ITT : Characters you felt close to

ITT : Characters you felt close to.

I'm guessing you can relate to.






some scenes were almost unbearable to watch because they recalled bad memories

Magnificent Steiner was total bullshit and ruined the series

>makes life worse for everyone around her and apologizes but can't stop from fucking up

>crazy dude beats up people to death after going through an ubermensch program
heh. Not very down-to-earth, but it's a fiction.

So you don't really do anything?

Grimmer is by far my favorite character in Monster. So good.



is this a monster thread?

light yagami

You must be one giant loser

A real human being and a real hero

Fuck you




tfw I am the mediocre one

Well, I'm smart, I don't believe anything in life has inherent meaning and my sense of humour is pretty sick






All he wanted was that clock :(

I really really like his sadsack speech about wanting to be a tree, just existing passively

That wasnt the same guy

Absolutely not. Using trauma to create split personalities to be activated by triggers and used for assassination and espionage was literally one of the objectives of MKULTRA.

Educate yourself, the idea has precedent and is NOT bullshit.
