up those sock twitter accounts.
Make sure to use popular hashtags, so that more people see it.
Do your part.
>Fire up those sock twitter accounts.
>Make sure to use popular hashtags, so that more people see it.
>Do your part.
better angry hillary meme
#resist #resistance #voterID etcetcetc
That's an electronic voting machine problem. That allows shit like a candidate getting fewer votes than the number of full party line votes in the county.
heres some bait
So you are asking that people who are not eligible to vote, won't be able to cast a vote.
The thing about voting tho is that you want to have both:
>anonymity (nobody checks who you voted for)
>traceability (you can verify that your vote has been counted)
A naive implementation of voter ID might just destroy the former. So take care that in your wish for eliminating unwarranted votes, you don't destroy voting anonymity.
Also, if you're going to have any opinion on the voting process at all, I hope you will at least have watched this video:
and maybe check out
that one's not so good
don't use ones with text that is too obviously from us.
be more subtle.
this one is an example of a good, subtle meme.
god our meme game has gone down.
newfags shouldn't be allowed to meme.
>newfags shouldn't be allowed to meme.
like it
>Ferguson, MO
not subtle enough, with the rest of stuff
What if we make democrats demand voter ID?
I have an idea.
We have enough time to organize this before 2020, but should start planning soon.
Let's all agree to vote absentee in 2020. That will free us up for this idea.
Pick a city or cities. San Francisco, Chicago, New York, basically a liberal city in a blue state.
From there we vote, in person with Russian names and no ID.
Flood the ballot box with Russian sounding names. Vote over and over again. Enough of these votes will flip the state from blue to red.
Think of the outcry when they check the voter rolls, they will scream collusion, demand impeachment and call for voter ID.
We get the benefit of a red California or New York and the added bonus of libs screaming for fair elections.
Win win
that idea is fucking halarious. top kek
These are bad, liberals won't buy them up. They are too obvious, especially with the sandnigs on the fence. Do something like with a negative looking picture of Trump.
Damn, I love this idea. Bump
More bait
have another bump
Sold idea user
Have some milkies for your ingenuity
One more bump
Not a bad idea, but the entire system will change before the next election if it all goes to plan.
No no no... this implies traditionalism. Liberals hate anything wholesome
Those are regular ones directed at the right.
I dont think user understood the objective. Or hes a shariablue plant.
The whole point is the make the left think they are fighting trump
The normies of the left are afraid of muh Russian hacking. Maybe we can convince them the Russians are planning to physically tamper with the next election, get em real scared, so the left will be begging for ID laws.