Germany's new internet Stasi tells Twitter that this AfD leader's profile image (with a German flag) is "hate speech" and must be removed.
German flag is hate now and must be removed
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This just in: Germany is a joke and water is also wet.
What a waste of a get.
Include me in screencap
Germans are industrious at removing themselves.
"Plow my butthole schlomo and akmed!"
You are just jealous, no Jewish-Communist and Ex-Stasi internet patrol is reporting your national flag as hate speech. Admit it, East Germany!
>a picture is hatespeech
Which idiot is in charge of redefining these words?
This is pure lunacy and I can't believe it's actually tolerated.
It's time to go back.
Ich habe kein twitter, aber ich möchte dazu ermutigen, die linksliberalen tweets zu melden, sollen sie wissen was es heißt "jeden tweet auf inhalt zu prüfen"
German women will begin popping children out in mass in 2020. Digits confirm this!
Bey bey Hans.
Even worse. Our flag! This is truly getting embarassing
56% babys
They'll be popping out children all right.
But for foreigners, not for German men of course.
hopefully half-migrant children, so that Germany can finally become a free, tolerant, and multicultural society
Stop projecting, Tyrone
>make hate speech law with loose definition of what 'hate speech' is
>corrupt government officials begin to crack down on all speech that does not 110% conform with their views as hate speech
hate speech law belongs back in the medieval era, that shit is no different than kings having commoners beheaded for looking at them wrong
Accurate. But watch out: the kikes are coming for your first amendment, goy.
>yfw you realize "German women" refers to refugees given citizenship
They go full Goebbels in Germany
lel no, the "refugees" all get their women from their home countries, the state even pays the plane tickets for them. german women have children with noone.
Wishful thinking Ulrich.
Your country opened the floodgates to the refugees and it's either you close them now and start importing ICE to deport them or enjoy turning into Afganistan.
This is all actually a silent communist revolution. They've subverted the educational, media, and justice system to the point where they are simply dictating the erasure of nations and the parameters of speech, and it's all clothed in virtue.
but Stormtroopers know for their bad aim
Since you're their neighbor I'll take your word for it.
On the bright side, the women can be salvaged, all it takes now is just to oust all the corrupt officials to save Germany.
they send all their afghans to austria m8. germany controls the border to austria and sends most of the asylum seekers back to us, thats how we ended up being number 1 in asylum applications per capita in the EU for 2 consecutive years.
when we tried to do the same at the border to italy they threatened us. they made austria the designated refugeegathering zone of europe.
german politicians are bigots and deceivers par excellence.
They miss a chance to have a new Hitler.
this NetzDG is hillarious.
I've reported about 100 channels already and they got all temporarily suspended, in 3 cases they even deleted the account of some pepe stormfag kek
If you want hillarious asshurt report stormfags.
which channels?
mostly underage stormfags with anime avatars but some greenies and youtubers aswell.
can you give some examples?
W-W-Whiter than you Muhammad!
why would I dox someone?
dox? you say you ve got some youtube channels suspended and i would like to know which channels so i can see who this new law targets.
you can target ANYONE
in the second you fill the appropiate ban request the tweet in question gets blocked in Germany.
To unblock it an employee has to view it and either confirm or deny it.
You can literally just make up garbage in the form and it WILL be suspended temporarily.
>in the second you fill the appropiate ban request the tweet in question gets blocked in Germany.
Why isn't /kraut/pol flagging everything?
name one youtube channel you got suspended.
Germany's leadership deserves the gas
Mutumbo and Ahmed will impregnate many german grills
Pro tip: the concept of a "get" is stupid anyway.
Is there any chance of getting free speech laws passed there? Why do people not want it? Muh holohoax? Fucking thought police and their bootlickers make me sick.
user, I...
So why is noone spam reporting lil Heiko's account already?
Verified. Here is Germany’s new flag
Well you've been an occupied nation since ww2. This is all the doing of the Yankee judeo masonic empire. The faster the yanks burn the better the world will be.
Time to start report shit, guys! Get started!
how do you report to the authorities anyway, has youtube addded a special button on or do you just email some gov institution?
Also, in 5 years being German is a hate crime
No idea, I don't use (((social media))) but if it works as simple as that other user mentioned, it should be easy to harass my cuck government and make that law bite them in the ass.
Report your neighbors and friends for spreading fake news and hate speech!
said user said he got 100 channels/users suspended but failed to give even one example. i think he lied.
English version
In 10 years communicating in Latin letters will be a hatecrime as well.
>mfw things will get much much worse
>mfw much worse than Orwell had predicted
You do realize that if us "yanks" burn, the Jewish parasite will simply latch onto a jew host, right? They won't be around for the fire.
New host* sorry for the nigger-tier typo.
>things will be prob get ten times worse than that user :/
>Your country opened the floodgates to the refugees
and yet niggers dont even make 1% of germany and other shitskins not even 10%. meanwhile USA is 56%. lmao your muttbrain cant comprehend numbers. 99% of white women in europe doesnt want anything to do with shitskins who also live in gehtos so their interaction with whites is minimal.
You had to get the magic number on that post, didn't you?
Do they not realise that these laws can be turned against them? Get a far right party into power and you have a system already in place to silence liberals and communists.
I agree. But in 2017 the Overton Window also shifted hard to the right.
It will weaken them and you're going to burn regardless but how that comes about is the interesting part.
>Is there any chance of getting free speech laws passed there? Why do people not want it?
the (((allies))) wrote for and pushed denazification laws on defeated Germany after WW2. Getting them removed would be near impossible.
Already, the German MSM has driven HUGE numbers of voters into the AfD camp simply by branding all AfD voters as Nazis and fascists.
>pic related
You just need to current system to completely get fucked and replaced by a new system... which at this point should just be a matter of time.
You should be more concerned about keeping it for yourself. Which shouldn't be to much longer since most amercians support the Jews who love "hate speech" laws
This was part of the sensible critic against the law but they are the good guys and it will never happen, you know.
This makes me want to cry.
Have a rare German Pepe
It's gonna be here for a while longer. Our SC just ruled (again) that there's no "hate speech" exception
What did Kek mean by this?
Report Literally Everything
>Germans claim they're intelligent
>their laws are literally Zimbabwe-tier
the black population has remained the exact same percentage since the 1920's, vodka ape
European union flag is new german flag..
it;s not the real german flag anyway (see my flag, this is real german flag)
Red/white flags should be banned.
>Germans claim they're intelligent
>their laws are literally Zimbabwe-tier
You know (((we))) allies were the ones that drafted the hate speech laws Germany has to follow right?
It's time to go back
That's thus before your country intervened.
Checked, holy fuck.
>Bring in new law to fight "hate speech"
>IMMEDIATELY begin using it to attack your political opponents.
This is how totalitarian regimes begin.
Too bad the afd isn't a genuine party looking to remove all refugees and ban non whites.
this is literally nothing
some lefty decided he doesn't like bea and reported her picture for lulz
twitter said whatever and that's it, waste of a get
this type of thing is why Trump was elected, keep it up Germany, please!
They actually pulled this shit during the 1920's to try and counter the overt reactionary nationalism of the NSDAP and aligned militant groups.
Fucking history is repeating near to the decade.
This has got to be a troll no way is that a legit campaign.
Have you see the revelations about Trump in the new book that Trump has sent a cease and desist letter to?
Except technically water isn't wet.
>Covered or saturated with water or another liquid.
Which doesn't apply to water itself.