If you watch Boruto past the age of 16, that's like reading Black Clover: fucking pathetic.
If you watch Boruto past the age of 16, that's like reading Black Clover: fucking pathetic
It just surprises me someone can watch a show that long.
We all know you're hardcore guy.
>that's like reading Black Clover: fucking pathetic.
what's wrong with black clover
Black Clover>Nurutu
>if you watch this anime which has only 1 episode out, you're a confirmed, proven literal pathetic retard and i should know
If you expect anything from Boruto after seeing the Naruto series and especially the fast forward in episode 1, you got some mental disorder, or you're just young.
Replace "Boruto" with "anime".
You sound like a little shit.
Somehow Boruto sounded lewd so with lots of excitement I entered it in Google. Unfortunately what I found was worse than I could have ever expected.
Are is Boruto even a thing? Can't they just let Naruto die already because I'm getting tired of hearing about Naruto.
wtf not are
Because it's a cash cow, are you fucking stupid?
I don't understand how anyone could unironically watch boruto after how shit naruto got especially near the end. Guess narutards are no longer a myth here.
Because the Japanese are the jews of Eastern Asia
> Boruto caters to Naruto fans
> Fans who followed Naruto pre-dub are around their late 20s - early 30s
> Fans who followed the Naruto dub are in their early 20s
> "If you watch Boruto past the age of 16..."
Yea you're retarded
>growing up with something means you cant outgrow it
>it's literally a shounen aimed at 12 year olds
Fucking manchild, leave your mothers basement already
You know nothing.
Look at One Piece fags.
I realize that. It was a rhetorical question dumbass.
Anyway, I hope the cash cow dies soon.
The Asian Merchants?
> adults playing Pokemon or watching Dragon Ball Super
> what is nostalgia?
> "herr leave your moms basement"
Fuck off
>Ilya Kuvshinov
Do I have to call /ic/ on you,faggot?
>I'm just pretending to be a manchild
Not him, but wow
>not koreans
I think Black Clover is ok its just a shonen being a shonen i dont see why its so hated on Sup Forums
whats right with black clover
You're a fucking pleb and you DO NOT belong here. You fucking secondary pieces of trash.
it's fun shonen that manlets can relate to
>If you watch Japanese cartoons past the age of 16, that's like reading Black Clover: fucking pathetic
b-but what if I like reading the manga.....
>How dare you enjoy things I don't like!
We pass our time on an anonymous board discussing chinese cartoons, we're all equally pathetic, user.
user said on a Malaysian calligraphy forum
>just a shonen being a shonen
Literally just all the bad shonen cliches combined into 1 manga
it has no redeeming qualities, unlike even some of the shittiest shonens
it's almost as bad as fairy tail
>we're all equally pathetic, user.
No. There is hierarchy in nerd fandoms. Older, more experienced patrician fans with refined tastes and extensive knowledge are in all ways superior to casual naruto and kyoani loving plebs like you.
Do not ever think for one second that we are equal.
If you watch moe anime you are fucking pathetic, it's like playing with barbie dolls instead of cars
You're not supposed to watch any anime past the age of 16 in Japan. If your goal is to feel all grown up you've already fucked up by not fucking off from Sup Forums. Of course, if your goal is to feel all grown up you're likely not old enough to post here anyways.
Sure, user. Whatever lets you sleep at night.
what does that word even mean in that sentence I swear to god every user that shits on something for the sake of shitting on it doesn't even know half of the buzzwords they are using
>tfw all the kids that watched Naruto back in the day are now on their 30s
Fuck man.
Child's play, check out the DB Super threads. Toriyama is barely even involved in the material anymore.
>There is hierarchy in nerd fandoms.
There is not. Neither anywhere else.
Boruto sounds like a name you'd see on a cheap backpack made in china, with a shitty recolored picture of Naruto on it.
Just me?
>If you watch Boruto past the age of 16
you're more or less in the heart of darkness of man children user
nardo is shit in general
boruto is an actual japanese word.
Also Usain bolt is called Usain boruto in japan.
They have the same name
> someone actually unironically believes this
" Boruto" is literally pick related
Boruto is the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "bolt". His name is a reference to his late uncle Neji, whose name means "screw".
Also Boruto = "Bolt" in the Viz Naruto manga translation
I know we are on Sup Forums and that I'ts a shitpost but I still haven't seen a valid argument against this in my whole life.
Anime is an immature media of entertainement, like TV shows or vidya
The only ones who don't fall in this category are LoGH, HxH, GITS
Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.