Tenma best girl.


Wrong Tsukamoto

Reminder that Aya Hirano voiced the lesbian art teacher who regularly bangs Itoko.

You mean second best. I don't get why people hate Tenma, she was really cute and a fun character.

Only in the second season.

Fuck off idiot. Nobody cares what morons like you have to say.

best girl won

Was this legit or another 'alternate' ending?

Didn't win. Keep deluding yourself though.

It's the latest one shot from mid-march, and the author's probably continuing the series soon.

Some jap on twitter already said that page is nothing. Mitoko and Hanai are going out though.

peenoise pls stay away

REALLY makes me think.



Itoko and Miko where best

Would you join the perverted club?

Harima fell in love with Eri
This is canon

Is Harima the best MC of all time?

>not posting the subs

>let's move on

Every time.

Wow, literally nothing.


Reminder that this is the guy Jin Kobayashi projects himself into the most.


I feel like it's been centuries since the last time I saw a good mc like Hige here.



>eri going on a mixer
So Harima is officially double cuck? He got cucked out of tenma and now getting cucked out f eri

No, because he doesn't love her and never has.


He does

Again, nothing.

Harima has never loved her, ever.

i cant read these, google translate?

>author's probably continuing the series soon.

Well duh. That's good news.

Eri was a better ending for Harima but Yakumo was best girl overall.

Actually, Yakumo was the better ending for Harima and Karen was the best girl overall.

Actually Karen was the better ending for Harima and Akira was the best girl overall.

This character is literally me.

Why can't we have more MCs like this?

>Karen was the better ending for Harima
That doesn't make sense.

Togou was the best girl for Harima and Harry Mackenzie was the best girl overall.

How was the tuna boat?



>Reminder that this is the guy Jin Kobayashi projects himself into the most.

No, it's Tougou. In one special chapter about his assistant starting his own manga or something, Jin drew himself looking like naked Tougou.

He's on record saying the red haired guy incorporates his personality the most.

Great taste.

sagashide mawaru eki no home

I thought Tougou was supposed to be a callback to Gato from Gundam like how Harry was a callback to Char.