once weed is legal in Canada we are going to see so many positive changes im so happy all the extra jobs and the economy sure could use the boost in revenue if it works out I think we might even get 4 more years of trudeau fingers crossed
who the fuck checks if things are legal are not? are there police around every corner in canada or something?
are you retarded
seriously guy what the fuck. your government could says gays are illegal tomorrow you'll still have a blown out hole months down the track. if your doctor gonna report you to the police? you get caught on the job limping like a busted up faggot (this is a metaphor for being high at work) then MAYBZ DASSA PROBLEM FO MASSA.
you just don't get it kiddo
>billion dollar industry tops
>we are building a gigafactory worth more than that
get some perspective leaf
also sage
I wish people who smoked weed were not so inclined to make it their identity. I mean seriously, its not like weed is terrible but its not like its much better than booze. There is more to life than getting high. Fuck, go kayaking or some shit. Go kayaking high for all I care, but make your life about something other than dude weed
what? I'm too high right now fag
that's what im saying everything is better when you smoke weed even kayaking
Dude 420 blaze it bro. Look at my cool Bob Marley tie-dye shirt, hemp necklace, and patchouli oil. Did you know weed can cure cancer and grow brain cells, bro? Also, if everyone just got high and laid in a field there would be peace on Earth and no war ever again.
>I wish people who smoked weed were not so inclined to make it their identity.
No difference between the WEED LMAO dude and the GET WASTED BRUH dude really. There are as many retards walking around with beer or alcohol branded shirts and hats as there are weed ones.
> There is more to life than getting high.
Or being drunk. Yet the tolerance of alcohol "culture" is way up there.
no doubt I seen a guy in high times did like a SAT test high and he scored way higher weed definitely increases mental capacity
OP's Pic... and opinion
Just immature and confused crackers....
OP in no way represents Leafs.
Republicans in US are brain dead.
fuck off buddy
I’m not your buddy, guy
I have three degrees and going for another. I've been smoking weed since 12 years old, especially during school.
your killing my high right now
How are Gender Studies, Feminism and Beyoncé: Our Lord and Saviour 1-year degrees going to you a job, fucking loser.
>$10 Canadian dollars (US: $7 a gram) is going to be official
People in the states pay three times as much sometimes
you must not have to many friends
Weed brings literally zero positive things with it.
Banning it brings no possitives
More people participating in society.
is sativa the ''joy maker'' and indica the ''lazy maker''?
With so much stupid bullshit becoming actual law, i refuse to believe that the slippery slope is a fallacy anymore. Ask anyone 20, hell, 10 years ago if they thought people with mental illness would be allowed into the military and they would laugh at you.
You wait. If weed becomes widespread legalized, campaigns will begin for harder drugs to be legalized, one by one.
because prohibition makes weed plants stop growing
fucking retard
This. We allowed women to vote and be CEOs of companies. Now we have a huge birth rate decline. We allowed open homosexuality, now we have people who are genderless, people going to jail for using the wrong pronouns and widespread, rampant degeneracy. There are zero positives to legalizing weed.
But like,
Follow the money. Who own the licenced weed producers? High ranking liberal party members.
But keep smoking that weed and make guys like John Turner and Al Fantino richer.
Top kek
Degenerate fag. You’re not cool, everybody smokes, you aren’t special, and it’s just you’re opinion
libtards wanted more government so they got more government.
France is gay as fuck
Idk, honestly boys, weed is kind of degenerate. I'm a smoker too.
>I sit in front of my computer all day long
>smoking weed and shitposting
>every time I'm starting to feel like I'm coming down I smoke more
>verbal iq dropping rapidly
>becoming worse at skill-based vidya
>becoming harder to pay attention to somebody when they talk for longer than 5 minutes
(((2 sources))) fake weed news award goes to....
No. You will all become communists and it'll take hard men to make the situation right again. This is coming from a former pothead.
in new jersey, the recently elected cuck governor said he'd legalize dude weed. but i've got a sinking suspicion that's not gonna happen.
i know so so so many people that voted democrat in that election just so weed would be legalized and for no other reason. i wish the republicans would just drop the war on drugs already, or at least on weed, they're losing more votes than they're gaining by keeping this dumb shit up.
Marijuana Prohibition is a business in and of itself. The war on drugs is very lucrative. If marijuana was legalized, the price would plummet as anyone can grow it in their fucking closet and the government wouldn't be able to collect the necessary tax revenue.
Marijuana is different than alcohol. Moon-shining is a far more involved, easily identifiable process. Marijuana, completely legalized, is very hard to tax with the exception of tourism dollars. In this way it is similar to black market prostitution.
I love weed
Hand over Nova Scotia!
I'm excited as fuck as someone who smokes weed and hates stoners. Granted I got started off of medical for legitimate arthritis and insomnia, but I mean.
>Trudeau legalizes pot, leaving no re-election platform for the Liberals, will get skewered for breaking ethics laws
>Stoners will finally shut the fuck up
>The idiots I know going IMMA GET A WEED INDUSTRY JOB not knowing that they're going to get utterly BTFO by respectable people who just want a job
>Gang violence in my city will drop drastically because these poor fucks won't be able to bankroll their coke sales with weed
>Stoners get arrested driving while high cause they think since it's legal it'll be okay to just get ripped in their vehicle
It's all win-win from here. I'll continue to discreetly smoke my weed (spoof, eye drops, febreeze) because I'm someone who happens to smoke weed, not a weed smoker.
how long have you been smoking?
Stop buying trash weed. Get a high sativa strain. Shit's better than caffeine. Limit yourself to a fat bowl per evening and your tolerance won't go up.
like 5 years
I vape really good hybrid through an Airizer Air
When is it going to be legal? I've heard a lot about it when that fag got elected but that was a while ago.
That’s not even a weed issue that’s a personal responsibility and discipline issue. By that same logic we should ban alcohol because there’s drunks who sit at home all day drinking Everclear.
You're living like a degenerate, just when stoned. That's not the weeds fault. I like to get high then go to the gym, maybe go for a run, come home take a nice hot shower, start cooking a healthy meal, then smoke another bowl get something to watch or read and get in bed. Don't abuse weed.
That's exactly why. Vaping weed is for faggots. If you need to vape it, go with shatter. And stop with the hybrid shit. Unless you buy from an actual dispensary (not Surfer Kyle's Nug Shack) chances are you're getting some random ass shit they just call a hybrid because they don't know any better. Most hybrids are 60/40 either way which is fucking pointless. Personally I either go hard sativa or hard indica depending on what I want to do. Hope that helps.
>tfw when every ting ierey
Good Goy, get to baked to notice British Columbia is 5 years away from being this
I love the Netherlands, when I go there I usually end up drinking and bad mouth mudslimes with fellow Netherbros. When I buy weed there I never get to smoke it all, because its pretty shitty being high in a Hostel/hotel.
this summer
>hard sativa or hard indica
Same. When I’m working on the homestead, I’ll do sativa. When I’m done, at night, I’ll do indica.
You're off tap cunt. Lay off the fucking meth ffs
Agreed. Sage.
weed is the only thing that makes life worth living
Just quit the weed jew.
Now its all about that whiskey flask life.
Quick question
My doc just diagnosed me with bipolar, depression and PTSD last month and wants me to get a medical card. She doesn’t want me on pills and says this is the best treatment for my PTSD. Should I start smoking? I have an ounce but haven’t gotten into it.
spark it up and let your problems melt away
me 3 months ago, back on the weed now.
What is your PTSD from? I'd give weed a try but don't expect a miracle. If you're not in a good mindset and you smoke weed, its no good.
Will i be legally allowed to trade weed for blowjobs?
1 year.
Maybe your whiskey sucks?
I don't see why not
>tfw smoking right now
So what's the patrician rolling paper? For me, it's this no contest.
Uh, same diagnosis here but with Borderline Personality too... never prescribed weed but have used it to help. I suggest you only take a few tokes at first... then let it hit you. The first few times will be strong, and you probably will be uncomfortable and not like it, but keep it up for a few days and it'll gradually get better until you can actually get the benefits.
See the first time I ever smoked weed I was like 15/17. I could not imagine living full through my teens and late into my 20's and then smoking weed for the first time. You're going to do a lot of deep reflection, you're going to notice things about yourself you never noticed. A lot of it is going to hurt. Its like seeing your reflection in the mirror for the first time. The person you thought you were who you made up in your mind won't match. Its crazy.
weed is a crutch. if u can stop your routine of using it everyday you will realise you dont actually need it. its already worked its way deep into your brain thou. u have all already convinced yourself that it helps you. when in fact its slowly taking hold of youi. enjoy life without any drugs. your never gunna find the life you seek ripping bowls. even just one a day. use it to help u, but dont make it your life
Police do nothing we have illegal dispensary that get raided sometimes but if cops find any one you they just take it and let you go they even let you keep grinders or bongs
>meth is bad
uncultured swine! even the military uses it.
Hope you aren't serious. That's a bad idea for bipolar, sounds like you don't have those things desu.
there you have it, laws are only as strong as the morals (and finances) underlying them.
giv stinky pothead gf
you can't catch meme disease from watching Scream II
Haven't gone through many brands but RAW is pretty good. They don't taste like burning paper.
I hope they do legalize it and all of your sperm counts go way down
I support legalization of marijuana not because I want to use it but because it makes blacks and retards infertile
>disgusting fatbody weed thighs
Potheads are nigger trash and their taste reflects this
I know i went to CO and it was like over 50US for an eighth. And i was in washington at the same exact strain was like 25 for the same. Here i pay 80$ a half ounce and my dealer had always 4-5 strains the same as the dispensaries. Plus he always gives you an edible or pre roll just becasue hes a good guy
Raw is okay I guess but I developed a love for almost transparent thin paper. You really don't taste them at all, the joint doesn't go out between toke and they're easy to roll.
Getting high is the best goy
If you are white and have dreadlocks you should be lined up against a wall and shot
Fuck off Sweden. Everyone hates you.
All four of those are jewish invented conditions. Now they will use weed to pacify the masses instead of ritalin and wellbutrin
Watched my friend blow his head off with a 30/06. Hearing loud things like door slams make me pause sometimes and scared.
I don't know about this man. Weed makes you sometimes start thinking about stuff too much in dept, especially when you start growing a tolerance to it, the giggling and innocence fade away and you're left sometimes with an existential crisis. It may be good the first few months but then it would severely drop. First few weeks you'd binge watch movies and have fun but then you'd keep thinking about your friend. I'd say this bitch gets a cut everytime a card is sold. Don't trust her.
A lot of positive changes, just like in the US. As soon US started to be more "friendly" towards cannabis, we started to see a spike in the ODs in the country.
It is a fucking door to other drugs. Why do you think there are so many Fentanyl ODs in US???
Because the fucking Cannabis.
did he invite you over to watch it or are you so annoying that he just decided to do it after you stuck around too long?
want to live with weed girl who just wants to cuddle and sex all day and night and smoke weed of course
The opioid epidemic of the US comes from years of prescription drugs abuse. The big pharma got people hooked on painkillers for the slightest shit, from ingrown nail to a toothache. So many people walked out the hospital after a minor surgery addicted to morphine it because of a legit concern over there, almost a meme. stop reddit spacing you jungle monkey.
>it because of a legit
it became*
my auto corrector is rogue.
Opiates are an ancient aryan drug, weed is the drug of niggers and soybois
I have a busy life and prefer building and tinkering with shit on my time off to going out. Taking weed away from me isn't going to change my interests but it will make me a far more frustrated person.
It's a part of my identity in that you have to be cool with it for me to get along with you because a non smoker could use it as leverage against me if I let them get too close due to it being illegal. I'm not willing to allow a person to get close to me when they have a great potential to fuck my life over. People are shit and I know it.
Of course there's more to life. You're probably young and are surrounded by kids that are still in the partying phase of their lives. Life isn't kayaking or other shit for those with leisure money. Life is work.
Do not listen to this Chinese agent trying to lobby his big pharma shit to profit from the destruction of our people. This is literally the new opium war in reverse. The dragune is rising.