Good tv shows

hi Sup Forums

I need some good tv-shows to watch, most series I watched slowly become a huge sjw-shit-dump.

help an user out.

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Voltron The Legendary Defender

This is not about politics. Absolute sage.

resist the electric Jew.

Find a hobby.


>9gag tag
>Sup Forums thread

'the man in the high castle' show comes to mind

You can watch "The Expanse", it is sci fi game of thrones. But there may be some sjw influence.

Everyone had been telling me to watch stranger things but then I realized it was the show with that fucking shill douche from the awards show who have the cringey sjw speech where Winona ryder made dumb faces. Then I lost interest. Good sound track tho

I would recommend one but you already know the answer.

I think you'll like this one. Its very popular in Germany, for... completely unknown reasons. Youjo Senki. Give it 2 episodes(40 minutes).

Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda

A smile to protect.

I just wanna buttfuck her and see those puppy feeders

the man in the high castle was really good, season 1 was a bit slow but season 2 was really fucking good.

stop watching tv you degenerate

Here's a movie you might like.

Try Sup Forums

will try, thanks.

already seen it, really good.

well, the show is good, i liked it. exept that those kids are pretty dumb.


not into anime stuff

scifi ? sounds good

fuck off dipshit

The Man in the High Castle is good as long as you can get past Americans speaking German (I heard German anons claim that their accents in the show are cringy). Also, season 1 isn't that good (some low key SJW shit/Nazis are so evil XD) but season 2 makes living in the Reich look like a paradise.

TV pretty much sucks libtard dick so dont watch nothing. especially avoid all newscasts

the redpill is to not watch tv anymore

free yourself from your entertainment instant gratification addiction

You might just be into this anime. Give it a try. It may awaken some of your suppressed German spirit.

I love T.V and the new Star wars movies.


>Is watching the flicker jew and calling me a dipshit

Might as well get a free helicopter ride

srsly whats up with you?
get your life together, dont be that mad.

im doing pretty fine myself, no need to get life-advice from people on the internet.

looks promising, maybe, maybe not. thanks

If you're a white man watching Star Feminism you're financing forces that work hard to make society a pure hell for white men. That makes you and all white men watching Disney's Star Wars traitors.

Yeah HBO's Rome is amazing. It was the precursor to GoT, but was cut short to make way for GoT. GoT even nicked a good proportion of the actors.

>no need to get life-advice on the internet
>Ask for TV shows on Sup Forums




top gear

Not really the board for it but Babylon 5, Star Trek TNG & DS9, Black Mirror has some ok episodes. All pretty jewy, all decent enough.

>not seeing my obvious bait

hbo vice principles is pretty funny.


Go to /tv, Kraut von Faggotshill

Dark, you mong

best show on TV

Bait was a good opportunity to remind Star Wars fan-idiots that they should be shot.

Bojack hourseman

dubs, will try

k thanks

not that into cars,

Malcolm in the Middle
Breaking Bad
Supernatural is watchable until season 4-5
Game of Thrones is watchable until season 4
Early Edition was a great show but got canceled so maybe it will be a bother to watch knowing you'll never get closure

I don't think there's anything more recent that's watchable. The whole point of the SJW agenda is depriving you from choices. If you could just change the channel their plan would be total shit.

>Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

If you haven't seen Breaking Bad, then start watching it right fucking now. Also check out:
>Black Sails
>The man in the high castle
>Black Mirror
>Mr. Robot
>Prison Break

Breaking Bad is the thing to see. So good.

I think many people at Sup Forums can identify with Walter White.

Archer is pretty hilarious and all the episodes are on Netflix

Breaking Bad is a must.
First two seasons of Prison Break are great.
Also I'd add 7 seasons of 24h



Horse show.

ISIS Wilāyat al-Furāt Videos

House M.D is pretty good.

The good place is fucking amazing

Ein Herz und eine Seele

Rome is great, but it does at times glorify the degeneracy of Roman life. It redeems itself in that respect at the end with its portrayal of Marc Antony and Cleopatra, showing how their drug use and orgies turned them into husks of human beings. I recommend it. However, the superior show about Rome is the BBC miniseries I, Claudius. It's about the majority of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, starting 20 years after the battle of Actium and ending with the death of Claudius and the rise of Nero. It does a much better job of showing how the influence of women and sexual liberation fed into the corruption of the late Republic and early Empire. Not to mention the acting is brilliant all around. It's fairly old, but has aged very well. Great sets and costumes, but not much other spectacle. British television dramas at the time were majorly influenced by stage productions. You won't see these modern borderline pornographic sex scenes or bloody gladiator fights. It's all about the characters and acting. Still it pulls no punches in showing the utter moral degradation of these influencial men and women, while showing the struggles of the few who chose to remain virtuous in the ancient age of decadent modernity. Bonus points for young Patrick Stuart as Sejanus. It's brilliant. My favorite show.

The Sopranos is also a masterpiece. It, like I, Claudius is great because it has in drives the one thing you need for a great story: well portrayed, well written, flawed, but sympathetic characters. If you watch TV shows but haven't seen it, you are a pleb.

The Wire is about a bunch of niggers nogging, ignore the hype.

NBC's Hannibal is comfy serial killing kino. Some people say it falls apart, but it just becomes nightmarish and indulges its themes. Trigger warning for stronk female characters and some homoeroticism. Better if you read the Thomas Harris novels first.

Watch I, Claudius, OP. It's only 12 episodes.

Star Trek TNG
Roddenberry was /ourguy/
>the Borg fly around in the black cube of Saturn
>no identity, go around assimilating cultures
>controlled thought
Then you have the space Jews
>big ears instead of noses
>obsessed with commerce
>if they can't have it then they'll try to shut it down