What the fuck is this shit.
What the fuck is this shit
Other urls found in this thread:
It's painfully thicc.
an advertisement for WcDonalds, obviously.
Looks like something that would be on twitter or facebook.
Don't bully J-list.
hiroshima was a mistake
>/jp/'s eternal onahole thread is still going on
Just popping in to say I love Lucoa.
filtering "boards.Sup Forums.org##.jla-it" seemed to make the awful woman go away.
Why should it ever stop? Is there something wrong with pleasuring yourself?
>not using the catalog
>not using adblock
>making threads about these ads even though other people are making them multiple times a day
I want the cancer to return to reddit.
Peter is saving Sup Forums
she's not even thicc
she has disproportionate tits but she isn't thicc
newfags can't use adblock
Why would anyone ever not use the catalog?
First time anyone has ever said that.
you use the catalog? i thought nobody does that
Of course I do. You can keep track of so many more threads that way. you should try it.
will consider. have a nice day
You need to use ublock. First block the ad itself, then block the space it leaves. That gets rid of it for good.
>using the catalog
You guys sure love your chatroom generals.
The catalog is useful to see every single thread and keep them in order, so you can actually check them out as they are created and not miss a single one.
Used right, it is therefore anti-generals.
You must sure only love seeing the most active threads sitting on the front page
>not using the catalog
Only people who don't are newfags who are used to the forum format for threads.
Fuck off.
>Grapefruit-sized nipples
No thanks.
What are filters
Seeing the replies with a quick glance is nice
>What are filters
Enjoy your chatroom generals.
I don't filter anything, even the most obnoxious cancer to ever grace this shithole. Why would I avert my eyes on my home? It would be delusion at that point.
Also, you can't report what you filter.
This is just a small reminder from your friendly corporate overlords to buy more toys. So how about you buy more toys? You want to keep your toy commercial discussion board alive? Then you should buy more toys. How about a few dolls for your waifu dollhouse? All the cool anime fans love to play with their waifu dollhouse.
What does jlist even sell? I've been seeing this shit for years and I still don't know what they sell.
they market shit to weebs
The usual otaku merch. Video games, dolls, fetish porn, sex toys.
I've bought otokonoko shit from them, it's great.
Lucoa's THICCness has nothing on Lala's
Maybe I should just skip work and fap.
Sup Forums X
You don't understand.
How do you report something that you never see?
>>using the catalog
>You guys sure love your chatroom generals.
What said.
Since generalfags make new threads the moment a thread hits bump limit (not even image limit) those threads tend to be on page 1 most of the time. I use the catalog because I want to avoid them.
You are the cancer that needs to return to reddit.
He who smelt it, dealt it.
-Confusious, 1638
>dude masturbation is pathetic when men do it lmao
Remember: WORLD CLASS.
It's only pathetic if you waste money on toys when you're already equipped with everything you need to get off.
Provided your parents didn't mutilate your dick of course.
effective advertising
i clicked it prior to the thread
Onahole >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hand
Baccano is a pretty good anime.
m8 I strongly urge you to try out an onahole
When did I ever imply that?
Do i need to post the webm where she licks her own vag, until she cums?
Dolphin polishers.
I have and they are too much effort for not enough benefit.
Which is also why I don't have real sex.
>too much effort for not enough benefit.
>put lube on dick/in onahole
>clean out under running water or use again
inb4 they take all our memes
>lube gets everywhere
>dick tears through the back of the tube, now it leaks even more
>smell like lube
>lube on the floor and chair and mouse
>have to clean self and onahole to get lube off
>can't open the bathroom door because my hand keeps slipping
>can't wash dick unless I get water everywhere or take a shower
>fuck there is semen and lube and water everywhere
>this doesn't even feel that different
only worth it if I'm taking a shower right after
not good for bedtime faps
I'd buy a figure of my seasonal mistress if they made one.
trips confirm onaholes are shit
Do you have the coordination of a 6 month old baby?
For that, I'm willing to take the sacrifice.
that's what you get for not rotating your pictures
Do you have the penis of a 6 month old baby?
Would you give yourself a blowjob if you were a Dullahan?
J-LIST? More like J-UST
>buy onahole that doesn't fit your size
>act surprised when you damage it
I would also fuck myself if I had a portal gun.
If only i had a clone of myself.
5 - 10 times a day.
>5 - 10 times a day
Come on user, apply yourself a lttle more.
If you can't get a girl to have sex with, you're not a man, sorry mate. And anyone who is still a virgin in their 20s is a sorry excuse for a human being.
>giving up wizard powers for temporary pleasure
>not surpassing all the levels by meditating so hard that you release dopamine when you want and not having to masturbate ever again.
You don't deserve to even have a waifu.
>using short-lived pleasure as a metric of masculinity
>berating people on Sup Forums about their virginity
You're 15, aren't you? Have fun when you're old enough to apply your own standards.
Keit-Ai is a shitty meme perpetuated mostly by one retard.
>Meditating hard enough to control dopamine output
Such a person would either have no desire for dopamine, or would get addicted and have no regulation, ruining themselves
I'll stick to my doujins
Well, I hope I'm at least a plausible excuse.
Look at all that damage control from virgins.
>Such a person would either have no desire for dopamine, or would get addicted and have no regulation, ruining themselves
>I'll stick to my doujins
t.plebeian that doesn't have any self control
I actually like to use all ten pages when looking for something to entertain myself. Just click the [All] button.
user, most people here are American. We were all mutilated.
Exactly as said. I've got to store my magic. Plus, I would never have sex with a girl I don't love, and lovable girls seem to be in short supply, these days. Except 2D ones, but I can't fuck them.
No user you don't understand. You have to get laid. You HAVE to. Otherwise you're incomplete. Why? Because society says so. It can't possibly be bullshitting you for its own benefit, right?
This notion of sex = manhood is just stupid.
>If you haven't had sex before age X then you're a degenerate
You could argue that sex should be expected to come much later now that technology takes up so much of our time and we don't interact with so many new people because of it.
The notion of manhood is bullshit altogether. It's how society memes you into being its bitch.
>being a normalfag
Get heathen
And it's funny how these people use fucking Sup Forums terms, when having sex outside of marriage is very not-conservative. And it's very hard to find a good girl to marry.
Fucking bullshit. Might as well just become a priest.
Manhood is a good thing. Society is a good thing. Or, at least, it's a good idea. And good societies are great! Having a notion of manhood is good. But our society isn't so great, anymore. Our morals aren't, anyway.
It's eternal.