See the made in abyss trailer

>see the made in abyss trailer
>oh wow its gonna be a fun comfy story
>It wasn't
why the fuck did it take a 180 after the first couple chapters

Other urls found in this thread:!zAwBRbAA!rVowK7zl7cW9M-qNjmRJkw

It didn't take a 180. We were just given introductions to the cast.

Also I know this is a self bump but I'm excited for the soundtrack

I haven't read it, but wasn't the very first chapter already showing how people break down and die in the Abyss?

Is the translation still ongoing?
I don't mind lesser quality if it means faster releases.

They (he?) translated chapter 9 a few days ago.

Yeah, they warn people that it's dangerous due to ascension causing problems the deeper you are. It's not in gruesome detail, but in a cute and child-friendly manner. It's explained to children in the story, after all.

Hold up, they get more travel friends? And one of them is another fluffy critter?

Where's the rug? Bunny's frend?

Good, I'm sick of comfy shows.

I don't know. I'm only up the where they translated.

This is going to be RE:ZERO of the autumn season, right?

Damn. Batoto holds up ch4 i think.

Because eh's not a part of our sekrit club.!zAwBRbAA!rVowK7zl7cW9M-qNjmRJkw

How so?

Oh wow. Thank you very much!

In what sense?

Deceptive beginning, turning grimdark, lots of (eventual) hype, fantasy setting.
Maybe ends up shit, too I hope not

Who knows...I mean what do you get when you show someone a good guro doujin?
>"Why the fuck would you show me that!"
>A month later
>"Hey man so I found this one, what do you think? Fucked up right?"

the "publicity" this got when the anime was announced made it seem like it was some sort of bait-and-switch TWEEST show trying to cash in on the grimdark fad, but after threads started happening the past few weeks and some chapters got translated i realized the manga is not like that.

so basically it's not going for pure shock value, the fucked up stuff is integrated as part of the setting and something that just happens out of the natural story progression. of course some stuff is exaggerated and maybe the mangaka could do without test tubes on shota dick and all the torture panels but that seems to be pretty incidental to the actual story.

>mangaka could do without test tubes
No, he couldn't. He's obviously a sick fuck enjoying it all. But he's also got talent and knows how to write so people seem oblivious or forget what's in there.

Does anyone have that page with "punishment" in the orphanage?

If the abyss goes through the planet would that mean if they keep going down they will eventually go up?

You mean this one?

Yes, thanks. There's no way you can excuse that as anything other than a kink.

It's going to be the RE:Zero the season after it airs?

>test tubes on shota dick
When does this happen? I've only read the translated chapters.

Is she some kind of pervert?

She wants his artifactdick.

nanachi a CUTE

>a 180
user, the tone was like that the entire way, you just weren't paying attention. The characters told us about untold horrors and their own bad experiences, and the first time you see them descending they're attacked by the giant gaping penisworm, the tone is foreshadowed very well it does suddenly change. It's simply that the main cast are facing this with unbridled optimism that makes it seem comfortable and lighthearted, but if you believed that you would have to be as foolish as they are.

So, there's like 15 people on this whole board reading this?

Probably twice that who have just read the spoilers in time for the anime.

At least the Japanese are loving it. Their MiA threads reach 1000 posts in like 5 days.

How many chapters do you think the whole manga will be? How many are released right now?

It seems there's 5 volumes out now, it's ongoing and popular enough to get an anime so it will probably go on for quite a while.

Where can I read all episodes?
I realy enjoyed the first one, but could not find more.

It was subtly dark from the very beginning. It never felt like it would become some lighthearted adventure with kids.

The anime us unlikely to cover even a full quarter of where the manga is currently at, and it has only been getting better and better. The last fight with Bondrude was like all the best parts of a Bloodborne boss combined with MGR Revengance.
Then after that we go to the Tinged City from DS3. I fucking love this manga.

Holy shit this is the guy for the OST?
This sounds fucking awesome, I will shit my pants if the anime OST is just remotely as good as this. I mean I already loved the track of the trailer, but it's hard to judge the whole thing by that short video.

Why does it seem like some obscure manga as this one gets a high tier anime? Is the manga actually popular or is this a love project of the director/whoever?

I also guess that all of the hinted white whistles will appear an play a role. I can't remember how many they've shown though. There was some page of a later chapter that showed their shadows, there was a plague doctor among them.

It's quite popular with mangaka at least, a great deal of them do fan art of it or cameos or post about it on twitter a lot. I don't know about sales wise or readership at publication but a lot of people who have some sway in the industry are enamored with it.

There's also some leniency in how deep the abyss actually is, so it's entirely possible they can keep going for quite a while if it remains popular.

>still not good enough to read raw

Chapter 10 when? Have the translators given up?

Are the chapters up on godess?

For the billionth tine, no. They will get uploaded when they're ready.

Did you watch all of the trailer and the ominous music and zoom-in to the literal abyss and that didn't fire up any flags?


The trailer thread had like 100 IP if I remember correctly so I wouldn't wonder if more people have picked it up.
One of the reasons for the lack of readers is that msot of the chapters aren't uploaded on Batoto (yet). People reading dumpings on Sup Forums or using mega folders are always a minority.

While we did have 2 different translators willing to spend their free time working on this and 1 dedicated type setter, I wish there was some sort of coordination between these users so at the very least we'll know if this is still an active translation project.


Are there only 4 chapters?

Read the thread.

I read it but couldn't find any chapters beyond 4

Then you're retarded, illiterate or both.

Let's keep practising, user! One day we'll be able to do read it!

What's so good about this manga?

Art in general, child abuse and loli bunny. It's also cute.

see Lots of naked lolis and suffering.


It's going to have a shitty fanbase and shitty threads, yes.

>Translator and Friends will never come back and translate more stuff again

The pain.

sorry if the question has already been asked but...did Tsukushi Akihito make some weird guro loli/shota doujin in the past ? because i think i read something very similar years ago

I would actually say, as a very specific example, even the penis tube thing is not thematically unnecessary as it carries with it the very disturbing and horrifying implications that they've conducted these various gruesome procedures on so many countless innocent little boys that they already knew all too well he was going to piss himself in agony from the torture, therefore fastening a tube to his cock was necessary to make the operation much easier and more sanitary. A huge portion of science is trial and error, after all.
I will admit though, even as a ryonafag this scene did nauseate me more than I expected. Poor kid didn't deserve this.

Most of the artifacts seem to be just useless junk.

Whoa, loli nipple

The abyss and his aberrations and artifacts or mutations reminds me of the zone from Roadside Picnic - or Stalker in that regard.

user, there are plenty of loli nipples in the manga, the inserts for several of the volumes are multiple naked lolis suffering, the question is whether there will be loli nipples in the anime.

>what if stalker was a little girl

>the question is whether there will be loli nipples in the anime.
There's already shot nipples, so it's quite possible.

It's a good sign to have roboshotatits, but there may still not be loli tits, or they may be only in the BD release.

I want to protect that smile!

Only BD probably

You could make a kick-ass vidya out of that.

I've been following this artist for some years now (since 2008, when the Elebits game for DS came out) and unless I completely missed something, he didn't make one.

Could the doujin you mean be Drainage City by Horihone Saizou?

Wouldn't that just be one of the Summon Night games from the GBA?

What's the appeal of guro?

I think he's thinking of something else, I forget the name but it's the first thing that comes up with the tags loli, toddler, and snuff, I don't think it's him but it's similar and a multi-artist work.

Why is Rico such a psychopath?

Neat that the author included an artifact from his one-shot. Too bad it's partially translated, can be found here.

Actually I'm immune to shock value now. They literally add nothing to a series and doing so just make you look really desperate. And maybe because the internet ruin me.

It's fun.


Doesn't look so to me.

This is the manga were a cute character is squashed to it's death, is it?

Don't listen to him. Guro is disgusting and boring. Sure cut his arm, cut his tongue. There's nothing fun in that. What's actually fun is breaking someones mind. More of a challenge.

Suffering and internal organs are sexy.

So he's walking around with a literal stick up his ass? That's got to hurt.

finally read it and i'm hooked.

His ass is a high tier artifact of power, he can probably manage to get the ruler out.

What if I stick my dick in there, can he take it out?

I read this because Nanachi's cuteness, at the end I have to face how brutal this world is...

No? I don't remember anything like that. One girl gets melted into a rug, but she doesn't die.

you might break it off and lose it in there forever

For me I like the phenomenon of unknown adventure and treasures.

He's that tight? It just makes me want to stick it in him even more.

>Could the doujin you mean be Drainage City by Horihone Saizou?


that's exactly what i was thinking about. But now i realize it has nothing to do with him. thanks user

>Drainage City
>a dozen tits
>a dozen dicks
>lactating boy
WTF am I reading?

Who on earth thought this font would be a good choice ? thanks for the translations DolphinHater but damn

I'm pretty sure if she'd left it in there he would've noticed there was half a ruler up his ass pretty quickly. He's tough, but can still feel pain very clearly.