After vanishing in its opening weekend at the domestic box office to $18.6 million...

>After vanishing in its opening weekend at the domestic box office to $18.6 million, film finance sources tell Deadline that Paramount/DreamWorks-Reliance’s Ghost In The Shell stands to lose at least $60M, and that’s based off a global B.O. projection of $200M ($50M domestic, $150M international) and combined P&A/production costs of $250M.

> Some sources even assert that the production cost for Ghost is far north of $110M and more in the $180M range — if that’s the case, Ghost is bleeding in excess of $100M.

>Through yesterday, the film has only collected $62M at the worldwide B.O.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The bombing of Ghost In The Shell arrives at an awful time for Paramount in the wake of its $1 billion slate financing deal with Shanghai Film Group and Huahua Media going south, coupled with the fact that most of the studio’s 2016 slate outside of Arrival and Fences has tanked. Ghost was originally part of the Shanghai/Huahua deal, with both companies supposedly vested in director Rupert Sanders’ movie alongside DreamWorks and Paramount; each studio maintained 30% exposure.
>While DreamWorks reportedly stands to lose as much as $20M, Paramount could incur a bigger black eye sans the Chinese funds. Paramount provided no comment.

Maybe next time we don't hire Rupert Sanders to direct our big budget adaption?

>Hollywood is going to blame the source material for the movie bombing and not the fact it's a shithouse adaptation that dumbed down the original premise so burgers could understand it

That would be the best possible outcome. It would mean they wouldn't make more anime adaptions.

It was good.

Good, they had no target audience, nor GITS fans nor action flick fans.

Thank fuck, we don't need any more live action adaptions ever again.

>we put a ghost in your shell

This is the best part, they didn't even try to put a decent director on the project. Get fucked rupe, go back to snow white and infidelity.

Edge of Tommorrow is proof Hollywood can make a good adaptation. They just need to hire people who understand the source material instead of taking a big runny diarrhea dump all over it and hoping the brand recognition can carry it

Then let's hope they stop doing so. It was already retarded to see Netflix remaking Death Note for burgers and probably SJW.

This GiTS reeked of failure when they put Scarlett Johansson as the Major

>Dealing with the Chinese

That's what you get.

Inflicting a serious financial blow to a major studio is the best way to prevent Hollywoodfags from trying to horn into animu and churn out pisspoor 3D adaptations.

Last time I checked they were blaming "whitewashing".

Lol obviously not.

It certainly needed more niggers.


Deathnote at the least has a decent director, GITS had the shit who directed Snow White Huntsman

Last ad poster I saw of this had scarjo's name bigger than the fucking title. Serves them right.

Should I be annoyed that doesn't say, 'I am the Major'?
Don't know a whole lot about the series or anything, but Engrish irks me unless they're actually foreigners. Titles are not used as such unless the name follows.
Like saying 'I am Doctor.' rather than 'I am doctor Bob.' or 'I am the doctor.'
Or is that how she's supposed to be referred to as for some reason?

Considering the plot is literally white washing? It's highly ironic that a bunch of liberal lefties managed to produce one of the most racist films of the decade.

>Some sources even assert that the production cost for Ghost is far north of $110M and more in the $180M range
I see that now that it's flopping people are starting pull numbers out of their asses because it makes this more newsworthy.

it was okay

So long as it flops I don't care. Hopefully next thing Rupert Sanders directs is Straight to DVD

More like Ghost in the Shekel amirite?

I haven't watched this movie yet but plese correct me if I'm wrong. On a scale from The Matrix to Ultraviolet, and I'm talking about content not aesthetics, this is much more the latter right?

thank you for not paying for this shit.

or dont make it at all
They will blame everyone and everything but thier own ineptitude
as usual

Paramount wouldn't be a big loss if it went bankrupt. They've had it coming for a long time with their fucking endless transformers movies and those god awful star trek reboots. It's honestly no wonder gits was bad. It was following up fucking monster trucks.

The original Matrix movie was heavily inspired by GiTS:

good riddance

Ghost in the Shell?
More like Ghost in the wallet

>prisma illya live action will never happen because of this

I know. It's not what I asked.

>Deathnote at the least has a decent director
No director is good enough to turn an episodic psychological thriller into a decent feature length adaptation.

It's just going to be a mediocre action movie but instead of a gun the protagonist kills people with a book.

Wait, so it was china's idea to put a 3rd rate director in charge of this project? What the hell?

Thank christ, we won't have to worry about any more shitty anime adaptations.

i have some friends who worked on this movie and instead of writing down a fucking essay on why they fucked up, i'll just say i'm glad this movie is shit.

Pandering to the foreign (chinese) market ruined this movie.

I don't know, death note is better off without it's second half anyways. And it most definitely wasn't episodic. I do think I would prefer a 4 part mini series over a movie to better develope Light's character, though. But I have a lot higher hopes for death note than I ever did for gits.

$60 million dollar loss? Gosh, I guess they just can't pay any taxes this year. It sucks but how the heck could they afford that after such a huge loss? You want them to start cutting wages? Jobs?

Making it into Robocop is what ruined it.

Yeah I don't get it either.

Paramount has made their money for years pandering to china. Chinas the only ones who still want transformer movies, and they've been making bank.

even if they follow the source material and use asian as major, it will still bomb.
hollywood audience are people who think ex machina is """deep""" and they feel cool for liking it. even after being dumbed down, people still think and said that gits is a """weird"" movie. without dumbing it down, nobody will watch it.
using sj as major doesnt make the movie fail, hell most people who watch it probably did just to see her in the fucking spandex....

I was worried for a moment, jesus. I guess I'll be having those mini-heart attacks all the way until the Olympics.

>shithouse adaptation that dumbed down the original premise so burgers could understand it
it's like Old Boy again

>Pandering to the foreign (chinese) market ruined this movie.

How does this movie pander to china exactly? I'm genuinely curious here, from the trailers it looked like ultra dumbed down gits with ScarJo in so white people would see it.

Tacked on happy ending was pretty tacky though. But that's Hollywood for ya.

Y'know somehow I don't think a series about lewd lesbian little girls would be a hot property for the mainstream western audience.

Conversely though, you'd think Gundam would be easy to adapt given the American propensity for war dramas. And yet their one attempted ended in...

Doesn't the chinks fucking love white actors to the point like they even asked Matt Damon to lead one of their meh films.

>inb4 ScarJo isn't white
Chinks might see her as white

They blamed it on whitewashing

This Im glad its burning, it could have been a decent adaption if they followed the source but putting it through the blender fucked it for fans of the original

You know a movie is gonna be shit when they put it up against the likes of the beauty and the beast live action and boss baby.

Families are gonna see boss baby and the Disney fan boys will see the other

Live action gundam was canadian as I recall.

An Americanized gundam would be just Mecha Captain America fighting Space Nazis Red Baron

Are you talking about how they tried doing a gundam adaptation in the 80s. They changed a tonne of stuff though. Like the Zakus are all controlled by a computer instead of it being a traditional war story. I think the script got leaked somewhere.

I wonder how humanised Zeon troops would go over considering the nazi asthetic.

Next we're getting a retarded Hollywood movie with a bunch of Asian actors?

>no more shitty hollywood live action

The "hollywood audience", the audience hollywood tries to make money off of, doesn't like ex machina. Ex machina grossed about 36 mil worldwide. It was low budget so that's probably a decent profit, but that's not the audience any big budget movie is trying to win over. Get your stereotypes right.

And ex machina was excellent, fuck you.

>An Americanized gundam would be just Mecha Captain America fighting Space Nazis Red Baron

I means you make it sound pretty rad

Why GiTS though? I still don't get it. I mean, DBZ Kai could at least bank of the absurd popularity of DBZ, and Edge of Tomorrow went the opposite route and completely abandoned all Japaneseness to try to be as standalone as possible. GiTS just isn't THAT big a franchise, it's a weird sci-fi thing that a bunch of neckbeards like who enjoy discussing transhumanism while jerking off to the major's ass, the brand doesn't have nearly the power to get enough butts in seats on name alone.

Why do faggots insist on the whitewashing instead of just saying that Scarlet did a bad/good job?

Sunrise would probably demand an arm and a leg from the gaijin for a license to make a Gundam movie.

Grandpa Tomino would tell them to get off his lawn. I'm sure he would disapprove since they would end up making it a war-glorifying action movie pandering to Western values--American's WAR IS GOOD versus Japan's WAR IS BAD.

No American movie could ever be as anti-war as some gundam has gotten

Makes me a little sad that now gits will never have a good adaptation, since this one failed so hard. But the chances that hollywood was ever going to do a decent job with it were low to non exisitent in the first place.

>Why GiTS though?
It was pushed by a guy who actually liked GITS, but then handed to a team that had no idea what GITS is.

>Some sources even assert that the production cost for Ghost is far north of $110M and more in the $180M range

Its llitreally the easiest thing in the world, a straight adaption of ANY of the main plots would make my dick dimonds in seconds yet hollywood cant seem to do it for whatever reason

Let's be honest guys who the fuck is Rupert Sanders

>prisma illya live action
But then they'd have to hire adult women or otherwise it would be illegal.

Good. Now Death Note needs to bomb as well and then we'll maybe be free

This blame shit taste whities for being too racist and xeonophobic to cast Asians.

Why don't you guys go to Sup Forums already?

director of ghost in the shell (2017) and snow white and the huntsman.

Ah, the old "one guy really likes it and wants to do a really good job adapting the material but then corporate hollywood takes over".

I look forward to the inevitable Akira adaptation where Terry is a troubled highschool boy who turns to drugs and needs his best friend Kenny to rescue him

The Japanese live-action Death Note movie didn't work (though it was actually popular there so I dunno) so I can't see this doing better quality wise

>Live action gundam was canadian as I recall.

>An Americanized gundam would be just Mecha Captain America fighting Space Nazis Red Baron
So SD Force?

They added 'discussion of live-action adaptations of anime are allowed' to the Sup Forums rules. I'm not kidding. What an awful idea.

Better direction? Seems pretty cut and dry.

Read the rules faggot

fucked kristen stewart.

Fuck it, let's just make G gundam but the protagonist is American
It's the best way to do it

I thought Edge of Tomorrow did well because no one knew it was an adaption.

Can death note really bomb? It's netflix, it's not like it's depending on ticket sales. Then again, I have no idea how the netflix profit scheme really works.

Pls tell me this isn't a quote from the movie

>Look up the OST
>Find this
W-what the fuck?


Edge of Tommorrow bombed at the box office, but it was a good film that did it's source material justice.

Just like Speed Racer. The only anime adaptation that deserved to be popular in my opinion

Lying is wrong.

Jesus fuck, why? It's a 3D medium at its core where you talk about actors and other shit more suited for Sup Forums. You could argue to LNs and VNs don't belong here as well, but they're practically all 2D at nature.

C'mon, it's GiTS, there are like two actually decent versions, and every other iteration has been mediocre to shit.

>hollywood adaptation of G Gundam is now primarily about America versus Neo-Russia

if the movie ended with L dying that would actually be great. sure "evil" wins but light is also the protagonist so normies should be able to process it with their formula

It's been there for years, newfriend.

This is a blessing in disguise. This movie bombing will convince Hollywood that there is no money in the world of anime and thus will take their Hollywood taint else to corrupt some other niche. It also means less casuals get introduced to anime which helps to keep the genre pure.

Maxter can't exist today due to the current cultural climate of America.

You'll have Multicultural Diverse PC G Gundam if you give it to current Hollywood, you'll havea trans black muslim refugee for Allenby.

The rule has been here for longer than you have.

If I didn't notice it, has it really?

It's just like Rocky, but with giant robots
It's fucking flawless

Honestly, you can humanize them, as long as you portray things and ideas that are wrong as wrong.

I mean, Zeon are about a family that perverted the idea of a famous man that talked about space being the future for humanity, because spacenoids started to develop new innate skills. And used that to create the idea of spacenoid supremacy with them as all mighty rulers.

On the other hand, Earth wasn't a good place eithr, military's main vehicles being children of bribes and corruption, betrayals and ignoring one's duties.

You could make more out of it than just a defeat nazis in space movie.