Lobotomizing people with magnets makes them more receptive to atheism and pro-immigrant attitudes

>Lobotomizing people with magnets makes them more receptive to atheism and pro-immigrant attitudes
Huh. That's interesting.

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Fake news

Yup, shutting down the most important parts of the brain makes people lose faith and be more welcoming to those coming to kill him.and his children.
>more common sense at 11

child's play

I guess faith in god increases your intelligence

Literal brain damage is required to accept leftist values. Hmmm.

Jews are planning this evil shit out in the open, why are white cucks not killing them in the streets?



I lost the one where they could track eye movements via captcha, but yeah the whole idea is being able to diagnose and treat (or create?) mental illness via staring at a bright flickering screen for four hours a day.

really makes the almonds tingle

So this is how they're going to ease you into EMF central nervous system conditioning. This has been ongoing for a decade. The reason leftists seem brain damaged; is because their logic processing centers have been damaged

>disables threat-processing

A threat like an argument or evidence that threatens your faith. Makes sense. I'm guessing it also pauses centers of the brain for emotional attachments?

I LIKE THIS. Mandatory magnet-ing for USA.

What part of the bible should I read first?

Suddenly you religious faggets believe in science.

It seems that most pro-immigration attitudes come from the religious.

>arhiest are smart

>forgot this even existed
>now am deeply concerned

deebly goncered

and lobotomizing people can make them open to anything

It just comes from those who would rather exercise false moral authority than logic. It doesn't care about politics

Well it's those old magnetic box tube televisions

Start with St. Matthew, its well rounded then go to Genesis --> Joshua. then finish the new testament. amen brother

The parts with Christ.

>mfw after reading this

>leftism is induced by mental retardation
We all knew this.

you can patent anything even things that don't work. If you don't believe me look through things that are patented like death rays and shit that's impossible to work. although its a good smoke screen for actually MKULTRA shit

So liberalism is mental illness from brain damage. Makes sense.

Was this taken in the restroom of a Cabella's?


>create mental illness via staring at a flickering screen for hours a day
nigga we basically to that to ourselves anyway

>being lobotomized is good
To be fair, only American "intellects" will be lost, so at least the world won't lose anything of value

When it suits them. Then they deny science when it shrinks the gaps where their gods dwell.



Press F to pay respecto

so that's why Molymeme always says that Atheist cuckoldry and being on the left is correlated.

So in other words, brain damage makes people stop thinking. FLASH NEWS EVERYBODY

that is amazing

That's clearly 1.6 retard

Realizing things for what they are is good. If you have to be temporarily relieved of bias and fear of being wrong then I say go for it.

>So liberalism is mental illness from brain damage. Makes sense.
Not what it said.
The article says that "shutting down the threat processing centre of the brain"
This makes much more sense. The GOP controls the weak-minded in the party by inducing them with irrational fears. People who live in fear can be counted upon to make poor decisions and vote for the worst candidates. So the GOP preys on them and keeps constantly:
Terrified of Muslims
Terrified of Refugees
Terrified of Women with Rights
Terrified of Liberals
Terrified of Leftists
Terrified of SJWs
Terrified of Fluoride
Terrified of FEMA Camps
Terrified of Gun confiscation
Terrified of Chemtrails
Terrified of Minorities
Terrified of Atheists
Terrified of Equal Pay
Terrified of Communism
Terrified of everything they're told to fear.

Be very afraid and let the GOP take care of you.

That was only a meme. The Russians spiked our search engines to mislead the idiots.

The alternative phrasing is that heightened fear response results in a belief in god and antagonism of migrants. Conservatives are frightened children.

>accusing the gop of fearmongering
>coming out of 2017, the year of "trump is literally hitler"

You’re the retard for even knowing that.

Wow, your layman, doesn't-know-shit interpretation of that study was scintillating. Thyme.

x ray that shit my dude

And you're a filthy casual if you didn't

>translated from Chinese

implying that's a real language

Not a casual, just not some degenerate “super hardcore” gaymer.

Fake, it's under archeology. That or Christians still don't understand science.

Just kill them and they can't disagree i.e. they will tolerate anything.

1.6 isn't as hardcore as go unless you're into E-Sports or LAN battles.

Only filthy console fags and kids haven't tried it

You really believe that faith and science does not work together?
>Confirmed brainlets.

You can use magnets to remove brainwashing? Neat.

dude darwinweed lmao

>After many decades, electromagnetic weapons are known to be extremely classified but how sophisticated or well developed is impossible to determine. What is known is that after decades of research, the science of electromagnetic mind control continues to remain well funded and scientifically feasible.


>Studies demonstrated that, for example, automobile engines could be stopped by tuned waves as early as 1943. ... Research on living organisms (mice and ground hogs) revealed that waves from 2 meters to 60 centimeters in length caused hemorrhage of lungs, whereas waves shorter than two meters destroyed brain cells.


Other related:


i started reading it 3 months ago, from genesis through. i'm at St. John now.

All the people that I know who are against the immigrant problem are atheists.

Your point is shit.

what the fuck

Interesting, makes me think if the reverse could be done. Also if it's already being done and we discovered how it could be a big break.

it's been done via stimulating with electricty.
electricity and magnetism are the same thing so would probably work with strong magnetic fields.
we should stop fiddling around with brains

Can you do the same to migrants to make them not murder, rape, and steal?

Explain me why I am racist af and I don't believe in God
I hate women, niggers, jews, snowniggers, irishs, inbred anglos and Ragesh.

so you hate yourself, moor?

Magnets, how do they work?

Agreed, but we should find a way to prove it. Simply saying: Evil globalists are using magnets and eletricity to control tour mind woulnd't work.

>atheists support mass immigration
colour me surprised

i don't believe they are yet, i just mean we should stop sticking needles into peoples brains and feeding electricity into 'em / zapping them with powerful magnets

Unless they're gay and your name is Pence

I just, can't.

Again I agree with this, why people do this anyway? Unless they want to know how to create a brain from zero there is no reason.

they would probably argue it could help solve things like mental illness, depression etc etc but either way it's messing with stuff beyond our level

But I have no religion and want 0 immigrants. Checkmate, brain magicians.

Yet people doubted me when I said cell phones were to blame, try to guess what we hold up to our heads all the time and has a magnet inside it?

Bingo. Use speaker mode you retards.

>believe in science
I stopped "believing in science" when cucks like you turned it into a cult.


polite reminder that "social science" does not use statistics to gauge the effectiveness of theories.

I never use a cell.. older right wing generations tend not to.. the most liberal retards are young people. Cell phone users. My God...

This kind of thing has potential to be good but nobody sane would trust this kind of power to another human, really makes me sad.


Cerebellum warlocks on suicide watch

sick digits nigger pls check mine too

Wow, you must be one of those Based Blacks.

>ignorance is russian
I literally disowned my best friend when he asked me to fuck his girlfriend with him in the room in 2012, before any of this was a meme. It's fucking real you gullible cunt.

There's nothing "hardcore" about knowing what CS 1.6 looks like. All you're doing is showing that you're a fucking child, probably not even 18 or barely just.

>the part of your brain that tells you when thingns are bad for you and will do harm to you and your loved ones actually works
>hahaha its just your stupid brain dudeee dont listen to it
The state of liberals

Platform to identify people that can manipulated with ease?
With built in cameras on most cellphones and tablets and the ability to hack them remotely with what i understand to be some ease this is a scary idea.

Will using headphones fuck me up?

Lmao, should have went for it. A friend asked me to cuck him and I did. Free pussy.

>I don't know what a lobotomy is: the post

>I do not know what lobotomies do: the post

Lobotomies just disable your frontal lobe. Via magnets or surgery.


You got none, faggot!


I'm not a morally absent degenerate like I was in my teens. Pussy becomes worthless and easy when you are reasonably attractive and employed. Morally consistent friends are much more important.

or antipsychotics or alcohol or halogens or loud noises or low sugar


Yes, some people get accidental lobotomies from accidents

You can never have enough pussy. Anyways I got away from that cuck long ago.
