This is a paragraph from the Introduction of the book. Look at him basically admit the book is full of shit right out in the open..........but it's ok because Trump does it lol
Fire And Fury Book - Author says he lied in book because it's "Trumpian"
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Communists and Jews have been lying for centuries. This is pretty normal for them.
Trump uses hyperbole, and the left pretends he's 100% serious. It's their fault for being so literal.
>falsehood is wrong and Trump does it
>falsehood is ok because Trump does it
Do you have to be jewish to hold both these ideas true in your head at the same time?
Doesn't matter now, the shills had their day and they'll move on to something new. The seeds of distrust have already been sowed and most people will not see this retraction ever.
>This is a paragraph from the Introduction of the book. Look at him basically admit the book is full of shit right out in the open..........but it's ok because Trump does it lol
That's not what that quote says at all lmao
It says some people involved must be lying because multiple WH sources he interviewed would give him two contradictory stories and both can't be true. That's literally the same as any other reporting but nice try
I knew the whole thing was b.s. when Bannon said he wouldnt testify or even do any interviews about the treason/money laundering claims.
translation: the people he interviewed are talking shit about one another, and it's up to the reader to triangulate the reality.
I don't believe he differentiates between what he witnessed and what people told him, which is kind of important in this case
Aside from what Bannon said, everything else is clearly BS. Apparently Wolff had tapes, but only of his talks with Bannon and Katie Walsh. Bannon shot himself in the foot here: He waited almost 12 hours to comment yesterday, and only for him to say he still supports Trump and the MAGA agenda. He didnt deny any of the quotes he said, and even Kikebart's readers are pissed off at him
he literally says when sources are conflicting, he just decided to go with what he thinks sounds good
kikebart has the stupidest fucking commenting community on earth. boomers all over the fucking place convinced kikebart is the edgiest site on the internet and they're the sole reason Trump was elected. top fucking kek.
Isn't that illegal?
If none of it is verifiable it's not reporting, it's gossiping.
Also, the most-likely reason that accounts and information are constantly conflicting is because the whitehouse has been engaged in flushing out leakers and moles for months now. You dont do this by giving everyone the same information. I'd go as far as to say that this book might even out a leaker or two, much like an oldschool copyright trap.
Never trust a grown man that goes by Benjy.
So does that mean he just made up what Bannon said?
Is Wolff one of (((them)))?
>Isn't that illegal?
Breaking news on CNN that Trump just sued the author and sent a cease and desist on the book release.
He's using Hulk Hogan's lawyer who rekt Gawker.
If not, at best it's just "sources said" put into book form, which is in itself the kind of paywall that would lead you to disregard the source in any other case. This entire "controversy" has been plainly manufactured to increase book sales.
>first hand accounts of events are not verifiable
>muh 4d chess
Man you guys are dumb, it doesn't even make sense. Fire and Fury is about the campaign, not the presidency. And they chronicle events from people who worked during the campaign, not information.
Also that's not how copyright works.
the main thing is, was the meeting about Trump and Russia "treasonous" as Bannon said? Did he even actually say that?
If not, then this book is just an irrelevant hitpiece with no real substance other than attempting to document when Trump gets angry, or when Bannon had disagreements.
Wolff on CNN payroll. Always shitting on Trump on Brian Stelter's show.
I wouldn't be suprised if CNN is heavily involved in all this.
>Also that's not how copyright works
I didnt say anything about how it works, I referred to a copyright trap in how it's akin to the method you flush out leakers. Not my fault youve never heard of it.
The desperation of the MSM is mucho /comfy/
>Shills on suicide watch
so what makes it okay when your enemies use FAKE NEWS against you? when you show them facts, they laugh. are they evil? are you? are we?
The comment section is a mix of boomers, kikes, libtard shitposters and redditors. It actually got worse when Bannon left the WH
No, Bannon apparently talked to him a lot. Everything else however is made up
He says he has tapes of the Bannon interviews
>it's ok for me to lie about trump because I said that he lies
Sup Forums before
>aha, le red-pilled Breitbart Bannon is /our guy/, right? le puppet master Palpatine pulling the strings XD
Sup Forums now
>h-h-he was just a bit part player, Trump never really listened to the guy
>it's all lies, divide and conquer shillblue!!
>is not acquainted with Jewish philosophy
>t. plebbit tard
cant wait for you faggots to get your mind raped when people start getting the rope, its all going to plan faggot boy
>1 post by this ID
>This is why scaphism was invented
And the "baldly untrue" part?
No it's not illegal there is legal precedent to support this book. Trump and all the other mindless faggots are public figures and have no special protections. The fact that they just sat around and said these things with a journalist in the room only proves that trump is fucking retarded and his entire team is apathetic. His own lead campaign manager has now called him treasonous and time is running out for the foolish piece of shit in the white house.
With a last name like that probably.
Sounds familiar
Are you illiterate? He said he's including contradictory accounts from different people.
1post threads should autosage
The writer says he has tapes of his Bannon interviews. The thing is if you take the introduction in OP’s post into consideration the author admits he’s writing what HE believes is true from multiple conflicting sources. So in other words, 20 people could’ve said “X happened” but Bannon said “Y happened” and the author went with Y because it better suited his narrative.
Maybe publicizing this paragraph absolves him legally?
Shills working hard erryday bless their fragile souls
To not realize this is all planned out is amazing...
Why would anyone, especially Bannon, back the President and his agenda 110% for a year and a half, then suddenly come out with a book that not only portrays him negatively, but states that he is everything the left wing propaganda machine has said he is? No way.
Get your head out of your ass. This entire book, from what I've seen so far has appeared as if it was written by an upset 14 year old who didn't get invited to homecoming.
Nothing has ever been how it seems, and it never will be. In a week, you will be reminded again that all of this is happening for a reason.
Actually it's the humourless, braindead partisans like yourself that are nu/pol/ and "reddit".
>kikebart has the stupidest fucking commenting community on earth.
You can't just give away our trophy like that.
It's breach of an NDA.
Do we even know that the juicy crap released to the media so far is a direct quote from bannon, or merely attributed to him by another person interviewed in the book?
Gee, I guess we'll have to buy the book to find out!
>Maybe publicizing this paragraph absolves him legally?
That's it exactly.
>“This story is based on actual events. In certain cases incidents, words, characters, and timelines have been changed for dramatic purposes."
It's the classic old attempt at a legal disclaimer put another way. It won't protect him though.
Wolf never signed an NDA so it doesn't matter.
>Trump is 100% serious about everything he says
>Rosie O Donnell was JOKING when she said (and reaffirmed) she would pay two GOP reps to vote against the tax bill
good to know almost every mainstream media outlet is reporting on a fiction book's details as if they're factual. hopefully trump sues for libel
nice thread from yesterday. youre still a fucking obvious kike liar degenerate illiterate. just like jewnald. ya kike!
He is talking about how different people give conflicting accounts. Not that the accounts were not given.
Fuckin lol
It's never going to happen. I don't even think you believe it's going to happen.
>He is talking about how different people give conflicting accounts
Even his "direct quotes" are 2nd and 3rd hand accounts in most cases.
The guy is a fucking hack.
can you NDA yourself out of reporting treason?
>In your head
In the same fucking paragraph!
No because trump lawyers sent a cease and desist on the book saying that Bannon broke his confidentiality agreement by talking to the Wolff
So at least it is true that Bannon spoke to the author.
At least Wolff had the courtesy to admit his lies and spin, unlike CNN.