Will Subaru protect her smile?
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Who is Rem?
Corpses can't smile, dumbass.
ear bite
Fatal exception: null reference pointer occured.
Subject #92683258: not found.
Smile status: ##NULL##
He let her get potato'ed before. So no.
He couldn't protect that smile.
Every thread until Rem wakes up.
Already failed, someone else currently has her smile.
Hopefully not for long
What if he protects it?
Ley x Rem for like
not even subaru had the chance to lick her ~
We know Ley can fight by licking you, and we know Ferris had to heal some injuries Rem had. Did Ley eat her leg meats? Or lick other things?
Say Ley uses Rem's memories and behaves like her to mock Subaru or even fight him, would Rem remember everything Ley does when he acts as Rem? I imagine Rem would feel like shit after waking up and remembering how she indirectly makes Subaru suffer.
I can't imagine she'll feel like shit when Subaru is busy impregnating her
I really want to suck her dick
Actually what I wanted to say is
>as if nee-sama would let it happen.
>As if the cripple has a choice
What if Rem comes back with all her memories but is awkward around Subaru because she knows she's no longer pure and wasn't able to give him her first anything?
>she's no longer pure
I don't think she is pure even before the coma. As long as Ley doesn't use her memories to jack off over something and those masturbation sessions don't exist in Rem's memories then it should be fine I guess.
>I don't think she is pure even before the coma.
Well of course not, getting raped by a turd goblin does that.
Ley have memoirs of Rem masturing on subaru and jack of on it , Seriously tho he knows everything about her now
Would Regulus also join in?
He didn't put his heart in her and had no particular comment so I think he thinks she's ugly, slutty or both. He's a permavirgin who doesn't even fuck his own 'wives' so I don't think he'd do anything to some chick he's not interested in.
Regulus is forever a virgin.
I doubt Ley rapes his victims. He wants to be the little girl.
But he can rape someone according to his tastes of being raped and then eat them to gain the memories of raping himself or see how he did. Its a waste of a power to not rape them.
cant smile when you're in a coma
Whatever the case, I'm more interested in if different sets of names and memories remain distinct inside of Ley.
It'd be a huge clusterfuck if they didn't. I'm guessing Ley's mind is kind of soup, but if you were to reverse the effect I doubt you'd end up with stuff in there that wasn't there to begin with.
Well, I was more wondering that because whatever Envy does to people seems to blend them all together.
Yeah, that's new and weird. Guess its about the only way Garf can get with Ram eh? Too bad he's also in there with his Grann(ies) and the Clown
That's a really weird thought
If multiple timelines theory is true, there's a WoE out there that has a soup of arc 4 characters in it
Or worse. Whatever piece of Envy is stuck with Subaru kind of hitchhikes on him as he loops, so the WoE already has a soup of Arc 4 characters.
Subaru already can't give her his first kiss so they're even
blue haired slut
that fucking ass
elsa's design 100% (1 hunda) perfection for fuck
Too much rem in this thread. Post more lewd Emilia.
The thread is literally titled "Rem".
She is shit compared to Rem but you can't deny that she has it going on
>tfw no homicidal qt gf
why even live?
Why would you frost a cake with your butt?
Literally a nobody right now.
>imagine her making small surface cuts on your chest while riding you while you are restrained to the bed
holy shit my fucking dick
I dunno whether I'd be brave enough for that tbqh
still, muh dick
imagine her doing that to subaru and letting Rem (who is also in captivity) clean him up afterwards
Shut up Regulus.
>small surface cuts
Stop being a pussy, user. Even Rem is more aggressive than that.
Rem's horn is so fucking erotic
>small surface cuts
Yeah no, she's going to jump rope with your intestines, hope you're into that.
Would you follow this man's pursuit of Petty revenge due to jealousy, and Half-elf mind break pussy?
Did somebody steal her mouth or something?
She wouldn't want to break her toys the first time she plays with them right?
No, he stole her existence and memories.
a VERY weird chapter back-to-back with ayamatsu
sensitive horn + healing magic being a thing, Onis are truly the best race
you are a great man that many people appreciate
He's back wooohoooooooooooooooooooooooo. Thanks
Now you made me curious user.
Thank you.
Why doesn't Subaru just invent the gun and shoot people?
>Mei: “Geez, just doing whatever you want, Elsa. I'm not your luggage girl or knife caddie. And you
keep fighting so Boulderpork can't cut in.”
His name was Boulderpork and he loved to play the piano
Shoot Elsa and let me know how it works out.
she drops on the ground and i burn her zombie corpse
Holy shit. I didn't pay attention to my post digits at all until now.
your prize is being milked, congrats
>Garf starts boasting about how Elsa and Meili are being sloppy and proceeds to talk about how the "captain" and the others are just gonna blast through their little tricks and beats
>Subaru:“We'redoomedwe'redoomedwe'redoomedwe'redoomedwe'redoomedwe'resodoomed, whatis even happening anymore!?”
>Because the breaking of his HORN allowed Guiltilaw to escape from his curse.
you meant to type "Ram", right?
because he's a NEET who wouldn't know how to make a slam-fire shotgun even if you handed him the parts (pre-cut, even) to make one.
>Double trips and dubs
I'm guessing having the horn, somehow makes the beats some sort of hivemind? And when it breaks they get persecuted by the others because it stops being a part of it?
Stops smelling miasma
I don't know what implications that has though
he should at least know the basic concept of a object propelled by an explosion
theres shit like explosive spellstones and shit so he doesn't have to invent gunpowder
>no slow, gentle, romantic, passionate, and intimate lovemaking.
>instead it's like two beasts fighting in bed with scratches all over their bodies.
Well fuck me then.
Meili looks kinda lewd with that "painted-on" dress.
sometimes like this; sometimes like that
>passionate, and intimate lovemaking.
>two beasts fighting in bed with scratches all over their bodies.
There is no difference.
>just realized that they are still in bed in this image and not subaru fucking rem against the wall
the wall would have been better tbqfh
>he should at least know the basic concept of a object propelled by an explosion
even simple firearms are difficult to design if one doesn't understand the basic principles that make them work. We don't really know what kind of technical knowledge he has, but it's safe to say that he's no /k/ommando.
yeah I guess since he is japanese he wouldn't know shit
but there are some japs really into guns like the creator of Gunsmith Cats. I remember some /k/ommando got him to sign his CZ-75 at a con
Does this mean that Lord Kek is telling us to be more polite?
Yes. Time of bullying is over.
When people said jobbing, I thought he got hyped up and then Garfiel oneshotted him or something
Holy shit, this is so good
Why are remfaggots so pathetic?
Kill yourself frogposter.
I'd suck your feminine horn, no homo
fuck off.
Your kek magic has no power here. We worship Lain/Madoka/Haruhi
>but there are some japs really into guns like the creator of Gunsmith Cats
Japan is kinda odd, even though they have some of the most strict gun regulations in the world, there are a lot of Japanese gun fanatics.
>I remember some /k/ommando got him to sign his CZ-75 at a con
I envy him for more reasons than one, I don't even have a CZ-75 to begin with.
And here I thought we worshiped her.