Jeff did it now, this is a deal breaker.
Is he intentionally sabotaging Trump?
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Good. More growth for Canadian weed companies.
not really, the U.S is a big market for our weed companies if they change course expect weed stocks to drop.
He's a fucking bitch.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State
True, but we're expanding into Europe and South America. American competitors will be hamstrung.
i mean, this is exactly what you guys voted for
If they take legal weed from states who have voted for it, they are just as bad as the democrats who do the opposite and force ALL states to accept things like fag marriage/abortion.
These kinds of issues should just be left to the state.
For the record though, I'd still give up legal weed if it banned abortion and fag marriage again.
That doesn't change the fact the U.S is our largest market for weed, if I recall illegal weed exported from Canada to the U.S is already a billion dollar industry, if the U.S changes course we don't get to turn that into taxable legal revenue either way you look at it thats billions in profits lost from the companies you want to see grow.
Fucking oldass potato needs to die now. All these faggots working for Trump talk big and then don't do shit. Please just make Trump our official God Emperor for real
make sure to tell the officer that when he pulls you over for swerving on your way to pick up more cheetos. Put your gopro on because I wanna see a internet tough guy in action.
This has to be done because commiefornia is leading the charge of sanctuary states. If states are fighting federal mandates then things they want have to be used as bargaining chips. Be patient and watch.
seriously why though
are you one of those christians that doesn't read the bible and just believes in all the mysticism and magic surrounding it
what's your job, fast food service?
fuck sessions, can trump fucking dump this guy already??? hasn't done shit against the deep state, hasn't prosecuted the clintons, FUCK him. i don't even smoke weed, but cmon trump just fucking remove it from schedule 1 and get some political points with pretty much everyone.
shares are down 15% today
fuck this faggot
I left the states to live in a real white ethnostate. Enjoy being fucked in the ass by jamal.
I expected this at some point. It's illegal federally, so unless congress changes the laws he's just doing his job. I'd like to think that this is being used to create a crisis to make congress act, but, given the congress' druthers for absconding from action on everything, it'd be a really retarded gamble.
No, retail.
Those fuck are so fucking stupid and messy. Do you know how often I have to use a goddamn spray bottle throughout the fucking store?
Even better is the law is the same as drunk driving. So they are driving under the influence and putting me at risk ever day I fucking drive to work. These people base their whole identity on weed. Maybe if they stopped doing that I would treat them with more respect.
Probably a dealer
Said the 56percenter, as he spread African genes into Estonia
I feel like nothing is gonna happen but he just doesn't want a policy there saying he won't enforce the law.
>Not arresting Hillary and company
I don't care about fucking pot. There are criminal Dems/RINO and illegal alien invaders to deal with. What the fuck is this shit?
>if I recall illegal weed exported from Canada to the U.S is already a billion dollar industry
Can we even export to the US? I thought exporting across federal lines was a no-no, so our companies just set up local greenhouses and distribution centres.
>most people who smoke are niggers, shitskins or degenerates over all
>they all go to jail
How will this effect trump negatively i think it's a win
more distractions goy! nothing to worry about!
If this is a deal breaker then you are a beta faggot
Thats why its illegal weed, with legalization we then move that illegal export into local greenhouses and distbution centers if the U.S changes course we no longer get to move said illegal weed into the legal market.
I fucking hate this guy. He can't go after corrupt politicians but he wants to jail you for a plant. Seriously, he should fucking die.
Or is Trump allowing this so that he can fire Session and bring in someone who will fire Mueller.
t. stoner who mad as fuck
get a fucking job you crackwhore faggot
Fake news award for taking away muh weed goes to....
I bet this is just setting things up so they can go after California hard for its legalized marijuana. Just to fuck with them for flaunting the law with their sanctuary bullshit. Richly deserved.
>Rethuglikkkans: No big government! Stay out of our lives!
>Also Rethuglikkkans: BAN WEED!!!!
I'm so glad Trump's administration is prioritizing the suppression of states' rights on unimportant things over the wall
I agree
be the party of
>DUDE States Rights!
>lol nm
that's fine, but when is he gonna re-instill segregation?
i mean come on.
muh shmull gubamunt.
eat shit republitards.
I actually don't care if it's legal or not, but I approve of this purely for the salt.
Not a pothead so this shit shouldn't even be news.
whats the big fucking deal? the states still have control, and all the states that are currently already legal want to remain that way anyway.
this is a fucking nothingburger, and i am about to smoke a bowl in my non legal state.
So all of a sudden Sup Forums thinks the fake news is accurately reporting this and not adding some sort of spin to send pot smokers to the democrat side. If you want pot that bad just grow the shit yourself its a fucking weed the easiest thing to grow and easy to hide if done right.
Good, I'll buy some. They're just going to go back up when the next administration takes office.
We don't give a fuck about you or what you think of us. You retail drones are laughed at while we pocket thousands growing plants. Maybe you should get a job that doesn't suck dick, loser.
Good to see Jeff has his priorities straight, with all the recent exposure of deep state crime and all
>The move will leave it to US attorneys where pot is legal to decide whether to aggressively enforce federal marijuana law
So nothing will change!!!
What the fuck is the point of having States if they have no power and the Federal government can step all over them? Isn't that what you libertarian and right wings are against?
smart move.
Im really starting to think trump is a plant. A fall guy if you will, for all the shit thats going down. Almost like they are trying to completely destroy the republicans party. Am i alone on this theory anons? FelonFag here so i dont vote but i do follow somewhat.
literally just a cash grab. fiscal tightening. monetary policy in action. doj need cash too ya know.
whats your felony for user
Back into the shadows, pot heads
Good. With all the problems we have people being stoned is the last thing we need
It's still up to the states AG
To be anti-abortion is to be anti-white
>Estonia - white
put the bong down subhuman sandnigger
So sessions recuses himself every time the Dems have their backs to the ropes but states that pass referendums for legal weed are going to have their citizenry fucked with.
What an ass hole neocon.
Trump needs to make Gowdy the AG.
Most Americans don't smoke weed.
LOL the one thing the Trump admin could do to piss off young Trump supporters.
This is political payback and 4D chess maneuver to bring unruly liberal states under heel
Or this will push for full federal legalization, either way smart move by Trump
What is federal law enforcement.
Uncle Sessions just btfo your whole "movement" maaaaan
Yea, Sessions is a faggot.
Just leave the states alone, for fuck's sake.
>microspheres (sub 1mm in size) of iron in dust spread throughout manhattan (
>infernos present underground for upwards of three months after the incidents in manhattan themselves with signs pointing towards quite vast pools and rivers of molten steel remaining in this state for weeks and weeks
>flecks of thermitic substances similarly spread throughout the pulverized material that utterly blanketed much of new york city (
>functionally no resistance present in the implosion patterns of all three skyscrapers that day, suggesting attainment of near-freefall speeds as a result of pulverization of the building below in a violent demolition of either primary tower, WTC7 having absolutely been subject to a far more thorough and picturesque annihilation in the exact same manner (
>ideation for this manner of attack (
Because that is a huge concern in the USA right now? Jeff Sessions is a moronic cunt and thinks the year is 1969.
This he can do, not investigate Hillary. Ffs sessions. Potheads are the least of our problems.
>immediate disposal and non-investigation of the towers remains
>provided flight data regarding the pentagon attack is blatantly fabricated and/or executed by a computer ((
>complete lack of a criminal investigation surrounding the event (NIST report was a exercise in a banal architectural safety analysis, whereas the 9/11 Commission Report was a heavily sanitized storybook 'narrative' that explicitly sought to support the 'official' version of the alleged events that was first being fed within mere fractions of hours of the initial strike )
>alleged hijacker pilots were all functionally retarded, very near braindead arab chumps who inspired no confidence in their american flight instructors and furthermore, never flew aircraft larger than small Cessnas and thus could not have assumed command of a Boeing jetliner to perform any of the maneuvers entailed in the wider events within realistic, at-all-probable bounds whatsoever
>there never was and will never be a 9/11 trial, all victims families settled out of court, some of whom who held out but were eventually driven out of the courts system through attrition and leaning by a jewish harpy litigator named Shiela Bernbaum
>be the israeli goyim
>have the soma taken away from you
leave, nigger
africa is the place for you
They lost their future. I'm done with politics.
>Guy with antiweed stance announces policy that is antiweed.
Jesus you fucks are retarded.
fuck drumpf honestly
piece of shit didn't do anything right
>Sessions’ policy will let U.S. attorneys across the country decide what kinds of federal resources to devote to marijuana enforcement based on what they see as priorities in their districts, the people familiar with the decision said.
You post that pic, but you're the retard
Most Americans think it should be legal and this is a wedge issue for the right since it's a blatant example of the federal government trampling on state's rights.
Technically the only things Feds have control over weed would be interstate transfer and sale across state lines
I thought conservatives weren't for big government?
Oh right, Trump isn't conservative.
Sessions needs to take the Baron road and gtfo
young trump supporters aren't berniebro weed smoking degens
Literary non-issues, the President
Who the fuck cares about pot? SERIOUSLY
Land of the free dumbs.
>being this delusional about the 4chess shit still
being white
>no one read the article and trust the media
Marijuana has made over 682,000,000 $ in tax revenue for WA state since 2014. If you think they are going to take away a product thats sold 2.4 billion dollars with 35% tax you need to inhale zyklon b immediately.
Stop calling classical liberals conservative.
No. Its the pussy way to do it. If they really want to stick it to california cut off their federal funding
Jeff sessions is fucking based.
California is fucked
Quite your slavecuck job, that's not the potheads fault faggot. Drivers high on weed are usually better than sober drivers you massive pussy.
Finally! Unleash the sessions!
hahahaha I love Trump so much
all these butthurt potheads! just kill yourselves already, you will do society a great favor
OMG. Are you telling me that the Attorney General of the United States is going to enforce the law? Get a fucking you can KYS with it
>Refuses to Drain the Swamp
>Refuses to go after the real authoritarian criminals
>Refuses to promote states rights
>Refuses to truly crackdown on the Heroin
>Refuses to go after the Clintons
>Refuses to go after Fusion GPS
>Refuses to go after Soros
>Refuses to to look into a unified system of hardcore global control players
Every day I like to think we weren't had but this is outrageous and OUR Commander-in-Chief needs to address this.
2020 is on the line here!
I'm not a degenerate but I smoke weed.
Believe what you want but I'm finally done with the faggot. He's failed to achieve anything concrete.
It's Sessions the slack jawed yokel!